Whom Did Judah Marry?

Of late, this has become a topic being tossed about within Israel Identity circles. It isn’t as though we didn’t already have enough confusion circulating among our ranks! It seems that there is always someone out there trying to spawn some new kind of revelation to somehow aggrandize their personal ego. It’s the old “king of the hill” syndrome. The rules are very simple inasmuch as they come naturally without the aid of a teacher. All one need do is observe a mound of earth being piled high by a back-hoe in the neighborhood. It isn’t long until some children gather around it climbing to the top. By fleshly instinct, one of the group soon tries to tower above all the other children by dominating the top position. In order to get to the top of the pile, one must reach to those above him, pull them down to his level, and then thrust them down behind him. Sadly, this same game is being played by some in Israel Identity.

Of course, you always have a few of those dumb Christians who don’t play by the rules. Instead of pulling those above them down to their own level, they reach for those below themselves, pull them up to their plane, then assist them to a higher level. This latter hill is Calvary, Luke 23:33.

One such person playing the “king of the hill” game in Israel Identity is Don Campbell, P.O. Box 301, Pipestone, MN, 56164. On three occasions Campbell has attacked my teaching ministry in an attempt to build up his own, and in all three instances he was, and continues to be, woefully wrong! Just how inaccurate his nefarious charges are will be addressed in this paper.

Campbell first took a crack with his sledgehammer at my brochure Irish And Scottish Genealogy. In the first paragraph of that paper I made the following statement:

Many have heard, and are very familiar with, the terms “Irish” and “Scottish”, and really don’t know the difference between the two. The Irish and Scots are really the same people except they arrived in Britain two thousand years apart. The ancestors of the Irish arrived in Britain about 1600 B.C., while the Scots arrived about 501 A.D. It is simply amazing that two groups of the same people would wander through the earth and end up locating within a few miles from each other two thousand years later in Britain. Had Campbell read the rest of the brochure, he might have understood the context. Had Campbell studied the subject before ranting, he might have discovered that the Scots began to arrive in Britain about 200 A.D., and that the ancestors of the Irish alone began to arrive in the isles about 1600 B.C. There were several waves of them, Phoenicians, Milesians, Danaan etc.

Twin “One Seedline” & “No Devil” Heresies, #2

Let’s review the spurious dogma on which these two erroneous doctrines are based. These two unpalatable tenets are interrelated inasmuch as: if it can be conjectured there is no Satan, then it would automatically and fallaciously invalidate any physical seduction of Eve. Once such an inaccurate premise is established, it would then lead to a third heresy, “universalism.” The “no devil” people argue that the devil is only the flesh, and that the only war we have is the spirit (“spiritual-mindedness”) against the flesh. Upon creating such a supposition by subterfuge, they will next quote John 16:11 which states: “Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.” Here they will make the harebrained claim that Messiah was “the prince of this world.” Nothing could be further from the truth! This is but one of the many passages of Scripture they must take out-of-context in order to prop up their unqualified position. All we need to do is go to John 14:30 and he spells it all out in unmistakable terms: “Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me”! So, wittingly or unwittingly, the “no devil” people have become an accessory to a most blasphemous lie! Here Messiah is declaring vehemently that He has no part with “the prince of this world.” Therefore, our Savior is not “the prince of this world”, nor is the “prince of this world” our Savior. Supporting scripture for John 14:30 can be found at Luke 4:5-6; Acts 26:18; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:13; John 12:31; & 1 John 5:19. What is there about it that we don’t understand “the prince of this world ... hath nothing in me”! Thus, the “no devil” people make our Redeemer’s words of no effect.

Twin “One Seedline” & “No Devil” Heresies, #1

I say “twin heresies”, because where a person will find one, he will usually discover the other! It is quite evident, then, that if one is adamant about the false doctrine of one seedline [anti-seedline], he would attempt to support his erroneous position of one seedline by maintaining there is no such thing as a devil. It is obvious that if one can make a case for “No Devil” it would automatically eliminate “Two Seedline.” Thus, no serpent of Genesis 3:15, no seduction of Eve! This demonstrates how, if one tries to establish a false doctrine, he must continually prop it up with one lie right after another. And perpetually time after time, that is what they do!

In my possession I have two small pamphlets; one entitled Satan Dispelled by Kalamos (whoever that is) and the other The Bible Devil And Satan Defined (again anonymous). The first was republished from a publication entitled Lucifer Scrutinized, Satan Dispelled, by Christian Research, 279 Spring St. Eureka Springs, AR, 72632, and distributed by America’s Promise, P.O. Box 5334, Phoenix, AR, 85010. The latter is distributed by the inheritors of America’s Promise located now at P.O. Box 157, Sandpoint, ID, 83864, and also Col. John R. Niemela, Ret., 1776 Wainwright Dr., Reston, VA, 20190.

The whole plot of the “No Devil” doctrine is based on the conjecture that the “flesh” is the devil. To show you this, I will quote excerpts from The Bible Devil And Satan Defined, pages 2, 10, 11, 12, 17 & 18:

“But once it is recognized that the devil relates to sin, and that sin comes from within, it will be acknowledged that the atoning blood of Jesus is a powerful weapon to defeat and destroy it! It defeats the power of sin by providing the means of forgiveness; it conquers death through the promise of a resurrection to life eternal ... Though the devil basically relates to human nature, or the lusts of the flesh, it is manifested in various forms ... The ‘devil’ against which he warned them constituted the pagan, social and political world which was ruled by the flesh ... They were men of flesh, being dominated by its lusts, and therefore the progeny of the devil ... We have shown that the devil relates to the sinful tendencies of the flesh ... Immortal life in the Kingdom of God to be set up on earth ... is the hope set before us. To attain unto it we must conquer the devil, or sin in the flesh.”

The Premeditated Murder Of Yahweh In The Flesh, #1

At first I was going to title this paper The Premeditated Murder Of The Christ, but on second thought I decided to title it with a clear description of what it really was – deicide. Inasmuch as Yahshua the Christ was Yahweh in Adam flesh, it was the murder of Yahweh Himself! I know that this is an extraordinarily serious charge, but it was an immensely heinous crime. We are now going to endeavor to determine who, and under what circumstances that crime was committed. Like with all criminal investigation, one must start at the beginning to get a true perspective of the picture in order to reconstruct the crime scene and establish a motive for the crime.

The very first Scripture which predicts the Crucifixion of Yahweh in the flesh is Genesis 3:14-15. Not only does this passage name the parties to be involved, but the motivating factors which would eventually bring the prophecy of Genesis 3:14-15 to pass:

“14 And Yahweh Elohim said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”

The Power of the Dog ... Psalm 22:20

I would like to make it clear from the very start, we are not talking about Fido, the family pup, here. Rather, Psalm 22 speaks of a particular kind of dog. This Psalm is very important for recognizing the identity of “the power of the dog”. At Acts 2:29-30 we are informed that David was a prophet, and his prophecy of Christ at Psalm 2:7 validates that fact. Acts 2:29-30 reads: 29 Men and brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day. 30 Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne ...” Not only did David prophecy that Christ would rule over the Israel nations (mistranslated “heathen”) at verse 8 of Psalm 2, but in Psalm 22, David prophesied of Christ’s crucifixion by “the power of the dog”. Some people read their Bible from cover to cover and never comprehend to whom “the power of the dog” pertains!

Let’s now start by taking some excerpts from Psalm 22, with verses 7, 13, 16, 20: 7 All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head ... 13 They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion ... 16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet ... 20 Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog.” With this essay, one will not be left in the dark for understanding to whom “the power of the dog” refers!

But to understand Psalm 22, one must identify what is meant by the term “dog”, which has several shades of meanings in our Bibles. With this passage, it can only point to one group of people, for that gang can only be those who “pierced my hands and my feet” in reference to Yahshua Christ at His crucifixion.

The Great Two Seedline Controversy War In Identity

Today there is an all-out war of words being waged in the circles of Israel Identity. Parties on both sides of the issue have drawn a line in the sand, and ideological clenched fists are being shaken from indignant participants. Each participant, in his own way, is trying his best (or maybe his worst), in the most brutal manner, to draw ideological blood. They are aiming their rhetorical cutting words for no less than the proverbial jugular vein of their opponents in order to kill their damning heretical influence. Both sides go to long and contentious lengths in an attempt to prove their undying convictions on this subject. To these opposing adherents, there is no common middle ground for compromise, nor can there ever be any. This is a matter where one is either totally correct or totally wrong — no gray middle areas. Many may not have a complete knowledge of this subject, but will find themselves, eventually, on one side of the fence or the other. If one tries to straddle the fence on this subject, he will only find himself with his pants torn, and exposed in the most unseemly location. Like all controversies, there is usually a right and a wrong side to consider. We will be considering who is wrong on this greatest of all issues shortly.

The concept of Two Seedline is: that Satan once ruled to a high degree in the dimensions of Yahweh. In ages past, not being satisfied with his high position, he tried to usurp the position of Yahweh Himself. Satan (the shining one) convinced 1/3 of Yahweh’s angels to join him in his rebellion. This rebellion is recorded in Rev. 12:7-9

7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, 8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceived the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”

Jews Are Neither Israel Nor Judah!

That the “Jews” are neither Israel nor Judah may be difficult for some to grasp. With this paper it will be shown that there is an appropriate usage for each of these three terms. Therefore, to use them synonymously (as if all three had the same identical meaning) exhibits gross ignorance on the part of the one speaking or writing with such an inference. It will be demonstrated that the house of Judah is not the house of Israel, nor is the house of Israel the house of Judah in a national sense! It was after the death of Solomon, under King Rehoboam, that the house of Israel and the house of Judah became two separate entities. Now one might properly call all twelve and/or thirteen tribes of Israel “Israelites”, but it would be improper to call any one or all of the ten northern tribes by the term “Judah”. It is also urgently imperative that we do not use the term Judah to mean “Jew”, nor the term “Jew” to mean Judah! (“ ” around Jew = disowning the term.)




To grasp the extreme contrast between “Jew” and Judah, one must comprehend some of the activity involved in the worship of Baal among both the northern kingdom of Israel as well as the southern kingdom of Judah. Baal is a term that designates several gods, but in particular the god Hadad, a popular fertility-god of Canaan. Another Baal-god of note is Dagon. There was also the Amorite Baal representing the god of rain and storm. Israel and Judah had been warned by Yahweh not to get involved in the gods of Canaan, but to drive all the Canaanites out of the land, and their gods with them, which they failed to do. Because most of the Bible dictionaries and commentaries use veiled language to describe Baal worship, many do not realize the danger it imposed to Israel and Judah. For instance, the Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible says this in vol. 1, p. 433 under “Baal”: “... It was attended by the appropriate response from the worshipers, culminating in grossly sensuous rites accompanying the sacred marriage, in which ritual prostitution of both sexes was a prominent feature.” Had this source described these rites as sexual orgies practiced with reckless abandon, the reader might absorb what is being said. To make a long story short, some of the women of Judah and Israel were becoming pregnant, giving birth to half-breed Canaanite children. Not only that, but by the same sexual rites, Canaanite women were also giving birth to half-breed Judahite children.

I will now borrow a passage from William Finck’s Broken Cisterns, #2: “In the first tract of this title, the sexual nature of certain ancient pagan cult religions was investigated, namely those of Baal (Bel or Belus) and Ashtaroth (Astartê or Aphroditê). Hopefully the realization was made – from the historians’ descriptions of these cults and from the utterances of the Hebrew prophets – that by following the so-called ‘religious’ cults of the alien peoples, it was necessary to have sexual relations with those peoples: for sex was at the core of those pagan cults!

Early Church Era On Two Seedline

Many are under the impression that the early church knew nothing concerning the doctrine of Two Seedline, and that it is not a Biblical doctrine. Nothing could be further from the truth! The Celtic Church of Britain (a church not dominated by Rome) was well aware of the doctrine of Two Seedline! And the Celtic Church was the second assembly after Jerusalem.

Did Esau Receive The Birthright & Blessing Instead Of Jacob?

This may seem like a very strange question to ask, but according to the clergy today this is, in essence, what they are claiming. You will probably, in all likelihood, declare you have never heard any of them ever make such a statement. But, I believe before we are finished, you will have to agree that they have made the allegation suggested in the above title many times.