Biblical Canaanites, Who Are They?

A better question might be: Biblical Canaanites, who are they today? Many are acquainted with the term as used in the Old Testament, and a few occasions in the New, but do they still exist today? And if so, how would we recognize one if we were to meet one of them? The first mention of “Canaan” in Scripture is at Gen. 9:18, as a person. We have to be careful, though, using this designation, as at various times it can mean different things (i.e., a person; a geographic area; a nation or a tribe or a group of nations or tribes). Canaan, as a person, has a peculiar origin. At Gen.

A King James Version Bible With A Good Center Reference Teaches And Proves Two Seedline

If you have a King James Version Bible with the proper center reference, you can very readily prove Two Seedline teaching with it, for it will take you from one supporting verse of Scripture to another almost endlessly on the subject. Not that the KJV is an especially advisable Bible to use for study, as it is alleged to contain approximately 27,000 translation mistakes. This KJV center reference system I am referring to was produced by the opinions of many contributing scholars and theologians.

Responsibility for the Crucifixion of the Christ

This paper is an antithesis written in response to a fifteen page booklet entitled Who Was Responsible for the Death of the Messiah?, by Matthew Janzen, 3470 E. Hightower Trail, Conyers, GA 30012. In his treatise, Janzen shows his utmost inability to reconcile the context of the Bible by making some of the most outlandishly bizarre statements imaginable. In theory, his object is to interpret Scripture in such a way as to make “the men of [true] Israel” legally liable for the murder of the Messiah. On pages 4 and 5 Janzen says the following: 

“However, sadly to say, sometimes among great truths there can also be great error. For instance, Most [sic.] Biblical believers who do not adhere to the previously mentioned beliefs, still maintain that the Messiah shed his blood for the remission of sins, and in doing so justified us freely for those sins committed. This is a very scripturally sound belief, and can be proven quite easily; Isaiah 53 comes to mind. The point is that just because one doctrine they teach has great truth, it does not mean everything they teach is an absolute. And so it is with many in the ‘Identity’ movement today. Many, who understand that Yahweh, wrote His law, on physical Israel’s hearts and minds, have made a giant leap in another area of Biblical identification. Instead of focusing in on the real problem, some ministers have begun to teach that the identity of the people who were responsible for Yahweh-shua’s death were not the Israelites, but rather the very offspring of ‘Satan’ or descendants from Esau... Edomites.

“It is not my intent to delve into how they attempt to prove such a belief, let me assure you, this belief is out there. We should however examine this belief with the measuring stick of scripture. Does the Bible inform us of who killed the Messiah by hanging Him on a tree? Or are we left to wonder, and possibly accept this ‘Satanic-Edomite doctrine’?”

The Problem With Genesis 4:1

Many may reply, “I didn’t know there was a question concerning that verse.” Unless one understands that the Hebrew is badly corrupted on this passage, he will, like most everyone else who has ever read it, arrive at a mistaken conclusion. Before we start an evaluation to discover the ramifications, let’s read it according to the KJV:“And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.”

The Words Mestizo and Ladino

We are living in a day when it is important to understand the definitions of two words, and they are “Mestizo” and “Ladino”. I don’t mean a quick once-over scan, but an in-depth study and research inspecting every minute detail. Once we make a comprehensive survey of the topic, it will lead us to consider other related terms of urgent concern. I will now show the meanings of these two words from five different dictionaries, starting with Mestizo:

Reader’s Digest Great Encyclopedic Dictionary:

Mexicans Traced to Cain (SON OF SATAN)

Right away, someone is going to object, citing two reasons, (1) that all of Cain’s descendants were drowned in Noah’s flood, and (2) that Genesis 4:1 says that Adam was Cain’s father. As for Adam being Cain’s father, Genesis 4:1 is known to be a corrupt passage, and nothing can be proved by quoting it. As for all of Cain’s descendants being drowned in Noah’s flood, Scripture makes it quite clear that they were not.

All we need to do is go to Genesis 15:19-21 where it states: 19 The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites, 20 And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims, 21 And the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.” The first mentioned of these ten nations are the Kenites, and Strong assigns them the numbers 7017 and 7014 thusly: Strong’s #7017 is: “Qênîy ... or ... Qînîy ... patronymic from 7014; a Kenite or member of the tribe of Kajin:– Kenite.” And 7014 is: “Qayin ... Kajin, the name of the first child ...:– Cain, Kenite(-s).” The timing for this chapter is contemporary with Yahweh’s first appearance to Abram (Abraham) to give to him an inheritance. This would have been several hundred years after Noah’s flood, and Cain’s descendants were still alive and kicking.

With this paper, we’ll demonstrate that the mexicans of today are an arab people, therefore it will be necessary to study the many origins of the arabs. Also, the bad-fig-jews are an arab people, and it will be through the jews that we will be able to trace the mexicans back to Cain, who was the offspring of Eve fathered by Satan. Let’s now get started:

From the 1980 Collier’s Encyclopedia, volume 2, page 398, under the topic “Arabs”, we read the following: “The people of the Arab world have no single origin. Although Arab culture was associated in early times with theArabian Peninsula, over the centuries many different peoples have become Arabized through adoption of the Arabic language and other features of Arab culture. For nearly all Arabization was through Islam, the major religion of the Arab world. The Arabs are as diverse physically as they are in ethnic origin. There is no Arab ‘racial type.’ Some Arabs do fit the stereotyped picture, lean and ‘hawk-nosed,’ with darkish skin and black hair, but these features are in no sense typical. Negroid Arabs are similar in appearance to sub-Saharan Africans, and light-skinned Arabs are physically indistinguishable from most Europeans.”