Merits & Shortcomings of British-Israel, Part # 9
This is the 9th critical review of the principal beliefs known as British-Israel, and as with the first eight, we will address statements which W.H. Poole made in his book entitled Anglo-Israel Or, The British Nation: The Lost Tribes Of Israel (hereinafter A-I/BN). The purpose of this series is to confirm such a belief system where it is correct and to give constructive criticism where it is in error. With this paper, I will start by quoting from pages 30-33, where he rambles on and on in an attempt to contrast what he terms “the Jews” (his bad guys) against Israel (his good guys). As I have stated several times before, W.H. Poole was unable to distinguish the difference between the racially pure Judahites and the racially-mixed Canaanite-jews. As we go along, I will break in at times to voice my objections. Now to W.H. Poole:
“‘And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them. 15 And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God.’
“The Jews were ‘pulled up’ out of their land and have been away from it for 1,800 years.”
My Objection!: Just who is W.H. Poole referring to here; the true Judahites or the Canaanites pretending to be of Judah? It makes a lot of difference! If Poole is referring to true Judah, it would consist of German, Irish and Scottish people in all of the places to where they have migrated, and that’s a lot of people! Plus, many of the Romans were of the tribe of Zerah-Judah. When W.H. Poole speaks of “1,800 Years”, he can be referring only to the Canaanite-jews from the time of Titus when he laid siege to Jerusalem! Back to Poole:
“Before the second return Israel is to be a vast multitude, as the sands and stars for number, Hos. i, 10. The Jews were, at most, only a few thousands. When Israel returns the second time, there is to be a grand union with Judah, Jeremiah iii, 13:
“‘In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers.’
“It is to be a united return, then ‘Ephraim shall not envy Judah and Judah shall not vex Ephraim’.”
My Objection!: Here again, just who is W.H. Poole referring to? Surely the Canaanite-jews are not going to be united with Israel! We have to give credit to much of what W.H. Poole comments about the house of Israel, but it is quite evident that he is confused when he refers to the house of Judah, for the Canaanite-jews are not Judahites! Back to Poole:
“When the Jews returned they were at enmity with each other, and vexed one another.”
My Objection!: When they returned from where? W.H. Poole can only mean when a small remnant of Judahites returned from Babylon to Jerusalem! By that time the ten northern tribes of the house of Israel were long gone, and I don’t recall any place that “they were at enmity with each other” (meaning the house of Israel and the house of Judah)! Of course, Poole has stated in ignorance that the tribe of Benjamin were of Israel and that his so-called “Jews” were of the house of Judah. I recall that upon their return, they were having a lot of trouble with some of the Levites race-mixing with the people of the land, but I find no evidence of any “enmity” between Judah and the Benjamin. Back to Poole:
“‘When Israel returns, the Isles will wait for him, and the ships of Tarshish will bring them,’ Isaiah lx, 9.
“This could not be said of the Jews; Isles, and ships, were very scarce about Babylon.”
My Objection!: Here Poole uses the misleading term “Jews” to mean the tribe of Judah. If Judah is to be left out in the cold, being Christ’s own tribe, it would also leave Christ Himself out in the cold, which is nonsense! Back to Poole:
“When Israel returns, ‘they shall possess their possessions (Obadiah 17), and have immense wealth.’
“The Jews were much impoverished when they returned, and they have never owned a country since.”
My Objection!: Evidently here, Poole is applying the term “Jews” to mean the remnant of the house of Judah that returned from Babylon to Jerusalem, and that they were impoverished, but that is no sign that the pureblooded tribe of Judah will have no reward at Christ’s Second Advent! In fact, true Judah has been the fighting tribe down through the ages, and has shed more blood in many wars to safeguard us than the rest of Israel. If anything, Judah will have a greater reward than the other tribes for this reason! Poole is grasping at straws! Back to Poole:
“When Israel returns, ‘They are to be built up as at the first,’ Jeremiah xxxiii, 7.
“The Jews were pulled down by all the Gentiles around them.”
My Objection!: Evidently here again, Poole is using the term “Jews” to mean the remnant nation of Judah that returned from Babylon to Jerusalem. This remnant of the house of Judah (including Benjamin and some Levites) hardly represents 1% of the entire tribe of Judah. Poole is riding his hobbyhorse nearly to death. Definition #2 of hobby-horse: “topic one constantly talks about”. Back to Poole:
“When Israel returns the second time, the Lord said, ‘That he would do better for them than he did at the first,’ Ezekiel xxxvi, 11.
“With the Jews it was worse and worse until they were finally scattered.”
My Objection!: Evidently here, Poole is using the term “Jews” to mean the Canaanite-jews that were scattered at the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 A.D. by the Romans. Let’s hope it continually gets “worse and worse” for those Canaanite Christ-killers! Back to Poole:
“The return of Israel to their own land is to be an end of their sorrows, ‘They shall sing in the height of Zion,’ Isaiah xxxv, 10:
“‘And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sighing shall flee away’.”
My Objection!: Where is Zion, anyway? Matthew 21:43: “The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.” Don’t look for Zion in old Palestine today, as it was taken from there and given to Britain, and from there it spread to all of the Anglo-Saxon colonies that became nations, which includes the United States. Additionally, at one time the United States was 49% German (or Judah)! And if one would count the Irish and the Scots, at one time it might have been more like 75% Judah! Therefore, returning to old Palestine is not returning to Zion! We are living in Zion today, as all of the Anglo-Saxon countries are Zion! W.H. Poole, being a citizen of Canada, was living in Zion and didn’t comprehend it! Back to Poole:
“The Jews have wept and mourned ever since.”
My Objection!: What Poole means here by the term “Jew” is anyone’s guess? Back to Poole:
“When Israel returns, they will find a new experience, and a new way of telling it, Jeremiah xvi, 14, 15.
“There was no such blessing for the Jews.”
My Objection!: Again, what Poole means here by the term “Jew” is anyone’s guess? Back to Poole:
“When Israel returns, they are to come home a redeemed people, saved of the Lord, under the gospel, or the new covenant, Isaiah liv, 13.
“It was not so with the Jews.”
My Objection!: Is Poole implying that there is no redemption for the tribe of Judah, Christ’s own tribe? If Poole meant the Canaanite-jews, he would be correct! Zech. 12:7 states that Yahweh “shall save … Judah first”! Back to Poole:
“When Israel returns, the Lord will make an everlasting covenant of peace with them, Ezekiel xxxvii, 26.
“With the Jews it was a covenant of war.”
My Objection!: What Poole is saying here is contrary to Jeremiah 31:31, which says: “Behold, the days come, saith Yahweh, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah.” Back to Poole:
“When Israel returns, the second time, they are to be associated as one of three great powers united in an international policy; having a pure form of worship, and she is to be united with Egypt and Assyria, Isaiah xix, 23.”
My Objection!: Poole seems to be confused here. Isaiah 19:23 concerns the period of time in which Alexander the Great and his successors ruled the middle east, including Egypt and Assyria. Adam Clarke, in his six volume commentary, states thusly on Isaiah 19:23: “Under the latter kings of Persia, and under Alexander, Egypt, Judea, and Assyria lived peaceably under the same government, and were on such friendly terms that there was a regular uninterrupted intercourse between them, so that the Assyrian came into Egypt and the Egyptian into Assyria, and Israel became the third, i.e., was in a strict union with the other two; and was a blessing to both ...” Under the circumstances of this passage the “Israel” of verse 24 could only be the remnant nation of the house of Judah that returned from Babylon to Jerusalem. This is one of those places where Israel and Judah are used interchangeably! The Greeks and Romans who conquered these lands and effected this peace WERE Israelites from both houses; Dan from Israel, the Romans from Zerah-Judah! Again, Poole is grasping at straws! Back to Poole:
“The Jews came home alone.
“When Israel returns they are to be a blessing to all the surrounding nations, Egypt is to be smitten and healed.”
My Objection!: Here, Poole is still in the 19th chapter of Isaiah, but instead of verses 23 & 24, this time he is referring to verse 22 which reads: “And Yahweh shall smite Egypt: he shall smite and heal it: and they shall return even to Yahweh, and he shall be intreated of them, and shall heal them.”
Here again, the term Israel is referring to the remnant nation of the house of Judah rather than the ten tribes of Israel. Also, by this time Egypt had become a mulatto nation, but some of the Judaeans had settled in Alexandria, and they only are “healed”, not the Egyptian mulattos! Back to Poole:
“The Jews could not be said to be a blessing in any national sense.
“When Israel returns they shall possess the whole land, a territory, 300,000 square miles of promised land, about twice and a half as large as Great Britain and Ireland together. See Dr. Keith’s Land of Israel.”
My Objection!: While it is true that the Canaanite-jews cannot be a blessing in any national sense, it is not true that the pureblooded peoples of Judah (Germans, Irish & Scots) are a curse in any sense, but rather they too are a blessing. Back to Poole:
“The Jews after their return were never independent of foreign control, and had possession only of a small part of the land.
“When Israel returns the land shall be allotted to them on a different plan, and the tribes differently located, Ezekiel xlviii.”
My Objection!: The 48th chapter of Isaiah is an interesting one, and it is addressed to the “house of Jacob”, and that would be to all the twelve tribes of Israel, not just to the ten northern tribes! It is true that the remnant nation of Judaea never regained any degree of independence, but was under the rule of other nations, yet that remnant nation of the house of Judah represented less than 1% of all of that house. As for the ten tribes returning to old Palestine, that area of land couldn’t hold all of them! Just imagine all of the White Anglo-Saxon peoples of the world today trying to occupy an area of “300,000 square miles of promised land, about twice and a half as large as Great Britain and Ireland together.”! Back to Poole:
“When the Jews returned it was not so.
“When Israel returns, they are to come ‘one of a city and two of a tribe,’ i.e. representatively, Jeremiah iii, 14.
“It was not so with the Jews.”
My Objection!: It is clear that Poole was unaware that America became the new Zion (or the new Jerusalem), and indeed the Almighty did take “... one of a city and two of a family ...” from Europe to settle in the United States and Canada! It is principally in America that the 3rd chapter of Jeremiah is to a greater degree fulfilled. Back to Poole:
“When Israel returns, many nations shall be joined unto them, and nations shall be born in a day, Zech. ii, 11.
“It was not so with the Jews.”
My Objection!: Again, it was the United States of America that was the nation that was “born in a day”, fulfilling Isaiah 66:7-10 and Zechariah 2:10-11! Back to Poole, and on pages 32-33, he changes to a different subject, as follows:
“When on a former occasion God sent a message to them, He said, Jeremiah iii, 12-15, 18:
“‘Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say, Return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the Lord; and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you: for I am merciful, saith the LORD, and I will not keep anger for ever. Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God, and hast scattered thy ways to the strangers under every green tree, and ye have not obeyed my voice, saith the Lord. Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion. And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. ... And they shall come out of the land of the North to the land that I have given for an inheritance to your fathers’.”
My Objection!: Poole has misquoted verse 18 here, which from the KJV it should have been: “In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers.”
I believe that Poole deliberately omitted part of this verse as he didn’t want to include Judah with Israel; so he reworded it in such way as to exclude Judah! As I have demonstrated several times before, Poole was unable to distinguish the difference between the pureblooded members of the tribe of Judah and the racially-mixed Canaanite-jews.
I believe, further, that Poole is confused as to when the fulfillment was to occur that “the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel.” My own opinion is that Judah first joined with Israel (as the “Royal” Scythians) on their trek from the Caucasus region into Europe. From some of Poole’s comments, it is apparent that he places the occasion when “the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel” near the Second Advent of Christ, and that it will be the Canaanite-jews who will join with Israel! How absurd! Back to Poole:
“‘So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the West.’ Isaiah xliii, 5, ‘I will bring thy seed from the East and gather them from the West.’ Hos. xi, 10, ‘They shall tremble from the West.’
“Jeremiah xxxi, 8, ‘Behold I will bring them from the North country and gather them from the coasts of the earth:’
“Isaiah xlix, 12, ‘Behold these shall come from far (Yarish) and lo, these from the North and from the West; and these from the land of Sinim.’ The Vulgate has it Australi [or the South].
“Zech. viii, 7, ‘Behold I will save my people from the East country, and from the West country.’ The margin reads,. ‘From the going down of the sun:’
“It is very evident that when they are to return to their own land they are to come from the North and West, and from the Islands, and sea coasts. In the Hebrew there is no word to express north-west, or north-east.”
My Comment!: Many times when we are reading the Bible, it would be well to read the entire chapter rather than dwelling on a single verse or two, and Zechariah chapter 8 is a good example, as for instance verses 4-5 state:
“4 Thus saith Yahweh of hosts; There shall yet old men and old women dwell in the streets of Jerusalem, and every man with his staff in his hand for very [old] age. 5 And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets thereof.”
This can’t be old Jerusalem, as the old people and young children didn’t dare leave the confines of their walled cities as it was too dangerous to do so. This is not the case in America (the United States and Canada) as we have no walled cities, and in the past it was relatively safe for the old to walk about the American streets, as well as the children to play in them. Old Judaea and even Europe were filled with castles and walled cities! So what “Jerusalem” is verse 4 talking about? Is it the old Jerusalem or the new Jerusalem? I surely wouldn’t want my children playing in the streets of the modern Canaanite-jewish state of Israeli (Israel-lie)!
Another verse in the 8th chapter of Zechariah that few people understand is verse 23 (or the last verse), which states: “Thus saith Yahweh of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.”
Now a lot of people are under the delusion that this will somehow be the 144,000 Canaanite-jews that will be converted during a so-called seven years of tribulation, and that they will go out and evangelize the whole world. Let’s take a more realistic look at this verse: My opinion is that the “ten men” spoken of here represent the ten tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel. I also see that the word translated “a Jew” here to mean is a person of pure ancestry who is a citizen of Judaea. Further, it is my opinion that this person is the apostle Paul, for he was a Benjamite of the southern house of Judah, and his mission was by-and-large to the ten lost tribes. In other words, Paul’s citizenship was in Judaea, just as the prophet stated!
Zechariah 8:13 states: “And it shall come to pass, that as ye were a curse among the heathen, O house of Judah, and house of Israel; so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing: fear not, but let your hands be strong.”
Today, the house of Judah and the house of Israel are more of a curse among the heathen than ever, so this verse hasn’t been fulfilled as yet, but you can count on it; IT WILL BE FULFILLED TO THE NTH DEGREE!