A Jewish Time-Line: Exodus from the Eastern Hemisphere to the Americas, (North, South & Central)


This is a critical review of Jacob Neusner’s Exodus To America: A Jewish Time-Line. Neusner seems to do quite well generally, and he takes most of his information from The Jewish Encyclopedia. However, we are instructed by Christ Himself to “beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees” (Matthew 16:6), and that the Canaanite-Edomites amalgamated with the Canaanite tribe of the “Kenites” (Genesis 15:19) converted to Judaism (Josephus’ Antiquities 13.9.1) were liars, being the children of the devil (John 8:44)! Therefore, we must be careful when quoting from the Canaanite-jews! There are three distinct entities which we should not group together, and they are, (1) the house of pureblooded Israel, (2) the house of pureblooded Judah, and (3) the house of the mixed-blooded Kenite-Edomite-jews converted to Judaism by John Hyrcanus near 125 B.C., and all the mixed-blooded proselytes they the (Kenite-Edomite-jews) have picked up along the way, even up until today!

In Jacob Neusner’s introductory paragraph, he speaks of the 1391 Spanish persecutions and mass conversions of the Jews, and if converted accompanied with baptism, and labeled as “Conversos”. By converting to catholicism, such Jews were able to climb to high financial administrator positions: examples being Luis de la Cavalleria (chief treasurer under John II of Aragon); Luis Sanchez (royal bailiff of the kingdom of Aragon, 1490); and his brother Gabriel Sanchez (secretary and auditor of royal accounts). Under Henry IV of Castile, 1454-1474, Diego Arias de Avial (served as the king’s secretary and auditor of the royal accounts) followed by his unpopular son, Pedro; even Queen Isabella depended on the Jews as tax-farmers, and personal advisers on financial matters, as well as securing loans from them! Even the converso Jew Luis de Santangel was chancellor and comptroller of the royal household, and when Isabella needed money to finance Columbus, she turned to the Jew Noah Chinillo, according to Jacob Neusner.

In order to settle a matter, the Bible requires two witnesses. Therefore I will quote from The International Jew, The World’s Foremost Problem. Abridged from the original as published by the world renowned industrial leader, Henry Ford Sr. Appearing originally in the periodical published by the Ford Motor Co, “The Dearborn Independent”. Copy prepared for the printer by Gerald L. K. Smith, chapter 1, pages 13-15:


The story of the Jews in America begins with Christopher Columbus. On August 2, 1492, more than 300,000 Jews were expelled from Spain and on August 3, the next day, Columbus set sail for the west, taking a group of Jews with him.

They were not, however, refugees, for the prophetic navigator’s plans had aroused the sympathy of influential Jews for a long period previously. Columbus himself tells us that he consorted much with Jews. The first letter he wrote detailing his discoveries was to a Jew. Indeed, the eventful voyage itself which added to men’s knowledge and wealth ‘the other half of the earth’ was made possible by Jews. The pleasant story that it was Queen Isabella’s jewels which financed the voyage has disappeared under cool research.

“There were three Maranos or ‘secret Jews’ who wielded great influence at the Spanish court: Luis de Santagel, who was an important merchant of Valencia and who was ‘farmer’ of the royal taxes; his relative, Gabriel Sanchez, who was the royal treasurer; and their friend, the royal chamberlain, Juan Cabrero. These worked unceasingly on Queen Isabella’s imagination, picturing to her the depletion of the royal treasury and the likelihood of Columbus discovering the fabulous gold of the Indies, until the Queen was ready to offer her jewels in pawn for the funds. But Santagel craved permission to advance the money himself, which he did, 17,000 ducats in all, about 5,000 pounds, perhaps equal to 40,000 pounds today (i.e., Gerald L. K. Smith’s day).

“Associated with Columbus in the voyages were at least five Jews: Luis de Torres, interpreter; Marco, the surgeon; Bernal, the physician; Alonzo de la Calle, and Gabriel Sanchez. Luis de Torres was the first man ashore, the first to discover the use of tobacco; he settled in Cuba and may be said to be the father of Jewish control of the tobacco business as it exist today.

Columbus’ old patrons, Luis de Santagel and Gabriel Sanchez, received many privileges for the part they played in the work, but Columbus himself became the victim of a conspiracy fostered by Bernal, the ship’s doctor, and suffered injustice and imprisonment as his reward.

From the beginning, Jews looked more and more to America as a fruitful field, and immigration set in strongly toward South America, principally Brazil. But because of military participation in a disagreement between the Brazilians and the Dutch, the Jews of Brazil found it necessary to emigrate, which they did in the direction of the Dutch colony of what is now New York. Peter Stuyvesant, the Dutch governor, did not entirely approve of their settling among his people and ordered them to leave, but the Jews had evidently taken the precaution to assure their being received if not welcomed, because upon revoking the order of Stuyvesant, the Directors gave as one of the reasons for the Jews being received, ‘the large amount of capital which they have invested in the shares of the Company,’

Nevertheless they were forbidden to enter public service and to open retail shops, which had the effect of driving them to foreign trade in which they were soon exercising all but a monopoly because of their European connections.

This is only one of the thousand illustrations which can be given of the resourcefulness of the Jew. Forbid him in one direction he will excel in another. When he was forbidden to deal in new clothes, he sold old clothes – that was the beginning of the organized traffic in secondhand clothing. When he was forbidden to deal in merchandise, he dealt in waste – the Jew is the originator of the waste product business of the world; he was the originator of the salvage system; he found wealth in the debris of civilization. He taught people how to use old rags, how to clean old feathers, how to use gall nuts and rabbit skins. He has always had a taste for the furrier trade, which he now controls, and to him is due the multitude of common skins which now pass under various alluring trade names as furs of high origin.

Unwittingly, old Peter Stuyvesant compelled the Jews to make New York the principal port of America, and though a majority of New York Jews had fled to Philadelphia at the time of the American Revolution, most of them returned to New York at the earliest opportunity, instinct seeming to make them aware that in New York was to be their principal paradise of gain. And so it has proved.

New York is the greatest center of Jewish population in the world. It is the gateway where the bulk of American imports and exports are taxed, and where practically all the business done in America pays tribute to the masters of money. The very land of the city is the holdings of the Jews.”

Now that we have concurring evidence on this subject, we can critique Jacob Neusner’s Jewish Time-Line. In carefully examining all of his dated events, there is one major entry with which I simply cannot agree because he evidently agrees with the Jewish story of a so-called Jewish holocaust thusly:

“• 1938 At the Evian Conference in France, the nations of the world refuse to accept large numbers of European Jewish refugees, thus assuring the ‘Holocaust’.” This one I have deleted from his list.

Jacob Neusner also has an entry of a date and event which needs more substantiation which I have not deleted from his list, but have added a note thusly:

“• 1939 William Bullitt is sent as Ambassador to Poland, supported by Secretary of State Cordell Hull, where he informs the Poles that the United States will support them only if they maintain their hard-line policy against Germany. The promise of Anglo-American support is reiterated by Joseph Kennedy, the U.S. Ambassador to Britain, in a private letter to the Polish Ambassador.” [Makes one wonder why Secretary of State Cordell Hull would take a position against Germany, and also why would Joseph Kennedy support such a directive? C.A.E.]

With these two criticisms addressed, we can now examine

Jacob Neusner’s Jewish Time-Line:

1502 The converso Fernao de Noronha becomes Brazil's first governor, as Sephardic Jews quickly gain a monopoly over the nascent sugar industry. This established the foundation for the rum trade. The first African slaves in the New World were used as laborers on the Brazilian and Caribbean sugar plantations.

1580 Union between Spain and Portugal. A number of influential invest their capital in financing overseas ventures of the Crown, provisioning an army in Flanders and in the East Indies, and supplying contracts for Africa.

1619 Forty-six Sephardic conversos organize and become shareholders in the Hamburg Merchant Bank. Many of them were the financial agents for various North European courts. Other Sephardic banks are founded in Amsterdam and Antwerp.

1621 A group of Sephardim become organizers and important shareholders of the Dutch West India Company, which soon dominates the African slave trade.

1654 Sephardic Jews and conversos begin to settle in the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam, at the mouth of the Hudson River.

1656 Oliver Cromwell agrees to readmit Jews to England in return for loans to the English government from continental Jewish bankers.

1680 Jewish community is established in the British colony of Charles Town, South Carolina.

1689 William III merges Britain and Netherlands under the House of Orange, following the Glorious Revolution in England. Dutch Jews, both Sephardic and Ashkenazim, begin to move into England in significant numbers. London becomes a center of Sephardic banking. Leading figures are Moses da Costa, Solomon de Medina, Isaac Pereira, Manasseh Lopez, Samson Gideon, Francis & Joseph Salvador and the Goldsmid brothers.

1690 Government of the Massacheussets Bay issues the first known "Publick Bills of Credit" in America to pay troops after an unsuccessful expedition to Canada. Not exactly the beginning of fiat money ... but certainly on the leading edge. Who organized the investors to stabilize this new currency?

1694 The Bank of England is chartered as the sole purchasing agent for highly-profitable British government annuities, originally issued to finance the war-debts resulting from the Glorious Revolution. Not only does the Bank collect 8% interest on the notes, but the annuities themselves are treated as deposits secured by the Crown, so that the money can be loaned out a second time, allowing the Bank to collect interest twice on the same capital investment.

1709 New York issues its first bills of credit.

1714 The Bank of Massacheussets is founded. According to the original documents: "A Model for Erecting a Bank of Credit in Boston Founded on Land Security."

1715 Rhode Island land banks begin issuing bills of credit on loan. According to leading period historian John MacInnes, "The key to understanding Rhode Island's currency policy up to 1750, is that it was in fact a parasitical device."

1717 George I, the Hanoverian King of England, establishes the Grand Lodge of St. John (the Pretender), of which the British Crown is to be the titular head. This completes the conquest of the British Throne by the money powers.

1733 James Ogelthorpe establishes a vast plantation in Georgia. Many poor East European Jews begin to settle there, though the largest American Jewish communities are Sephardic-descent, Dutch and British, in New York, Charleston, Philadelphia, Newport and Boston.

1740 Uniform Naturalization Act grants British citizenship to all "subjects" living in the American colonies and the British West Indies. Jews are the primary beneficiaries, receiving official legal protections not previously enjoyed, including titled land ownership and land banking privileges. As regards the American Colonies, long-established practices now become legalized.

1754 Samson Simpson & Jacob Franks (brother of Moses Franks, the British financier) are appointed purchasing agents for the British forces during the French & Indian War. In one particularly adventurous transaction, Simpson, Hayman Levy, Franks & Judah Hayes lease out a fleet of eight armed privateers to the Royal Navy.

1756 Benjamin Franklin writes that "New York is growing immensely rich by Money brought into it from all Quarters for the Pay and Subsistence of the Troops." See Simpson, Franks, Levy et al.

1760 (circa) Isaac Sears establishes a land bank in New York. Increasingly, Colonial currency is based on public debt secured by land. In the formerly Dutch Barbados, interestingly, the currency is secured by a head-tax on negro slaves.

1763 Hayman Levy, purchasing agent, land speculator and importer-exporter dealing in cocoa, wine, rum, slaves and textiles, and who was also the single largest fur-trader in the colonies, the richest Jew in North America, dies in New York, leaving a vast mercantile empire to his son David, who focuses on real estate investment (land banking).

1766 Francis Salvador, grandson of the first Jewish director of the British East India Company and son-in-law of the absentee owner of a 100,000-acre plantation, arrives in Charleston to manage the estate.

1768 In Newport, Rhode Island, Moses Lopez owns a fleet of 30 ocean vessels and over 100 coastal schooners. He and his family are heavily involved in the molasses, rum and slave trade. The other major American hub of the trading ring is Charleston, SC.

1768 Samson Simpson & Isaac Moses, Hayman Levy's brother-in-law and owner of a large merchant fleet, are the founders of the New York Chamber of Commerce.

1775 The three Hart Brothers of Kentucky, in partnership with a Gentile judge from North Carolina, form the Transylvania Company. In a treaty with the Cherokee, they purchase 20 million acres of prime Kentucky soil for 10,000 pounds of merchandise. To create a land bank?

1775 Louis XVI of France grants Jews equal inheritance rights. Too little, too late. The House of Bourbon's days are numbered.

1776 Adam Weishaupt, a.k.a. Spartacus (after the leader of the Roman slave rebellion) and Baron de Kalb organize the Illuminati as a remote arm of the Chabrath Zerek Aour Bokhr. See the Great Seal on the dollar bill: "It smiles upon thy work ... a New Order of the Ages."

1776 American Revolutionary War begins. Haym Salomon raises large amounts of desperately needed cash for the Revolution by negotiating bills of exchange with France and the Netherlands. The Continental Congress appoints him "Broker to the Office of Finance of the United States". The French consulate appoints him "Treasurer of the French Army in America". Madame Helvetius, widow of the French Freemasonic leader and financier, introduces Benjamin Franklin to various European moneylenders. Yet another figure who helped finance the war was Isaac Moses, later among the founders of the Bank of New York.

1777 In Germany, Elcan Isaac Wolf publishes Von den Krankheiten der Juden, in which he expresses gratitude for the Enlightenment reforms that have improved the lot of the Jews in Germany, but also campaigns for an extension of Jewish civil rights.

1781 Robert Morris establishes the Bank of North America.

1782 At the European Freemasonic conference at Wilhelmsbad, Dr. Adam Weishaupt and his right-hand man Baron Adolf Von Knigge (both of whom were Masons at the time), met with the representatives from the 23 Supreme Councils of the Masonic world and convinced them, after 30 sessions, to follow the Illuminati's 7-Part Plan for the Creation of a New World Order.

1785 The Columbian Lodge of the Order of the Illuminati is established in New York City. Its members will later include Governor DeWitt Clinton, Clinton Roosevelt, and Horace Greeley. There was a Lodge in Virginia also that was identified with Thomas Jefferson.

1787 The "Constitutional Convention" is held illegally in Philadelphia. The Antifederalist Papers emerge.

1789 The Constitution of the Unites States of America is ratified by underhanded means.

1789 The French Revolution begins.

1792 Jacob Franks establishes several lumber mills as a founding member of Green Bay, in the Wisconsin Territory. Under terms of the Northwest Ordinance (1787), absentee landowners cannot be taxed at a higher rate than residents.

1792 In the midst of the French Revolution, Jews in France are granted citizenship and full civil rights.

1793 Isaac Moses, Solomon Simpson, David Levy and Benjamin Seixas organize the Bank of New York and become major shareholders.

1793 The Bank of Columbia is chartered in New York.

1797 Napoleon (a Gentile Freemason) emancipates the Jews of Venice. In the course of his campaigns across Europe, Napoleon will replace the feudal kingdoms that he conquers with new republics, and the Jews are set free from the restrictions of the ghetto which had been placed upon their race. Napoleon is still honored today as the "Emancipator of the Jews".

1798 Jews become prominent in the Jeffersonian Democratic Party. Solomon Simpson becomes vice-president of the party.

1799 Illuminist Aaron Burr organizes the Manhattan Company and obtains his famous "trick charter" for the bank in New York. He purposely creates a politically diverse board of directors in the hopes of manipulating the several factions to his own ends.

1799 Marching on Palestine in April, during his Oriental Campaign against Britain, Napoleon issues the “Israel Arise” Proclamation, inviting the Jews to Return to Zion under his flag and establish their Kingdom of New Jerusalem. The next month, the French army is routed by the British outside Acre, and Napoleon hurriedly leads his shattered columns back to Egypt.

1799 Napoleon proclaims himself Emperor of the Republic of France.

1799 In Europe, the spectacular rise of the House of Rothschild begins when the fleeing Elector of Hesse-Cassel entrusts his fortune to Mayer Amschel, who becomes the underground financier to the British, Prussian, Austrian and Russian campaigns against Napoleon. The Napoleonic offer had been rejected, and Meyer Amschel clearly believes there is yet something to be done before “Zion” may be announced.

1800 (circa) Benjamin Seixas, Isaac Gomez, Alexander Zuntz, and Ephraim Hart co-found the Stockbrokers Guild -- later to become the New York Stock Exchange.

1801 Under Jewsih (Rothschild) leadership, the Tory faction of U.S. Freemasonry -- the grouping of Freemasons who had sided with England during the American Revolution -- open up shop in Charleston, S.C., as the Grand Council of the Princes of Jerusalem. The 400-year campaign for the subversion of Freemasonry is nearing completion.

1808 The Slave trade in the United States is abolished by an act of Congress.

1808 In France, Napoleon establishes consistories to organize the religion and practice of the Jews. He still hadn't caught on.

1812 America is at war with Britain (which has all the while been at war with Napoleon) for whatever reason.

1815 Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo.

1820 (circa) German Jews begin to arrive in America in the wake of the Napoleonic wars. They are not fleeing persecution, but rather seeking their fortune. Even at this date, there are still more Jews in the British and Dutch West Indies than in North America, perhaps 6,000 as opposed to 4,000 here, virtually all of them Sephardic.

1823 The Monroe Doctrine is proclaimed. An interesting example of telescopic diplomacy, it curbed European "colonization" of the Americas, but did nothing to protect us from being colonized by the Jews. Neither did it prevent Mexicans, Cubans, Haitians, Chinese and other such ilk from colonizing us.

1829 Alleged Illuminati meeting in New York to unite atheists and nihilists into the socialist movement.

1829 The Anti-Masonic political party is created by Gentiles Henry Dana Ward, Thurlow Weed, and William H. Seward. (Illuminati?) The same who later founded the Republican Party.

1829 An English Gentile woman, Frances Fanny Wright, comes to New York in 1829 to give a series of lectures promoting the Women's Auxiliary of the Illuminati. She advocates the entire Illuminati program including Communism. She also speaks of equal opportunity and equal rights, atheism, free love and emancipation of women. Clinton Roosevelt (an ancestor of FDR), Gentile Charles Dana and Abolitionist leader Horace Greeley are appointed to raise funds for this new undertaking.

1831 British emancipation of the West Indies. In America, Nat Turner brutally murders 57 whites, mostly women and children, with a blunt saber and an axe.

1833 Britain passes the Slavery Abolition Act, banning negro slavery throughout the British Empire. “White” children in England are exempted, so that they can crawl naked up the chimneys of Parliament to clean out the soot. Likewise, white children are forced to work twelve-hour days in British, American and European factories, under the most primitive and life-threatening conditions.

1835 Karl Marx organizes the League of the Just, a Communist secret society, in Paris.

1837 Joseph Seligman arrives in America at the age of 17, and sends for his ten brothers to come and join him. He will become the major underwriter of Union government bonds during the Civil War.

1838 Mayer Amschel Rothschild, head of the House of Rothschild, and a suspected "Secret Chief" of the Illuminati, makes his blunt statement: "Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who writes its laws."

1840 Lady Louise Rothschild (1821-1910) founds the first two independent Jewish women's philanthropic associations in England.

1840 The World Anti-Slavery Society holds a convention in London. Slavery has already been abolished in the British Empire.

1843 Twelve young German-Jews, eight of them Freemasons, establish the Jewish Lodge of B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant) in order to complete the subversion of Freemasonry. Jews are also active in the Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias.

1844 Heinrich Lehman arrives in America, is joined by his brothers Emanuel and Mayer. Later become known as Lehman Brothers, world's largest commodities brokers.

1846 The Breslau Conference in Germany, an assembly of rabbis interested in reform, declares Jewish women entitled to the same religious rights and subject to the same religious duties as men.

1848 Karl Marx publishes the Communist Manifesto, allegedly commissioned by the Illuminati through Frederich Engels.

1848 A wave of Illuminist-inspired socialist and communist revolts sweeps through Europe. For the most part, they are unsuccessful, and many “forty-eighters” emigrate to the United States. A disproportionate number of them are Jews. August Bundi, a “forty-eighter” from Vienna, later joins with John Brown in the actions at Black Jack and Osawatomie.

1850 Ernestine Potovsky Rose (1810-1892), the first American Jewish feminist, assists in organizing the National Woman’s Rights Convention in Massachusetts.

1850 Radical feminists hold the American Women's Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, New York, and formalize their campaign for women's property rights, suffrage, and divorce law reform. They also decide to join forces with the Abolitionist and socialist movements.

1850 Due to the German Jewish emigration, there are now over 16,000 Jews in New York City, 6,000 in Philadelphia and 4,000 in Baltimore. By now, Jews are so active in New York City politics that Democratic party leaders make it a point to attend Jewish social and charitable events.

1851 Isaac Singer perfects the sewing machine. A close network of Jewish clothiers in New York, Cincinnati, Syracuse, Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Boston win government contracts for uniforms; they are later appointed clothiers for the Union army. Within a decade, the ready-to-wear clothing industry will become a Jewish monopoly. This will help secure the retailing industry as their next monopoly.

1852 The first Jewish hospital in America, Jew's Hospital, is established in New York and later renamed Mt. Sinai Hospital.

1852 Karl Marx is hired as European correspondent for Gentile Illuminist Horace Greeley's New York Daily Tribune, the premier Abolitionist publication with circulation of nearly 1,000,000.

1853 Levi Strauss arrives in San Francisco by ship, and hires local tailors to make work clothes out of tent cloth. You can still see his name stamped on 95% of American buttocks ... I won't wear them.

1854 The Republican Party is formed as an alliance of socialists, abolitionists, feminists, anti-Masons and expatriate “forty-eighters”. Prominent German Jews were founders of the Republican Party in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and other major cities.

1856 Meyer Guggenheim arrives in America from Switzerland. Invents a non-caustic stove polish and brings over his family to work in the business.

1859 Isaac Leeser and associates establish the Board of Delegates of American Israelites in Philadelphia, modeled after the British organization. Notwithstanding the board's far-ranging statement of purposes -- educational, spiritual, cultural -- everyone understood that it was essentially a Jewish defense organization, maintaining a permanent branch lobby in Washington.

1859 Jewish Abolitionist George Luther Stearns and the “Secret Six” finance John Brown's bungled raid on Harper's Ferry Arsenal.

1860 August Belmont, self-proclaimed agent for the House of Rothschild, becomes Treasurer of the Democratic Party.

1860 Jews Moritz Pinner of Missouri and Louis Dembitz of Kentucky are two of the three delegates who place Abraham Lincoln in nomination at the 1860 Republican Convention. Lincoln is behind Seward in the first two ballots, and wins by a political decision. Lincoln later wins the presidency with only 40% of the popular vote, the beneficiary of a 3-way split in the Democratic party. Engineered by the Jew Belmont?

1861 B'nai B'rith lodges are active in every major Jewish community in America.

1861 American Civil War begins. Jewish Illuminist Gen. Pierre Beuaregard commands Confederate guns to open fire on Fort Sumter. Jewish Illuminist Judah P. Benjamin is appointed attorney-general of the Confederacy, later to serve as Secretary of War and then as Secretary of State. After the war, he flees to England and becomes a prominent barrister.

1861 On the last business day of 1861, the New York Banks suspend payments in coin, claiming they had used up their specie [gone to the Rothschilds, Seligmans, Warburgs & Speyers]. The Union is bankrupt, and the war is costing $2,000,000 per day.

1862 Lincoln signs the U.S. Treasury Act on Feb. 25, declaring U.S. Treasury notes legal tender, and providing for a bond issue of $500,000,000 at 5.20 percent to finance the war. The interest is to be paid in coin obtained by a duty on imports. The use of greenbacks is mandatory. The Act makes it illegal for citizens to use specie -- gold and silver coin -- in their transactions. Guess where the gold went.

1862 J.W. Seligman & Co. are the chief underwriters of U.S. Treasury bonds. They are also leading syndicators for the stock and bond issues needed to finance the massive railroad construction and wartime industrial expansion.

1862 In Germany, Moses Hess (1812-1875) writes Rome and Jerusalem, [i.e. America and Israel] an early argument for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

1862 In the shifting line of battle through Tennessee and Mississippi, Memphis becomes the hub of the black market trade in cotton, a traffic that was carried on throughout the entire area penetrated by the Union army. Virtually every report on the black market made specific mention of Jewish traders. On Dec. 17 General Grant issues his Order No. 11, denouncing Jewish “cotton speculators” and other war-profiteers.

1862 Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation. It only applies to negroes in the rebellious states, but negroes in Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia, and New Orleans in Louisiana -- Southern ports recently captured by the Union -- are exempted. They are obviously needed as dock labor and stooges to pack the stolen contraband being looted out of the South. Any war-profiteering interest here?

1863 Abolitionist leader George Luther Sterns recruits and equips the 54th Massachussets Infantry, the first negro regiment in the Union army. He is appointed Assistant Adjutant-general for the Recruitment of Colored Troops.

1863 Solomon Gump arrives in San Francisco to work in his brother's mirror shop. He builds Gump & Co. into the leading luxury importers, catering to the noveau riche of the California Gold Rush. How much of this finery was pillage from the South?

1864 The highest-ranking of eight Jewish generals in the Union Army, Hungarian-born Major General Frederick Kneffler rides with Sherman on his rampage through Georgia and the Carolinas. With a remarkably undistinguished battlefield record to account for his high rank, Kneffler's responsibilities were surely in non-military affairs.

1865 There are now about 4,000 Jews in San Francisco, monopolizing the clothing, fur and dry goods trade, especially jewelry, crockery, shoes and soap. Virtually all of the merchants in the city are Jews.

1865 The 13th Amendment is illegally “ratified”. The Confederacy is defeated, martial law continues under Lincoln and Johnson.

1866 Negro race riots occur in Memphis, New Orleans and 3 other Southern cities; interestingly, these cities are all hubs in the black market of looted goods.

1866 The Ku Klux Klan is organized on May 6 in Pulaski, Tennessee. Interestingly, Judah P. Benjamin, the former Confederate leader who has meanwhile fled to England (back under the Rothschild skirts, where he becomes a prominent barrister), later borrows money which he donates to the Klan -- in a strangely convoluted transaction. Was he trying to buy his way in, or somehow set a hook? If so, he failed.

1867 The radical Republican Congress passes three bills over President Andrew Johnson's veto. All whites who had in any way supported the Confederacy were disfranchised, the reconstruction governments created under Lincoln and Johnson's plans were abolished and martial law reinstated. Puppet governments are set up by the Freedmen's Bureau, with the aid of military governors and the Union League; negro militia roam at will; only negroes, carpetbaggers and scalawags are allowed to vote or to hold office.

1867 The firm Kuhn, Netter, Loeb and Wolff, “Bankers and Brokers”, open shop in New York, discounting and reselling the promissory notes of merchants and small businessmen, financing the trade in pawned and looted goods. Later become Kuhn, Loeb & Company.

1867 Radical Republican Congress secures its control over the Army of Occupation by passing the Tenure in Office Act (requiring 2/3 Senate vote to remove a Cabinet official) to protect Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, who had cooperated with the Union League and the Radical Reconstructionists. The Congress also passes the Command of the Army Act, and threatens the Supreme Court with disbandment should they interfere. The Supreme Court relinquishes jurisdiction over all Reconstruction cases.

1868 The Fourteenth Amendment is illegally “ratified”.

1870 Alliance Israelite Universelle, started in Paris to defend the civil rights of Jews worldwide, establishes an agricultural school, Mikveh Israel, near Jaffa in Palestine.

1870 The Fifteenth Amendment is illegally “ratified”.

1871 Adolph Lewisohn, who had come to America in 1867, meets Thomas Edison and perceives the importance of copper. Lewisohn and his brother buy a copper mine in Butte, Montana, for $75,000.

1873 Leopold Damrosch, choral director of the Temple Emanu-El, founds the New York Symphonic Society, predecessor of the New York Philharmonic. He becomes principal conductor of the newly-formed Metropolitan Opera.

1876 Felix Adler, brother-in-law to Louis Brandeis, founds the Society for Ethical Culture, funded by John D. Rockefeller. This is the beginning of the Humanist movement organized as a church (and a university). It soon jumps back to Britain. Meanwhile, in America, virtually all of the Society's board members are Jews. Spin-off organizations will include the NAACP, the ACLU, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and the Anti-Imperialist League.

1877 Reports confirm that almost half the Jewish population in Jerusalem is supported by overseas charity.

1878 Methodist minister William E. Blackstone publishes Jesus is Coming, an exposition of the widespread “dispensationalist pre-millennialist” Christian teaching that the Jews must return to the Holy Land before Jesus' Second Coming can occur. Christian fundamentalists unwittingly embrace the Zionist cause.

1878 The last elements of the Ku Klux Klan are disbanded as a result of the Compromise of 1878. Among the conditions of disbandment are passage of Posse Comitatus, barring the military from ever enforcing civil law again. Reconstruction and military occupation are officially ended, and South Carolina, Louisiana and Florida are at last readmitted to the Union.

1880 The Jewish population in America is now 210,000.

1881 Czar Alexander II is assassinated by revolutionaries. This sets off a series of anti-Jewish pogroms throughout the Pale of Settlement in Eastern Europe.

1881 Upon the death of his son from leukemia, Baron Moritz de Hirsch, the richest Jew in the world next to Rothschild, devotes himself untiringly to the “welfare of his people”, i.e. Zionism.

1882 Joseph Pulitzer buys the New York World from Jay Gould, and transforms the paper into a hard-hitting "populist" organ.

1882 The massive emigration of East European Jews from the Pale of Settlement to the United States begins, financed by the United Jewish Philanthropies of Germany, Austria, France and Britain.

1883 Emma Lazarus (1849-1887) publishes The Jewish Problem, in which she calls for the establishment of an independent Jewish nationality in Palestine.

1886 The “Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World” is dedicated in New York harbor, a gift of France to the United States. Was this a “thank you” for taking in the Jews (and sparing France)? It holds a tablet bearing the inscription “1776” cradled in its arm, and Zionist Jewess Emma Lazarus' poem The New Colossus is engraved on its pedestal.

1886 The National Education Association (NEA) is founded.

1888 Isaac Magnin, an early employee of Solomon Gump, opens I. Magnin & Co., San Francisco's quality department store. Louis Sloss is another San Francisco department store tycoon, who becomes a silent partner in innumerable mercantile and real estate ventures.

1889 William Blackstone founds the American Messianic Fellowship (AMF), an organization of Christian Zionists.

1889 The American Ethical Union is composed of all Ethical Culture Societies and Fellowships in the United States. The organization of the Felix Adler's humanist “New Age” church is nearly complete.

1890 Oscar Hammerstein, grandfather of the Broadway songwriter, constructs the Columbus Theater and hires vaudeville stars and popular amusements. He soon builds seven more theaters and the Manhattan Opera House.

1891 The Blackstone Memorial is issued, a document signed by 413 leading Christian politicians, businessmen and citizens, petitioning President Harrison and Secretary Blaine to intercede with Queen Victoria of England, Czar Alexander III of Russia and Sultan Abdul Hamid II of Turkey to hold an international conference aimed at establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The plea is rejected by the Diaspora Jews!

1891 Jurisdiction over U.S. immigration is transferred from state to federal officials.

1891 Cyrus Scofield submits his notes for a Bible Concordance to members of the New York Lotus Club for funding. His offer is accepted by Samuel Untermayer and other prominent Zionist financiers.

1891 Jacob Kaufmann, a Pittsburgh merchant, opens the first “emporium”, or department store in the city.

1892 The New York College for the Training of Teachers receives its permanent charter as Columbia's Teacher’s College.

1893 Florenz Zigfeld embarks on his career at the World's Columbian Exposition by importing acts from Europe for the main production.

1895 Rosa Sonneschein (1847-1932) founds the first English-language feminist journal in the United States.

1895 Aaron Nusbaum purchases a 50% stake in Sears, Roebuck & Company for $75,000. He later sells his interest to Julius Rosenwald, his brother-in-law, who completes the takeover with help of his boyhood friend, Henry Goldman of Goldman, Sachs & Co.

1896 Adolph Ochs, backed by August Belmont and J.P. Morgan, buys the New York Times.

1896 In response to the Dreyfus Affair, Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) writes The Jewish State: An Attempt at a Modern Solution of the Jewish Question, the publication marking the beginning of political Zionism.

1897 Theodor Herzl organizes the World Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. In November of the same year, the thirteen New York Choveve Zion branches and other American Zionist cells are joined in the Federation of American Zionists.

1897 Daniel DeLeon's Socialist Labor Party begins publishing Forverts. Within a decade, this will become the largest Yiddish newspaper in the world, eventually reaching a circulation of 200,000.

1897 The Gerstles, traders of Alaskan furs, touch off the Klondike Gold Rush when one of their steamers returns to San Francisco with $750,000 in newly-discovered Alaskan gold.

1898 The Lewisohns merge their holdings with Rockefeller interests of Standard Oil to create United Metals Smelting Company, which controls 55% of the copper produced in the United States. They attempt to create a cartel by merging independent copper producers into their newly-created subsidiary, American Smelting and Refining Company. John D. Rockefeller had overstepped his bounds and was about to be reprimanded.

1898 Having made their first fortune investing in Colorado lead and silver mines after the Civil War, the Guggenheim family now controls nearly half of the world's copper supply. Their huge conglomerate now includes Colorado Smelting and Refining, Kennecott Copper, Nevada Consolidated, Esperanza Gold (Mexico) and Chile Copper (Chile). Led by Daniel Guggenheim, they dump vast stocks of lead on the market, forcing staggering losses on American Smelting and Refining, and buy up the stock at bargain prices. The Guggenheim empire will soon stretch from the Yukon to Mexico, Bolivia and Chile to Angola and the Congo. Henceforth, Mr. Rockefeller learned to stay on his leash.

1898 Theodore Roosevelt, as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, jumps rank and issues the Order for Admiral Dewey to attack the Spanish Fleet in Manilla Bay. His “international banker” patrons are pleased, and a British fleet is standing-by offshore to guarantee an American victory. Within three years Roosevelt will be made President. In the wake of this “Hispanic” War, the United States extends its “protection” to cover the former Spanish colonies, including Cuba (whose citizens will someday become “refugees” by the simple act of setting foot on our soil), Puerto Rico (to whom Congress will grant U.S. “citizenship” with the 1917 Jones-Shafroth Act) and the Philippines (where a guerrilla War will drag on for the next twenty years).

1898 The Anti-Imperialist League is founded by Villard and former Abolitionist leader William Lloyd Garrison. Organization is closely linked with the American Ethical Union. These Marxists quickly gain control of the Anti-War faction, causing war resistance to become confused with radical socialist ideology. It is a brilliant political gambit! The Populists (Nationalists) are repulsed into the opposing Pro-War Republican Party (which the Marxists had founded!); and this is handed-over to the international “Capitalists”! This is the beginning of modern “Conservativism”, where Nationalist sentiment is drowned out by business interest. Meanwhile, the Marxists who had left the Republican Party begin to infiltrate the (old Nationalist) Democratic Party, spearheaded by New York Jewish immigrants. These will become the “New Democrats.” By the time Woodrow Wilson is elected President, both political parties have “flip-flopped” into the hands of the international bankers.

1900 Baron Edmund de Rothschild (1854-1934), scion of the French branch of the House of Rothschild, donates his Palestine colonies to the Jewish Colonization Association.

1900 (circa) In San Francisco, Anthony and Isadore Zellerbach propel their small paper firm into a merger with Crown Willamette Paper Company, and ultimately into the world's second largest pulp and paper corporation. Aaron Fleishhacker creates the Golden Gate Paper Box Corporation, which will become the largest carton manufacturer in the West. By the turn of the century, immigrant Jews have become the senior figures in San Francisco's burgeoning economy, moving into the highest ranks of social and political life.

1902 John D. Rockefeller (not a Jew), working with Baptist minister Frederick Taylor Gates, founds the General Education Board.

1904 Kuhn, Loeb & Co. helps finance the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese War. Russia is humiliated. Revenge is sweet to him who waits.

1904 G. Stanley Hall (a Gentile) publishes his masterpiece: Adolescence: Its Psychology and Its Relations to Physiology, Anthropology, Sociology, Sex, Crime, Religion, and Education.

1904 Theodore Roosevelt is delegated by the “international bankers” to “arbitrate” a treaty to end the Russo-Japanese War. At the same time he also negotiates a reciprocal trade agreement with Japan.

1905 Adolph Zukor, Morris Kohn and Marcus Loew begin building a chain of nickelodeons in Philadelphia, Newark and Boston, later to be transformed into the Loews Theaters.

1905 Samuel Zemurray purchases a bankrupt steamship company and departs for Honduras to start his first 5,000-acre banana plantation.

1906 The Jewish Kehillah in New York City is formed together with the American Jewish Committee. The delegates at the first open meeting in 1906 represented 222 Jewish societies -- religious, political, industrial and communal. Just over a year later the number of Jewish organizations under the jurisdiction of the Kehillah aggregated 688, and in 1921 well over 1,000. When the aggressive program of the Kehillah to make New York a Jewish city, and through New York to make the United States a Jewish country, was announced ...

1906 Oscar Straus (1850-1926) is appointed Secretary of Commerce and Labor, with jurisdiction over the Department of Immigration and Naturalization, the first professing Jew to hold a Cabinet appointment in the United States (excluding Judah P. Benjamin in the Confederacy).

1906 Edward Lee Thorndike, a gentile, publishes The Principles of Teaching Based on Psychology.

1906 Theodore Roosevelt, through the agency of Ambassador White at the Algeciras Conference on Morocco, aids the International Bankers in giving Morocco (which Spain had lost following the “Hispanic” War) to France, in return for her joining an alliance with Britain against Germany.

1906 The Hellman family, owners of Wells Fargo Bank, and the Lilienthals, owners of the Anglo-California Bank, help finance the reconstruction of San Francisco after the Great Earthquake.

1907 Dr. Harry F. Ward (a Gentile) organizes the Methodist Foundation of Social Services with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. The Reverend Ward will later serve as head of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) -- from 1920 to 1940 -- and as co-founder of the American League Against War and Fascism, which later changes its name to Communist Party of the United States.

1907 Cyrus Scofield completes his Bible Concordance and presents his work to the Lotus Club for approval.

1908 The United States (still under President Theodore Roosevelt) enters into reciprocal trade agreements with every nation in Europe except Germany.

1908 The Methodist Foundation of Social Services changes its name to Federal Council of Churches.

1909 William Howard Taft is elected president. Theodore Roosevelt travels to England where he assures the Rothschilds that Taft will continue his trade and foreign policies, then he heads off on an African Safari with his “friends”.

1909 A group of New York entrepreneurs, under license of the Edison Company, form the Motion Picture Patents Company.

1909 Laemmle Film Service is now one of the largest distributors of motion pictures.

1909 Adolph Zukor produces Passion Play, a three-reel film based on the Life of Christ. He soon joins with Daniel Frohman to form the Famous Players Film Company.

1909 Cyrus Scofield's Bible Concordance is presented to the public, describing the Hebrew Prophecies as foretelling the coming of Christ's Kingdom and the Book of Esther as a “deliverance” of the Chosen People. It quickly becomes the standard reference work in Christian divinity schools.

1909 Bernard Gimbel opens his flagship department store in New York. Macy's (Lazarus Straus & family), Bloomingdale's, Altman's and Abraham Straus stores are already well-established; by this time, retail distribution has become a virtual Jewish monopoly.

1910 Emma Goldman (1869-1940), radical anarchist and writer, lectures in thirty-seven different cities on a six month speaking tour; she is later deported to Russia for her controversial stance on government.

1910 during the two decades spanning the “Mexican Revolution” and its aftermath, nearly 700,000 Mexicans cross the border into the United States – approximately three percent of the entire population of Mexico. They bring the Politics of the Mexican Revolution here with them.

1910 Samuel Zemurray buys a surplus navy frigate, stocks it with weapons and gunmen, and “captures” Honduras capital of Tegucigalpa. President Davilla flees into exile and Bonilla is reinstated. Zemurray's Cuyamel Company flourishes.

1910 Sam Goldfish marries Blanche Lasky. He joins with Cecil B. DeMille and his brother-in-law, Jesse Lasky, to form the Jesse L. Lasky Feature Film Company. Shortly thereafter DeMille moves production to California, renting a barn in the quiet village of Hollywood.

1911 President Taft refuses to annul the 1832 Commerce and Navigation Treaty with Russia to placate Jews offended by the “Jewish Passport” problem -- Russia had refused to honor the American passports of Russian Jews who had emigrated to the U.S., obtained passports, and then returned to Russia and attempted to use these to evade Russian restrictions on Jewish activities. B'nai B'rith is furious and attacks the Treaty anyhow, while Jacob Schiff is heard saying, “This is War.”

1911 Jews in New York found the Urban League to help newly-arrived negro migrants from the rural South. This is the beginning of the welfare magnet.

1912 Financed by Jacob Schiff, Theodore Roosevelt forms the Bull Moose Party, splits the Republican vote, and hands the Presidential Election over to Mandell House's protégé, Woodrow Wilson, who dutifully proclaims his support for “free trade”.

1912 Carl Laemmle's Universal Film Manufacturing Company is providing almost half of the films for all American small towns west of Chicago. Laemmle moves his production to Cuba and then to California, where he builds the Universal City studio complex.

1912 Louis Marshall becomes president of the American Jewish Committee, and leads a successful campaign to abrogate the U.S.-Russian Trade Treaty.

1913 The Federal Reserve Bank is created by a midnight vote of Congress on December 23rd. The capital stock of this corporation, which pays a six percent dividend, is owned by the twelve member Reserve Banks. According to hearsay, these twelve are owned by the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers and other international banking families, but the simple fact is, we can't find out. Congress itself has repeatedly failed in its attempts, and the Federal Reserve has never been audited by any outside body.

1913 Abraham Flexner leaves his position at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching to work for John D. Rockefeller at the General Education Board.

1913 Horace Kallen meets with Louis Brandeis to develop his paradigm of reshaping America according to multicultural and Zionist principles.

1913 B'nai B'rith establishes the Anti-Defamation League.

1913 Jack, Harry, Sam and Albert Warner, who had established the Duquesne Film Exchange in 1907, move their Warner Bros film studios to Burbank, California.

1913 The 16th Amendment (Income Tax) is “ratified”, some say illegally.

1913 The 17th Amendment (Senate Elections) is “ratified”, some say illegally. Henceforth, national lobbies can bypass state legislatures.

1914 Phillip Brothers, an American branch of a Hamburg Jewish metal-trading house, opens its doors in America, later to become Phibro Corporation, one of the shrewdest global commodities traders. Guess who was controlling German war-production at the time?

1914 World War I begins in Europe with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the Habsburg throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

1914 Jacob Schiff (1847-1920) and Felix Warburg (1871-1937) set up the Joint Distribution Committee, organized for the relief of Jewish war sufferers.

1914 Louis B. Mayer organizes a group of New England distributors, all Jews, into the Alco Film Corporation which later becomes the Metro Picture Corporation.

1914 Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University becomes chairman of the NAACP and recruits for its board such Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf and Rabbi Stephen Wise.

1914 There are now 3,500,000 Jews in the United States. Major American centers are New York City with 1,600,000, Chicago with 285,000, and Philadelphia with 240,000, all outstripping the major European Jewish centers of Vienna, Budapest, London, Berlin, Paris, Lodz, Kiev and Warsaw.

1915 Pressure in the Jewish immigrant community is reaching near-hysteria on the subject of establishing an American Jewish Congress. Labor Zionist activist Pinchas Rutenberg arrives from Europe to accelerate the process. Together with Chaim Zhitlovsky, the renowned Diaspora nationalist, he becomes star speaker for the Socialist Agitation Bureau.

1915 William Joseph Simmons,strongfont-size: small; a Freemason and Knight Templar, revives the Ku Klux Klan as a fraternal organization for the preservation and advancement of the white race. Within seven years, the Klan grows to 4,000,000 members. While the Klan has ever since been vilified by the establi/spanshment in a relentless campaign of hate and disinformation, hardly anyone seems to have noticed what B'nai B'rith, Columbia University, the “Socialist Agitation Bureau”, the ADL and the Jewish Congress were all about. Or the Urban League and the NAACP.

1915 William Fox, another Jewish exhibitor, forms the Fox Film Corporation.

1915 Birth of a Nation, a landmark silent film, based on the novel The Klansman.

1915 Brothers Albert and Charles Boni begin publishing the “Little Leather Library”.

1915 Alfred A. Knopf leaves Doubleday to open his own publishing company.

1916 Under pressure of blackmail over his illicit affair with Mrs. Peck (a.k.a. Mrs Hulbert), the wife of a Princeton professor, Woodrow Wilson appoints Louis D. Brandeis -- a leader of the Zionist movement -- to the United States Supreme Court. Samuel Untermayer pays off the $40,000 that Mrs. Peck's son had embezzled from a bank. Six months later, under guidance of Brandeis, an agreement is struck to bring America into the War.

1916 Zukor, Lasky and Goldfish merge the Famous Players Company with the Lasky group. With this leverage, and the backing of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., Zukor wins a majority of the Paramount board.

1916 Samuel Bronfman opens a retail liquor outlet in Montreal. Soon afterwards, he purchases the old Canadian firm of Seagram's, and begins to experiment with “blended” (i.e. watered) whiskey.

1916 Woodrow Wilson is elected to a second term as President on the slogan, “He kept us out of war” (World War I). Immigrants and Jews flock to the Democratic Party, and Zionist support plays a crucial role in the election. Even so, 78% of the American population wants the United States to remain neutral.

1917 The Russian Revolution. Virtually all of the Bolshevik leaders are Jews. According to American counter-intelligence, Lenin and the Bolsheviks were receiving donations from Jacob Schiff, Guggenheim, Max Breitung, and Kuhn Loeb & Co.. One of the Russian revolution's most decisive consequences was the support it ensured for United States entrance into World War I. The two events were separated by less than a month.

1917 On April 6, the United States enters World War I to “make the world safe for democracy.” Within a week, British Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann writes to Louis Brandeis, the American Zionist leader, disclosing the status of the proposed Balfour Declaration, committing America and Britain to support of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Communications regarding the Declaration go directly from the British Foreign Office to Louis Brandeis, by-passing both President Wilson and the U.S. State Department. Was this a payoff to the Jews for bringing America into the War?

1917 Bernard Baruch is appointed chairman of the War Industries Board, with far-reaching authority to oversee every aspect of United States industrial production.

1918 At the May 1918 conference of deans of New England colleges, the officials admit concern that their institutions might soon be overrun by Jews.

1918 The Federation of American Zionists is reorganized and renamed the Zionist Association of America. it lists over 120,000 active members, and its affiliated organizations report membership in excess of 175,000.

1918 Samuel Goldfish changes his name to Goldwyn and sells out his interest in the Lasky-Paramount group to form Samuel Goldwyn Productions with New York producers Arcei and Edgar Selwyn. Studio is loc/pated in Culver City, California.

1918 In December, as President Wilson prepares to sail for Paris, the American Jewish Congress is called to order at Philadelphia's Lee-Lu temple. In honor of the occasion, the Zionist flag was raised over Philadelphia's Independence Hall. The pro-Zionist and Jewish nationalist formulas are hammered out by the new Congress similarly reflect the thrilling impact of the Balfour Declaration.

1919 The 18th Amendment (Prohibition) is passed empowering the Volstead Act. Some say it, too, was illegal, but who is keeping count anymore? Samuel Bronfman makes such a fortune bootlegging, that Lake Erie becomes known as the “Jewish Lake”. He joins forces with Meyer Lansky and “Waxy” Gordon (Irving Wexler) to become the major liquor distributor in the United States.

1919 Jews make up 13% of the student body at Yale, nearly 25% at the University of Pennsylvania, 20% at Brown, 20% at Harvard, 40% at Columbia, and yet the ADL screams that “anti-semitism” is keeping them out. Yeesh!

1919 Abraham Flexner becomes Secretary (Chief Executive Officer) of the Rockefeller-funded General Education Board. He develops a model corecurriculum for public schools based upon modern theory, eliminating studies in classical Latin and Greek, undermining the secular and historical foundation of our culture.

1919 The U.S. Communist Party is formed with William Z. Foster as first general secretary. Virtually all of its members are Russian-Jewish immigrants, and its power is firmly entrenched within Sidney Hillman's International Ladies' Garment Workers Union (ILGWU).

1919 Radio Corporation of America (RCA) is established as a collaboration of American Marconi and General Electric with David Sarnoff as its commercial manager and de facto chairman. Over the next ten years it acquires more than 2,000 patents, covering all the basic elements of an integrated radio-transmission system.

1919 B.W. Huebsch becomes editor in chief of Viking Press.

1920 Meyer Lansky enters into collaboration with “Big Maxie” Greenberg, a veteran Detroit mobster, and Arnold Rothstein, who owns a chain of New York gambling casinos. Rothstein bankrolls the operation, purchasing “safe” sites in Maine to import liquor from England, while Greenberg goes to St. Louis and “Waxy” Gordon takes over New Jersey.

1920 The Nineteenth Amendment is passed, guaranteeing American women's right to vote; in response, the National American Woman Suffrage Association changes its name to the League of Women Voters, later to achieve Votescam notoriety.

1921 Bernard Baruch and Colonel Edwin House organize the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), sister-organization to the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Rockefeller and the Rhodes foundations.

1921 Otto Kahn, Mrs. Joseph Meyer and Maurice Wertheim become patrons of the Theater Guild and begin a cultural revolution by importing European “realism” to the American Stage. Treating culture like a globally-traded commodity, Jewish impresarios have quickly gained control over the American cultural landscape. Native-born American talent is unable to compete with slick European “imports”, which are increasingly Jewish.

1923 Richard Simon and M. Lincoln Schuster begin publishing their popular pulp-books for mass merchandising.

1923 Arthur Flegenheimer, AKA “Dutch Schultz”, a Polish Jew immigrant, muscles into a chain of Manhattan speakeasies. The Fleisher and Bernstein brothers organize the “Purple Gang” in Detroit. Bootlegging in Cleveland is dominated by the “Woodland Four” -- Louis Rothkopf, Morris Kleinman, “Moe” Dalitz and Samuel Tucker.

1924 The Immigration and Nationalities Act is passed, containing a national origins quota system. This protected the national demography by regulating immigration according to the existing racial-ethnic makeup of the United States, i.e. northwestern European heritage. This was the greatest achievement of the Ku Klux Klan of the period and its affiliates. Jewish migration to the United States drops from 150,000 per year to barely 10,000. The national origins quota system remained in force until the Act was amended in 1965. That's twice we were saved by the Klan, for a while.

1924 Famous Players-Lasky is merged into an enlarged Paramount Pictures Corporation; with the latter's network of 6,000 theaters, this becomes the largest film production-distribution network in the world.

1924 Marcus Loew, who has put together a huge chain of theaters, acquires the Samuel Goldwin Company and Louis B. Mayer's Metro Picture Corporation to create Metro Goldwyn Mayer Corporation. Mayer emerges as executive vice president with a prodigious salary plus 20% of the profits.

1924 Harry Cohn, former executive secretary to Carl Laemmle, establishes Columbia Pictures Corporation.

1924 From Minneapolis, Isadore “Kid Cann” Blumenfeld and his brothers Yiddy and Harry control bootlegging throughout the upper Mississippi region. In Kansas City, Solomon “Cutcher-Head-Off” Weissman is the liquor kingpin. In Newark, Joseph Reinfeld and Abner “Longy” Zwillman organize a syndicate. In Philadelphia, Max “Boo Boo” Hoff and Harry “Nig Rosen” Stromberg run the syndicate. Chicago bosses include Benjamin and Samuel Jacobson, Herschel Miller, Max Eisen and Samuel “Nails” Morton.

1925 Pioneer Women, the women's labor Zionist organization, is founded in the United States.

1925 The All-America Anti-Imperialist League is organized by the Workers (Communist) Party.

1925 The fledgling Warner Bros. Co. purchases the Vitagraph Company with backing of Goldman-Sachs, and acquires rights to a sound recording process developed by an engineer at Western Electric.

1925 Bennett Cerf and Donald Klopfer purchase the Modern Library, later to become known as Random House.

1926 RCA under Sarnoff evades charges of monopoly by establishing special licensing arrangements with other companies. National Broadcasting Company and the Victor Recording Company are created as subsidiaries of RCA.

1928 Alfred Smith runs for president. His closest advisors are Abram Elkus, Joseph Proskauer, and Belle Moskowitz. Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lieutenant Governor Herbert Lehman significantly enlarge on Smith's liberal welfare policies. Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Jesse Straus and Laurence Steinhardt help raise the money and select the delegates who will ensure Roosevelt's victory in 1932.

1929 The brothers Scubert -- Samuel, Jacob and Levi (Lee) -- finance and control over 75% of Broadway productions. New York theater becomes known as “Shubert Alley”.

1929 Meyer Lansky, “Longy” Zwillman and Louis “Lepke” Buchalter host a meeting of gangland bosses -- including Al Capone, Frank Costello, Charlie “Lucky” Luciano and Johnny Torrio -- at Atlantic City's President Hotel to hammer out a “cartelization” of territories for activities that go far beyond bootlegging. This is the beginning of “Crime, Inc.”

1929 RCA hires Vladimir Zworykin, a Russian-Jewish scientist, to develop the kinescope, a cathode ray tube used in the television receiver.

1930 In New York, Jews make up 65% of the city's lawyers, 64% of its dentists, and 55% of its physicians. In Cleveland, Jews are 23% of the city's lawyers, 21% of its dentists, and 17% of the doctors.

1932 Franklin Roosevelt is elected president and begins to assemble his cabinet. Judge Samuel Roseman and Charles W. Taussig create the Brains Trust. Other influential members of the inner circle are Felix Frankfurter, Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau Sr & Jr, Sidney Hillman and Samuel Untermayer. In all, 51 of the 72 presidential appointments will be Jews.

1932 Herbert Lehman is elected governor of New York. Lehman is twice reelected until he resigns in 1943 to become the first director of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency.

1933 Abraham Flexner leaves the General Education Board to found the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies, future home of the Manhattan Project and the Philadelphia Experiment, as a refuge for Jewish scholars.

1933 Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) comes to power as chancellor of Germany.

1933 Within a week of his inauguration as President, Franklin D. Roosevelt invokes emergency war powers that effectively suspend the Constitution. Gold is confiscated from private citizens and the new currency is backed by a lien on all property, public and private, in the United States. (remember the land banks?)

1933 The American Jewish Congress, led by Rabbi Stephen Wise and Samuel Untermayer, join the war movement, calling on all Jews to unite in a “Holy War” against Nazism. In a speech given on 11 February 1933, Henry Morgenthau states: “The U.S. has entered the phase of a second war.” Other Jewish leaders join in the chorus. This is six years before the “start” of World War II with the German invasion of Poland (formerly East Prussia), and almost nine years before Pearl Harbor.

1933 Total membership of the Communist Party in America is estimated by Earl Browder at 1,200,000. There are over 600 Jewish radical and Communist newspapers and Jewish periodicals being published in the U.S.

1933 Albert Einstein arrives in America and accepts a position at Abraham Flexner's Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton.

1933 Without consulting Congress, FDR recognizes the Stalin regime. The rest of the world soon follows suit.

1933 Leo Szilard, mastermind of the Jewish atomic project, leaves Germany and goes to Britain. His associate Lise Meitner heads for Sweden. Other Jewish atomic scientists are continuing secret experiments in Germany.

1933 Joseph Schenk and Darryl Zanuck found the Twentieth Century Film Corporation.

1933 At the initiative of Howard Lawson (Levy), prominent screenwriters organize the Screenwriters Guild. The Guild's first president was Lawson himself, its secretary was Joseph Mankiewicz, its treasurer was Ralph Block. Men like Lawson, Maltz, and Samuel Ornitz of the Directors Guild, are actually Communist Party members.

1933 Louise Waterman Wise (d. 1947) organizes and becomes the first president of the Women's Division of the American Jewish Congress.

1933 United Fruit Company, which bought out Zemurray's Cuyamel Company in a stock transaction that made Zemurray its largest shareholder, is now taken over by Zemurray. United Fruit becomes the single largest employer in Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica. It is the single largest privately owned agricultural domain on earth.

1933 Prohibition is repealed. Meyer Lansky, “Bugsy” Siegel, Samuel Tucker, Moe Dalitz, Morris Kleinman and Samuel Rothkopf, all of whom escaped prosecution, build a chain of distilleries across the northern United States, selling millions of gallons of alcohol to liquor manufacturers without troubling to pay excise taxes.

1935 Mary McLeod Bethune (1876-1955) founds the National Council of Negro Women.

1935 Twentieth Century Pictures merge with Fox Film Corporation to form Twentieth Century-Fox.

1936 In order to prevent “Dutch” Schultz from assassinating Thomas E. Dewey, at that time U.S. Attorney for New York, Buchalter and Lansky have Schultz gunned down and his territory divided among the cartel. Dewey then turns his agents loose on Buchalter and Shapiro. The two go into hiding, and set about “eliminating” potential talebearers. Over the next three years more than a hundred gangland figures are purged by “Murder, Inc.”

1937 The Haganah forms the Committee for Illegal Immigration to rescue European Jews.

1938 In Berlin, Otto Kahn and Fritz Strassman, working at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, split heavy uranium with a neutron bombardment. Each sends his results to their colleague Lise Meitner, who is staying in Stockholm. Working with Otto Frisch and Niels Bohr, she correctly surmises that they have achieved atomic fission. The Atomic Bomb is predicted to be operational in six years time! All of the atomic scientists involved are Jews, working under the Nazi's noses. And they wouldn't do it to us.

1938 Having learned of the successful atomic fission experiment, Leo Szilard proceeds to the United States, where he informs Lewis Strauss, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co., (which had secretly financed the Bolsheviks) of the potential for creating a nuclear explosion.

1938 Krystallnacht! The night of broken glass of attacks against the Jews in Nazi Germany.

1938 President Roosevelt divulges to Louis Brandeis his personal plan for settling 100,000 Jewish families in Palestine, at a cost of $3,000 per family, with the British, French and United States governments underwriting the cost in partnership with Jewish philanthropy.

1939 The United States refuses to admit German Jewish refugees aboard the St. Louis. Had the Jews refused his offer for peace?

1939 The British government issues a White Paper limiting Jewish immigration to Palestine to 75. Had they learned that the Jews were planning to build an Atomic Bomb in Russia, too? Russia also has been gearing-up for world war.

1939 At the twenty-first Zionist Congress in Vienna, the Jewish Agency sanctions illegal immigration to Palestine. (“We'll do it anyhow!”)

1939 France joins Britain in issuing their “guarantee” of the Polish Gover/spanfont-size: small;font-size: small;font-size: small;font-size: small;span style=nment after receiving promises of American Support. A representative of the Grand Orient meets with the United States Ambassador to France, Willifont-size: small;font-size: small;/spanfont-size: small;p style=/pfont-size: small;am C. Bullitt, and they agree that there is to be no international effort to resolve the humanitarian crisis in the Danzig Corridor. A Polish campaign of violent “ethnic cleansing” is underway to drive more than 2 million German people out from their homelands in East Prussia and Pommerania. 200,000 ethnic Germans are slaughtered.

1939 William Bullitt is sent as Ambassador to Poland, supported by Secretary of State Cordell Hull, where he informs the Poles that the United States will support them only if they maintain their hard-line policy against Germany. The promise of Anglo-American support is reiterated by Joseph Kennedy, the U.S. Ambassador to Britain, in a private letter to the Polish Ambassador. [Makes one wonder why Secretary of State Cordell Hull would take a position against Germany, and also why would Joseph Kennedy support such a directive? C.A.E.]

1939 Of this period, Winston Churchill is later to write, “It was the Americans (through the agency of Ambassador Joseph Kennedy) who were pushing Great Britain to war.”

1939 World War II begins in Europe, lasting until 1945.

1939 The Belgian Congo is the world's largest source of uranium. Einstein drafts a letter to the Belgian government, which Szilard and Wigner intend to forward via the U.S. State Department. At the instigation of Lewis Strauss, Alexander Sachs, a member of the Lehman Brothers banking house and also of the White House “Brains Trust”, is chosen to go directly to Franklin Roosevelt. The President is informed of the atomic bomb project on October 11.

1940 Over the next 10 years, Meyer Lansky and Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel successfully launder their bootlegging money through building a chain of hotels and casinos: early projects are Hot Springs, Arkansas, and Florida's Gold Coast. They also payoff the Batista regime and set up shop in Havana.

1941 Meyer Lansky and “Bugsy” Siegel organize the Nevada Projects Corporation and sell shares to other veteran Jewish mobsters to build the City of Las Vegas. The Lansky group becomes the premier organized crime syndicate in the world. It was not until 1972 that the IRS indicts the Lansky group for tax evasion, and they all skipped bail and went to Israel. Lansky later returned to the United States and beat the charges, living out his days peacefully in Florida.

1941 On June 3rd, 83% of the American population is against entering World War II. Six months later, Roosevelt asks Congress to declare war.

1942 Within a month of the United States entering the War, the Manhattan Project receives orders to proceed full-speed-ahead.

1942 Six hundred delegates attend the Zionist Emergency Council at the Biltmore Hotel in New York. The eight-point resolution calls for a Jewish military force under its own flag in Palestine, and control of immigration and access to uncultivated lands to be vested exclusively in the Jewish Agency.

1942 600,000 Jews who have fled the Nazi invasion of Russia are secretly resettled in Todja and Uzbekistan, where they begin working on the Russian atomic program. They are officially listed as “dead”.

1943 The American Jewish Conference is held at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York. Of the 375 local representatives, 240 are members of the Zionist Organization of America, and of the rest, more than 100 are affiliated with other Zionist groups.

1944 With the aid of atomic secrets being smuggled out of the United States by Jewish scientists, the Russian atomic program in Uzbekistan and Todja is now operational, under the direction of Beria Kurchatov (a Jew), Chief of the Soviet Secret Police (“Men in Black”) under Stalin.

1945 The United States successfully detonates its first Atomic device on July 16th.

1949 The Soviet Union successfully detonates its first Atomic device on July 24th.

This Jewish Time-Line ending in 1949 shows this work of Jacob Neusner to be 60 years old, and surely from 1949 until 2011 many important dates and events could be added to this list. To end this topic, we will cite The Story Of The Jews by Rabbi Lee J. Levinger an his wife Elma, and later rewritten by Harry Gersh, chapter 14 “The New World”, page 161:

The first Jews in America: In the first century after the [Columbus] discovery, hundreds of Jews and Marranos came to the New World. Some came seeking the gold of El Dorado; most came seeking freedom. But they did not find it immediately. The ships that planted the Spanish flag from Florida to Peru also carried the cross of the Inquisition. Thirty-six years after the first European stepped foot in the New World, a Jew was burned at the stake in Mexico. The persecutions reached their peak in 1639 when sixty-three Marranos were condemned in Peru in one mass trial.

When the Dutch took Brazil, Jews built substantial colonies at Recife and Surinam. But the respite was short. The Portuguese took back Brazil in 1654 and the Jews scattered northward through the West Indies. The history of the Jews of the United States begins with that scattering. Twenty-four refugees from the Portuguese Inquisition limped into the harbor of New Amsterdam aboard the tiny brig St. Charles.

Peter Stuyvesant Governor of New 3/fontAmsterdam, was not pleased to see the Jews, some of whom were penniless. He tried to bar them, but the colony belonged to the Dutch West India Company, whose Jewish stockholders made him accept the Jews. The refugees were admitted with one restriction, ‘providing that they shall not become a charge upon the community.’ The Jews gladly accepted this condition. It was to have a profound effect upon the development of the American Jewish community ....”

A map-type chart on the same page shows “MAJOR PERIODS OF JEWISH IMMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES” (Three in all):

1.- “Spanish-Portuguese Jews 1654-1776 2,000

2.- “German speaking Jews 1815-1880 200,000

3.- “East European Jews 1880-1914 1,600,000

It is now time for the serious student to determine the significance of all of this, and how gravely it is effecting the European-Caucasian Race today! One last question: Did the Jews accidentally “limp” into the harbor at New Amsterdam, or did they purposely “force” their way into the harbor, knowing ahead of time they could use their financial leverage against the Dutch?



TO THE AMERICAS, (North, South & Central)


This is a critical review of Jacob Neusner’s Exodus To America: A Jewish Time-Line. Neusner seems to do quite well generally, and he takes most of his information from The Jewish Encyclopedia. However, we are instructed by Christ Himself to “beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees” (Matthew 16:6), and that the Canaanite-Edomites amalgamated with the Canaanite tribe of the “Kenites” (Genesis 15:19) converted to Judaism (Josephus’ Antiquities 13.9.1) were liars, being the children of the devil (John 8:44)! Therefore, we must be careful when quoting from the Canaanite-jews! There are three distinct entities which we should not group together, and they are, (1) the house of pureblooded Israel, (2) the house of pureblooded Judah, and (3) the house of the mixed-blooded Kenite-Edomite-jews converted to Judaism by John Hyrcanus near 125 B.C., and all the mixed-blooded proselytes they the (Kenite-Edomite-jews) have picked up along the way, even up until today!

In Jacob Neusner’s introductory paragraph, he speaks of the 1391 Spanish persecutions and mass conversions of the Jews, and if converted accompanied with baptism, and labeled as “Conversos”. By converting to catholicism, such Jews were able to climb to high financial administrator positions: examples being Luis de la Cavalleria (chief treasurer under John II of Aragon); Luis Sanchez (royal bailiff of the kingdom of Aragon, 1490); and his brother Gabriel Sanchez (secretary and auditor of royal accounts). Under Henry IV of Castile, 1454-1474, Diego Arias de Avial (served as the king’s secretary and auditor of the royal accounts) followed by his unpopular son, Pedro; even Queen Isabella depended on the Jews as tax-farmers, and personal advisers on financial matters, as well as securing loans from them! Even the converso Jew Luis de Santangel was chancellor and comptroller of the royal household, and when Isabella needed money to finance Columbus, she turned to the Jew Noah Chinillo, according to Jacob Neusner.

In order to settle a matter, the Bible requires two witnesses. Therefore I will quote from The International Jew, The World’s Foremost Problem. Abridged from the original as published by the world renowned industrial leader, Henry Ford Sr. Appearing originally in the periodical published by the Ford Motor Co, “The Dearborn Independent”. Copy prepared for the printer by Gerald L. K. Smith, chapter 1, pages 13-15:


The story of the Jews in America begins with Christopher Columbus. On August 2, 1492, more than 300,000 Jews were expelled from Spain and on August 3, the next day, Columbus set sail for the west, taking a group of Jews with him.

They were not, however, refugees, for the prophetic navigator’s plans had aroused the sympathy of influential Jews for a long period previously. Columbus himself tells us that he consorted much with Jews. The first letter he wrote detailing his discoveries was to a Jew. Indeed, the eventful voyage itself which added to men’s knowledge and wealth ‘the other half of the earth’ was made possible by Jews. The pleasant story that it was Queen Isabella’s jewels which financed the voyage has disappeared under cool research.

“There were three Maranos or ‘secret Jews’ who wielded great influence at the Spanish court: Luis de Santagel, who was an important merchant of Valencia and who was ‘farmer’ of the royal taxes; his relative, Gabriel Sanchez, who was the royal treasurer; and their friend, the royal chamberlain, Juan Cabrero. These worked unceasingly on Queen Isabella’s imagination, picturing to her the depletion of the royal treasury and the likelihood of Columbus discovering the fabulous gold of the Indies, until the Queen was ready to offer her jewels in pawn for the funds. But Santagel craved permission to advance the money himself, which he did, 17,000 ducats in all, about 5,000 pounds, perhaps equal to 40,000 pounds today (i.e., Gerald L. K. Smith’s day).

“Associated with Columbus in the voyages were at least five Jews: Luis de Torres, interpreter; Marco, the surgeon; Bernal, the physician; Alonzo de la Calle, and Gabriel Sanchez. Luis de Torres was the first man ashore, the first to discover the use of tobacco; he settled in Cuba and may be said to be the father of Jewish control of the tobacco business as it exist today.

Columbus’ old patrons, Luis de Santagel and Gabriel Sanchez, received many privileges for the part they played in the work, but Columbus himself became the victim of a conspiracy fostered by Bernal, the ship’s doctor, and suffered injustice and imprisonment as his reward.

From the beginning, Jews looked more and more to America as a fruitful field, and immigration set in strongly toward South America, principally Brazil. But because of military participation in a disagreement between the Brazilians and the Dutch, the Jews of Brazil found it necessary to emigrate, which they did in the direction of the Dutch colony of what is now New York. Peter Stuyvesant, the Dutch governor, did not entirely approve of their settling among his people and ordered them to leave, but the Jews had evidently taken the precaution to assure their being received if not welcomed, because upon revoking the order of Stuyvesant, the Directors gave as one of the reasons for the Jews being received, ‘the large amount of capital which they have invested in the shares of the Company,’

Nevertheless they were forbidden to enter public service and to open retail shops, which had the effect of driving them to foreign trade in which they were soon exercising all but a monopoly because of their European connections.

This is only one of the thousand illustrations which can be given of the resourcefulness of the Jew. Forbid him in one direction he will excel in another. When he was forbidden to deal in new clothes, he sold old clothes – that was the beginning of the organized traffic in secondhand clothing. When he was forbidden to deal in merchandise, he dealt in waste – the Jew is the originator of the waste product business of the world; he was the originator of the salvage system; he found wealth in the debris of civilization. He taught people how to use old rags, how to clean old feathers, how to use gall nuts and rabbit skins. He has always had a taste for the furrier trade, which he now controls, and to him is due the multitude of common skins which now pass under various alluring trade names as furs of high origin.

Unwittingly, old Peter Stuyvesant compelled the Jews to make New York the principal port of America, and though a majority of New York Jews had fled to Philadelphia at the time of the American Revolution, most of them returned to New York at the earliest opportunity, instinct seeming to make them aware that in New York was to be their principal paradise of gain. And so it has proved.

New York is the greatest center of Jewish population in the world. It is the gateway where the bulk of American imports and exports are taxed, and where practically all the business done in America pays tribute to the masters of money. The very land of the city is the holdings of the Jews.”

Now that we have concurring evidence on this subject, we can critique Jacob Neusner’s Jewish Time-Line. In carefully examining all of his dated events, there is one major entry with which I simply cannot agree because he evidently agrees with the Jewish story of a so-called Jewish holocaust thusly:

“• 1938 At the Evian Conference in France, the nations of the world refuse to accept large numbers of European Jewish refugees, thus assuring the ‘Holocaust’.” This one I have deleted from his list.

Jacob Neusner also has an entry of a date and event which needs more substantiation which I have not deleted from his list, but have added a note thusly:

“• 1939 William Bullitt is sent as Ambassador to Poland, supported by Secretary of State Cordell Hull, where he informs the Poles that the United States will support them only if they maintain their hard-line policy against Germany. The promise of Anglo-American support is reiterated by Joseph Kennedy, the U.S. Ambassador to Britain, in a private letter to the Polish Ambassador.” [Makes one wonder why Secretary of State Cordell Hull would take a position against Germany, and also why would Joseph Kennedy support such a directive? C.A.E.]

With these two criticisms addressed, we can now examine

Jacob Neusner’s Jewish Time-Line:

1502 The converso Fernao de Noronha becomes Brazil's first governor, as Sephardic Jews quickly gain a monopoly over the nascent sugar industry. This established the foundation for the rum trade. The first African slaves in the New World were used as laborers on the Brazilian and Caribbean sugar plantations.

1580 Union between Spain and Portugal. A number of influential invest their capital in financing overseas ventures of the Crown, provisioning an army in Flanders and in the East Indies, and supplying contracts for Africa.

1619 Forty-six Sephardic conversos organize and become shareholders in the Hamburg Merchant Bank. Many of them were the financial agents for various North European courts. Other Sephardic banks are founded in Amsterdam and Antwerp.

1621 A group of Sephardim become organizers and important shareholders of the Dutch West India Company, which soon dominates the African slave trade.

1654 Sephardic Jews and conversos begin to settle in the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam, at the mouth of the Hudson River.

1656 Oliver Cromwell agrees to readmit Jews to England in return for loans to the English government from continental Jewish bankers.

1680 Jewish community is established in the British colony of Charles Town, South Carolina.

1689 William III merges Britain and Netherlands under the House of Orange, following the Glorious Revolution in England. Dutch Jews, both Sephardic and Ashkenazim, begin to move into England in significant numbers. London becomes a center of Sephardic banking. Leading figures are Moses da Costa, Solomon de Medina, Isaac Pereira, Manasseh Lopez, Samson Gideon, Francis & Joseph Salvador and the Goldsmid brothers.

1690 Government of the Massacheussets Bay issues the first known "Publick Bills of Credit" in America to pay troops after an unsuccessful expedition to Canada. Not exactly the beginning of fiat money ... but certainly on the leading edge. Who organized the investors to stabilize this new currency?

1694 The Bank of England is chartered as the sole purchasing agent for highly-profitable British government annuities, originally issued to finance the war-debts resulting from the Glorious Revolution. Not only does the Bank collect 8% interest on the notes, but the annuities themselves are treated as deposits secured by the Crown, so that the money can be loaned out a second time, allowing the Bank to collect interest twice on the same capital investment.

1709 New York issues its first bills of credit.

1714 The Bank of Massacheussets is founded. According to the original documents: "A Model for Erecting a Bank of Credit in Boston Founded on Land Security."

1715 Rhode Island land banks begin issuing bills of credit on loan. According to leading period historian John MacInnes, "The key to understanding Rhode Island's currency policy up to 1750, is that it was in fact a parasitical device."

1717 George I, the Hanoverian King of England, establishes the Grand Lodge of St. John (the Pretender), of which the British Crown is to be the titular head. This completes the conquest of the British Throne by the money powers.

1733 James Ogelthorpe establishes a vast plantation in Georgia. Many poor East European Jews begin to settle there, though the largest American Jewish communities are Sephardic-descent, Dutch and British, in New York, Charleston, Philadelphia, Newport and Boston.

1740 Uniform Naturalization Act grants British citizenship to all "subjects" living in the American colonies and the British West Indies. Jews are the primary beneficiaries, receiving official legal protections not previously enjoyed, including titled land ownership and land banking privileges. As regards the American Colonies, long-established practices now become legalized.

1754 Samson Simpson & Jacob Franks (brother of Moses Franks, the British financier) are appointed purchasing agents for the British forces during the French & Indian War. In one particularly adventurous transaction, Simpson, Hayman Levy, Franks & Judah Hayes lease out a fleet of eight armed privateers to the Royal Navy.

1756 Benjamin Franklin writes that "New York is growing immensely rich by Money brought into it from all Quarters for the Pay and Subsistence of the Troops." See Simpson, Franks, Levy et al.

1760 (circa) Isaac Sears establishes a land bank in New York. Increasingly, Colonial currency is based on public debt secured by land. In the formerly Dutch Barbados, interestingly, the currency is secured by a head-tax on negro slaves.

1763 Hayman Levy, purchasing agent, land speculator and importer-exporter dealing in cocoa, wine, rum, slaves and textiles, and who was also the single largest fur-trader in the colonies, the richest Jew in North America, dies in New York, leaving a vast mercantile empire to his son David, who focuses on real estate investment (land banking).

1766 Francis Salvador, grandson of the first Jewish director of the British East India Company and son-in-law of the absentee owner of a 100,000-acre plantation, arrives in Charleston to manage the estate.

1768 In Newport, Rhode Island, Moses Lopez owns a fleet of 30 ocean vessels and over 100 coastal schooners. He and his family are heavily involved in the molasses, rum and slave trade. The other major American hub of the trading rin span style=p style=g is Charleston, SC.

1768 Samson Simpson & Isaac Moses, Hayman Levy's brother-in-law and owner of a large merchant fleet, are the founders of the New York Chamber span style=font-size: small;of Commerce.

1775 The three Hart Brothers of Kentucky, in partnership with a Gentile judge from North Carolina, form the Transylvania Company. In a treaty with the Cherokee, they purchase 20 million acres of prime Kentucky soil for 10,000 pounds of merchandise. To create a land bank?

1775 Louis XVI of France grants Jews equal inheritance rights. Too little, too late. The House of Bourbon's days are numbered.

1776 Adam Weishaupt, a.k.a. Spartacus (after the leader of the Roman slave rebellion) and Baron de Kalb organize the Illuminati as a remote arm of the Chabrath Zerek Aour Bokhr. See the Great Seal on the dollar bill: "It smiles upon thy work ... a New Order of the Ages."

1776 American Revolutionary War begins. Haym Salomon raises large amounts of desperately needed cash for the Revolution by negotiating bills of exchange with France and the Netherlands. The Continental Congress appoints him "Broker to the Office of Finance of the United States". The French consulate appoints him "Treasurer of the French Army in America". Madame Helvetius, widow of the French Freemasonic leader and financier, introduces Benjamin Franklin to various European moneylenders. Yet another figure who helped finance the war was Isaac Moses, later among the founders of the Bank of New York.

1777 In Germany, Elcan Isaac Wolf publishes Von den Krankheiten der Juden, in which he expresses gratitude for the Enlightenment reforms that have improved the lot of the Jews in Germany, but also campaigns for an extension of Jewish civil rights.

1781 Robert Morris establishes the Bank of North America.

1782 At the European Freemasonic conference at Wilhelmsbad, Dr. Adam Weishaupt and his right-hand man Baron Adolf Von Knigge (both of whom were Masons at the time), met with the representatives from the 23 Supreme Councils of the Masonic world and convinced them, after 30 sessions, to follow the Illuminati's 7-Part Plan for the Creation of a New World Order.

1785 The Columbian Lodge of the Order of the Illuminati is established in New York City. Its members will later include Governor DeWitt Clinton, Clinton Roosevelt, and Horace Greeley. There was a Lodge in Virginia also that was identified with Thomas Jefferson.

1787 The "Constitutional Convention" is held illegally in Philadelphia. The Antifederalist Papers emerge.

1789 The Constitution of the Unites States of America is ratified by underhanded means.

1789 The French Revolution begins.

1792 Jacob Franks establishes several lumber mills as a founding member of Green Bay, in the Wisconsin Territory. Under terms of the Northwest Ordinance (1787), absentee landowners cannot be taxed at a higher rate than residents.

1792 In the midst of the French Revolution, Jews in France are granted citizenship and full civil rights.

1793 Isaac Moses, Solomon Simpson, David Levy and Benjamin Seixas organize the Bank of New York and become major shareholders.

1793 The Bank of Columbia is chartered in New York.

1797 Napoleon (a Gentile Freemason) emancipates the Jews of Venice. In the course of his campaigns across Europe, Napoleon will replace the feudal kingdoms that he conquers with new republics, and the Jews are set free from the restrictions of the ghetto which had been placed upon their race. Napoleon is still honored today as the "Emancipator of the Jews".

1798 Jews become prominent in the Jeffersonian Democratic Party. Solomon Simpson becomes vice-president of the party.

1799 Illuminist Aaron Burr organizes the Manhattan Company and obtains his famous "trick charter" for the bank in New York. He purposely creates a politically diverse board of directors in the hopes of manipulating the several factions to his own ends.

1799 Marching on Palestine in April, during his Oriental Campaign against Britain, Napoleon issues the “Israel Arise” Proclamation, inviting the Jews to Return to Zion under his flag and establish their Kingdom of New Jerusalem. The next month, the French army is routed by the British outside Acre, and Napoleon hurriedly leads his shattered columns back to Egypt.

1799 Napoleon proclaims himself Emperor of the Republic of France.

1799 In Europe, the spectacular rise of the House of Rothschild begins when the fleeing Elector of Hesse3text-indent: 0.5in; margin-bottom: 0infont size=3p style=• -Cassel entrusts his fortune to Mayer Amschel, who becomes the underground financier to the British, Prussian, Austrian and Russian campaigns against Napoleon. The Napoleonic offer had been rejected, and Meyer Amschel clearly believes there is yet something to be done before “Zion” may be announced.

1800 (circa) Benjamin Seixas, Isaac Gomez, Alexander Zuntz, and Ephraim Hart co-found the Stockbrokers Guild -- later to become the New York Stock Exchange.

1801 Under Jewsih (Rothschild) leadership, the Tory faction of U.S. Freemasonry -- the grouping of Freemasons who had sided with England during the American Revolution -- open up shop in Charleston, S.C., as the Grand Council of the Princes of Jerusalem. The 400-year campaign for the subversion of Freemasonry is nearing completion.

1808 The Slave trade in the United States is abolished by an act of Congress.

1808 In France, Napoleon establishes consistories to organize the religion and practice of the Jews. He still hadn't caught on.

1812 America is at war with Britain (which has all the while been at war with Napoleon) for whatever reason.

1815 Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo.

1820 (circa) German Jews begin to arrive in America in the wake of the Napoleonic wars. They are not fleeing persecution, but rather seeking their fortune. Even at this date, there are still more Jews in the British and Dutch West Indies than in North America, perhaps 6,000 as opposed to 4,000 here, virtually all of them Sephardic.

1823 The Monroe Doctrine is proclaimed. An interesting example of telescopic diplomacy, it curbed European "colonization" of the Americas, but did nothing to protect us from being colonized by the Jews. Neither did it prevent Mexicans, Cubans, Haitians, Chinese and other such ilk from colonizing us.

1829 Alleged Illuminati meeting in New York to unite atheists and nihilists into the socialist movement.

1829 The Anti-Masonic political party is created by Gentiles Henry Dana Ward, Thurlow Weed, and William H. Seward. (Illuminati?) The same who later founded the Republican Party.

1829 An English Gentile woman, Frances Fanny Wright, comes to New York in 1829 to give a series of lectures promoting the Women's Auxiliary of the Illuminati. She advocates the entire Illuminati program including Communism. She also speaks of equal opportunity and equal rights, atheism, free love and emancipation of women. Clinton Roosevelt (an ancestor of FDR), Gentile Charles Dana and Abolitionist leader Horace Greeley are appointed to raise funds for this new undertaking.

1831 British emancipation of the West Indies. In America, Nat Turner brutally murders 57 whites, mostly women and children, with a blunt saber and an axe.

1833 Britain passes the Slavery Abolition Act, banning negro slavery throughout the British Empire. “White” children in England are exempted, so that they can crawl naked up the chimneys of Parliament to clean out the soot. Likewise, white children are forced to work twelve-hour days in British, American and European factories, under the most primitive and life-threatening conditions.

1835 Karl Marx organizes the League of the Just, a Communist secret society, in Paris.

1837 Joseph Seligman arrives in America at the age of 17, and sends for his ten brothers to come and join him. He will become the major underwriter of Union government bonds during the Civil War.

1838 Mayer Amschel Rothschild, head of the House of Rothschild, and a suspected "Secret Chief" of the Illuminati, makes his blunt statement: "Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who writes its laws."

1840 Lady Louise Rothschild (1821-1910) founds the first two independent Jewish women's philanthropic associations in England.

1840 The World Anti-Slavery Society holds a convention in London. Slavery has already been abolished in the British Empire.

1843 Twelve young German-Jews, eight of them Freemasons, establish the Jewish Lodge of B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant) in order to complete the subversion of Freemasonry. Jews are also active in the Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias.

1844 Heinrich Lehman arrives in America, is joined by his brothers Emanuel and Mayer. Later become known as Lehman Brothers, world's largest commodities brokers.

1846 The Breslau Conference in Germany, an assembly of rabbis interested in reform, declares Jewish women entitled to the same religious rights and subject to the same religious duties as men.

1848 Karl Marx publishes the Communist Manifesto, allegedly commissioned by the Illuminati through Frederich Engels.

1848 A wave of Illuminist-inspired socialist and communist revolts sweeps through Europe. For the most part, they are unsuccessful, and many “forty-eighters” emigrate to the United States. A disproportionate number of them are Jews. August Bundi, a “forty-eighter” from Vienna, later joins with John Brown in the actions at Black Jack and Osawatomie.

1850 Ernestine Potovsky Rose (1810-1892), the first American Jewish feminist, assists in organizing the National Woman’s Rights Convention in Massachusetts.

1850 Radical feminists hold the American Women's Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, New York, and formalize their campaign for women's property rights, suffrage, and divorce law reform. They also decide to join forces with the Abolitionist and socialist movements.

1850 Due to the German Jewish emigration, there are now over 16,000 Jews in New York City, 6,000 in Philadelphia and 4,000 in Baltimore. By now, Jews are so active in New York City politics that Democratic party leaders make it a point to attend Jewish social and charitable events.

1851 Isaac Singer perfects the sewing machine. A close network of Jewish clothiers in New York, Cincinnati, Syracuse, Rochester, Cleveland, Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Boston win government contracts for uniforms; they are later appointed clothiers for the Union army. Within a decade, the ready-to-wear clothing industry will become a Jewish monopoly. This will help secure the retailing industry as their next monopoly.

1852 The first Jewish hospital in America, Jew's Hospital, is established in New York and later renamed Mt. Sinai Hospital.

1852 Karl Marx is hired as European correspondent for Gentile Illuminist Horace Greeley's New York Daily Tribune, the premier Abolitionist publication with circulation of nearly 1,000,000.

1853 Levi Strauss arrives in San Francisco by ship, and hires local tailors to make work clothes out of tent cloth. You can still see his name stamped on 95% of American buttocks ... I won't wear them.

1854 The Republican Party is formed as an alliance of socialists, abolitionists, feminists, anti-Masons and expatriate “forty-eighters”. Prominent German Jews were founders of the Republican Party in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and other major cities.

1856 Meyer Guggenheim arrives in America from Switzerland. Invents a non-caustic stove polish and brings over his family to work in the business.

1859 Isaac Leeser and associates establish the Board of Delegates of American Israelites in Philadelphia, modeled after the British organization. Notwithstanding the board's far-ranging statement of purposes -- educational, spiritual, cultural -- everyone understood that it was essentially a Jewish defense organization, maintaining a permanent branch lobby in Washington.

1859 Jewish Abolitionist George Luther Stearns and the “Secret Six” finance John Brown's bungled raid on Harper's Ferry Arsenal.

1860 August Belmont, self-proclaimed agent for the House of Rothschild, becomes Treasurer of the Democratic Party.

1860 Jews Moritz Pinner of Missouri and Louis Dembitz of Kentucky are two of the three delegates who place Abraham Lincoln in nomination at the 1860 Republican Convention. Lincoln is behind Seward in the first two ballots, and wins by a political decision. Lincoln later wins the presidency with only 40% of the popular vote, the beneficiary of a 3-way split in the Democratic party. Engineered by the Jew Belmont?

1861 B'nai B'rith lodges are active in every major Jewish community in America.

1861 American Civil War begins. Jewish Illuminist Gen. Pierre Beuaregard commands Confederate guns to open fire on Fort Sumter. Jewish Illuminist Judah P. Benjamin is appointed attorney-general of the Confederacy, later to serve as Secretary of War and then as Secretary of State. After the war, he flees to England and becomes a prominent barrister.

1861 On the last business day of 1861, the New York Banks suspend payments in coin, claiming they had used up their specie [gone to the Rothschilds, Seligmans, Warburgs & Speyers]. The Union is bankrupt, and the war is costing $2,000,000 per day.

1862 Lincoln signs the U.S. Treasury Act on Feb. 25, declaring U.S. Treasury notes legal tender, and providing for a bond issue of $500,000,000 at 5.20 percent to finance the war. The interest is to be paid in coin obtained by a duty on imports. The use of greenbacks is mandatory. The Act makes it illegal for citizens to use specie -- gold and silver coin -- in their transactions. Guess where the gold went.

1862 J.W. Seligman & Co. are the chief underwriters of U.S. Treasury bonds. They are also leading syndicators for the stock and bond issues needed to finance the massive railroad construction and wartime industrial expansion.

1862 In Germany, Moses Hess (1812-1875) writes Rome and Jerusalem, [i.e. America and Israel] an early argument for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

1862 In the shifting line of battle through Tennessee and Mississippi, Memphis becomes the hub of the black market trade in cotton, a traffic that was carried on throughout the entire area penetrated by the Union army. Virtually every report on the black market made specific mention of Jewish traders. On Dec. 17 General Grant issues his Order No. 11, denouncing Jewish “cotton speculators” and other war-profiteers.

1862 Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation. It only applies to negroes in the rebellious states, but negroes in Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia, and New Orleans in Louisiana -- Southern ports recently captured by the Union -- are exempted. They are obviously needed as dock labor and stooges to pack the stolen contraband being looted out of the South. Any war-profiteering interest here?

1863 Abolitionist leader George Luther Sterns recruits and equips the 54th Massachussets Infantry, the first negro regiment in the Union army. He is appointed Assistant Adjutant-general for the Recruitment of Colored Troops.

1863 Solomon Gump arrives in San Francisco to work in his brother's mirror shop. He builds Gump & Co. into the leading luxury importers, catering to the noveau riche of the California Gold Rush. How much of this finery was pillage from the South?

1864 The highest-ranking of eight Jewish generals in the Union Army, Hungarian-born Major General Frederick Kneffler rides with Sherman on his rampage through Georgia and the Carolinas. With a remarkably undistinguished battlefield record to account for his high rank, Kneffler's responsibilities were surely in non-military affairs.

1865 There are now about 4,000 Jews in San Francisco, monopolizing the clothing, fur and dry goods trade, especially jewelry, crockery, shoes and soap. Virtually all of the merchants in the city are Jews.

1865 The 13th Amendment is illegally “ratified”. The Confederacy is defeated, martial law continspan style=ues under Lincoln and Johnson.

1866 Negro race riots occur in Memphis, New Orleans and 3 other Southern cities; interestingly, these cities are all hubs in the black market of looted goods.

1866 The Ku Klux Klan is organized on May 6 in Pulaski, Tennessee. Interestingly, Judah P. Benjamin, the former Confederate leader who has meanwhile fled to England (back under the Rothschild skirts, where he becomes a prominent barrister), later borrows money which he donates to the Klan -- in a strangely convoluted transaction. Was he trying to buy his way in, or somehow set a hook? If so, he failed.

1867 The radical Republican Congress passes three bills over President Andrew Johnson's veto. All whites who had in any way supported the Confederacy were disfranchised, the reconstruction governments created under Lincoln and Johnson's plans were abolished and martial law reinstated. Puppet governments are set up by the Freedmen's Bureau, with the aid of military governors and the Union League; negro militia roam at will; only negroes, carpetbaggers and scalawags are allowed to vote or to hold office.

1867 The firm Kuhn, Netter, Loeb and Wolff, “Bankers and Brokers”, open shop in New York, discounting and reselling the promissory notes of merchants and small businessmen, financing the trade in pawned and looted goods. Later become Kuhn, Loeb & Company.

1867 Radical Republican Congress secures its control over the Army of Occupation by passing the Tenure in Office Act (requiring 2/3 Senate vote to remove a Cabinet official) to protect Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, who had cooperated with the Union League and the Radical Reconstructionists. The Congress also passes the Command of the Army Act, and threatens the Supreme Court with disbandment should they interfere. The Supreme Court relinquishes jurisdiction over all Reconstruction cases.

1868 The Fourteenth Amendment is illegally “ratified”.

1870 Alliance Israelite Universelle, started in Paris to defend the civil rights of Jews worldwide, establishes an agricultural school, Mikveh Israel, near Jaffa in Palestine.

1870 The Fifteenth Amendment is illegally “ratified”.

1871 Adolph Lewisohn, who had come to America in 1867, meets Thomas Edison and perceives the importance of copper. Lewisohn and his brother buy a copper mine in Butte, Montana, for $75,000.

1873 Leopold Damrosch, choral director of the Temple Emanu-El, founds the New York Symphonic Society, predecessor of the New York Philharmonic. He becomes principal conductor of the newly-formed Metropolitan Opera.

1876 Felix Adler, brother-in-law to Louis Brandeis, founds the Society for Ethical Culture, funded by John D. Rockefeller. This is the beginning of the Humanist movement organized as a church (and a university). It soon jumps back to Britain. Meanwhile, in America, virtually all of the Society's board members are Jews. Spin-off organizations will include the NAACP, the ACLU, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and the Anti-Imperialist League.

1877 Reports confirm that almost half the Jewish population in Jerusalem is supported by overseas charity.

1878 Methodist minister William E. Blackstone publishes Jesus is Coming, an exposition of the widespread “dispensationalist pre-millennialist” Christian teaching that the Jews must return to the Holy Land before Jesus' Second Coming can occur. Christian fundamentalists unwittingly embrace the Zionist cause.

1878 The last elements of the Ku Klux Klan are disbanded as a result of the Compromise of 1878. Among the conditions of disbandment are passage of Posse Comitatus, barring the military from ever enforcing civil law again. Reconstruction and military occupation are officially ended, and South Carolina, Louisiana and Florida are at last readmitted to the Union.

1880 The Jewish population in America is now 210,000.

1881 Czar Alexander II is assassinated by revolutionaries. This sets off a series of anti-Jewish pogroms throughout the Pale of Settlement in Eastern Europe.

1881 Upon the death of his son from leukemia, Baron Moritz de Hirsch, the richest Jew in the world next to Rothschild, devotes himself untiringly to the “welfare of his people”, i.e. Zionism.

1882 Joseph Pulitzer buys the New York World from Jay Gould, and transforms the paper into a hard-hitting "populist" organ.

1882 The massive emigration of East European Jews from the Pale of Settlement to the United States begins, financed by the United Jewish Philanthropies of Germany, Austria, France and Britain.

1883 Emma Lazarus (1849-1887) publishes The Jewish Problem, in which she calls for the establishment of an independent Jewish nationality in Palestine.

1886 The “Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World” is dedicated in New York harbor, a gift of France to the United States. Was this a “thank you” for taking in the Jews (and sparing France)? It holds a tablet bearing the inscription “1776” cradled in its arm, and Zionist Jewess Emma Lazarus' poem The New Colossus is engraved on its pedestal.

1886 The National Education Association (NEA) is founded.

1888 Isaac Magnin, an early employee of Solomon Gump, opens I. Magnin & Co., San Francisco's quality department store. Louis Sloss is another San Francisco department store tycoon, who becomes a silent partner in innumerable mercantile and real estate ventures.

1889 William Blackstone founds the American Messianic Fellowship (AMF), an organization of Christian Zionists.

1889 The American Ethical Union is composed of all Ethical Culture Societies and Fellowships in the United States. The organization of the Felix Adler's humanist “New Age” church is nearly complete.

1890 Oscar Hammerstein, grandfather of the Broadway songwriter, constructs the Columbus Theater and hires vaudeville stars and popular amusements. He soon builds seven more theaters and the Manhattan Opera House.

1891 The Blackstone Memorial is issued, a document signed by 413 leading Christian politicians, businessmen and citizens, petitioning President Harrison and Secretary Blaine to intercede with Queen Victoria of England, Czar Alexander III of Russia and Sultan Abdul Hamid II of Turkey to hold an international conference aimed at establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The plea is rejected by the Diaspora Jews!

1891 Jurisdiction over U.S. immigration is transferred from state to federal officials.

1891 Cyrus Scofield submits his notes for a Bible Concordance to members of the New York Lotus Club for funding. His offer is accepted by Samuel Untermayer and other prominent Zionist financiers.

1891 Jacob Kaufmann, a Pittsburgh merchant, opens the first “emporium”, or department store in the city.

1892 The New York College for the Training of Teachers receives its permanent charter as Columbia's Teacher’s College.

1893 Florenz Zigfeld embarks on his career at the World's Columbian Exposition by importing acts from Europe for the main production.

1895 Rosa Sonneschein (1847-1932) founds the first English-language feminist journal in the United States.

1895 Aaron Nusbaum purchases a 50% stake in Sears, Roebuck & Company for $75,000. He later sells his interest to Julius Rosenwald, his brother-in-law, who completes the takeover with help of his boyhood friend, Henry Goldman of Goldman, Sachs & Co.

1896 Adolph Ochs, backed by August Belmont and J.P. Morgan, buys the New York Times.

1896 In response to the Dreyfus Affair, Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) writes The Jewish State: An Attempt at a Modern Solution of the Jewish Question, the publication marking the beginning of political Zionism.

1897 Theodor Herzl organizes the World Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. In November of the same year, the thirteen New York Choveve Zion branches and other American Zionist cells are joined in the Federation of American Zionists.

1897 Daniel DeLeon's Socialist Labor Party begins publishing Forverts. Within a decade, this will become the largest Yiddish newspaper in the world, eventually reaching a circulation of 200,000.

1897 The Gerstles, traders of Alaskan furs, touch off the Klondike Gold Rush when one of their steamers returns to San Francisco with $750,000 in newly-discovered Alaskan gold.

1898 The Lewisohns merge their holdings with Rockefeller interests of Standard Oil to create United Metals Smelting Company, which controls 55% of the copper produced in the United States. They attempt to create a cartel by merging independent copper producers into their newly-created subsidiary, American Smelting and Refining Company. John D. Rockefeller had overstepped his bounds and was about to be reprimanded.

1898 Having made their first fortune investing in Colorado lead and silver mines after the Civil War, the Guggenheim family now controls nearly half of the world's copper supply. Their huge conglomerate now includes Colorado Smelting and Refining, Kennecott Copper, Nevada Consolidated, Esperanza Gold (Mexico) and Chile Copper (Chile). Led by Daniel Guggenheim, they dump vast stocks of lead on the market, forcing staggering losses on American Smelting and Refining, and buy up the stock at bargain prices. The Guggenheim empire will soon stretch from the Yukon to Mexico, Bolivia and Chile to Angola and the Congo. Henceforth, Mr. Rockefeller learned to stay on his leash.

1898 Theodore Roosevelt, as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, jumps rank and issues the Order for Admiral Dewey to attack the Spanish Fleet in Manilla Bay. His “international banker” patrons are pleased, and a British fleet is standing-by offshore to guarantee an American victory. Within three years Roosevelt will be made President. In the wake of this “Hispanic” War, the United States extends its “protection” to cover the former Spanish colonies, including Cuba (whose citizens will someday become “refugees” by the simple act of setting foot on our soil), Puerto Rico (to whom Congress will grant U.S. “citizenship” with the 1917 Jones-Shafroth Act) and the Philippines (where a guerrilla War will drag on for the next twenty years).

1898 The Anti-Imperialist League is founded by Villard and former Abolitionist leader William Lloyd Garrison. Organization is closely linked with the American Ethical Union. These Marxists quickly gain control of the Anti-War faction, causing war resistance to become confused with radical socialist ideology. It is a brilliant political gambit! The Populists (Nationalists) are repulsed into the opposing Pro-War Republican Party (which the Marxists had founded!); and this is handed-over to the international “Capitalists”! This is the beginning of modern “Conservativism”, where Nationalist sentiment is drowned out by business interest. Meanwhile, the Marxists who had left the Republican Party begin to infiltrate the (old Nationalist) Democratic Party, spearheaded by New York Jewish immigrants. These will become the “New Democrats.” By the time Woodrow Wilson is elected President, both political parties have “flip-flopped” into the hands of the international bankers.

1900 Baron Edmund de Rothschild (1854-1934), scion of the French branch of the House of Rothschild, donates his Palestine colonies to the Jewish Colonization Association.

1900 (circa) In San Francisco, Anthony and Isadore Zellerbach propel their small paper firm into a merger with Crown Willamette Paper Company, and ultimately into the world's second largest pulp and paper corporation. Aaron Fleishhacker creates the Golden Gate Paper Box Corporation, which will become the largest carton manufacturer in the West. By the turn of the century, immigrant Jews have become the senior figures in San Francisco's burgeoning economy, moving into the highest ranks of social and political life.

1902 John D. Rockefeller (not a Jew), working with Baptist minister Frederick Taylor Gates, founds the General Education Board.

1904 Kuhn, Loeb & Co. helps finance the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese War. Russia is humiliated. Revenge is sweet to him who waits.

1904 G. Stanley Hall (a Gentile) publishes his masterpiece: Adolescence: Its Psychology and Its Relations to Physiology, Anthropology, Sociology, Sex, Crime, Religion, and Education.

1904 Theodore Roosevelt is delegated by the “international bankers” to “arbitrate” a treaty to end the Russo-Japanese War. At the same time he also negotiates a reciprocal trade agreement with Japan.

1905 Adolph Zukor, Morris Kohn and Marcus Loew begin building a chain of nickelodeons in Philadelphia, Newark and Boston, later to be transformed into the Loews Theaters.

1905 Samuel Zemurray purchases a bankrupt steamship company and departs for Honduras to start his first 5,000-acre banana plantation.

1906 The Jewish Kehillah in New York City is formed together with the American Jewish Committee. The delegates at the first open meeting in 1906 represented 222 Jewish societies -- religious, political, industrial and communal. Just over a year later the number of Jewish organizations under the jurisdiction of the Kehillah aggregated 688, and in 1921 well over 1,000. When the aggressive program of the Kehillah to make New York a Jewish city, and through New York to make the United States a Jewish country, was announced ...

1906 Oscar Straus (1850-1926) is appointed Secretary of Commerce and Labor, with jurisdiction over the Department of Immigration and Naturalization, the first professing Jew to hold a Cabinet appointment in the United States (excluding Judah P. Benjamin in the Confederacy).

1906 Edward Lee Thorndike, a gentile, publishes The Principles of Teaching Based on Psychology.

1906 Theodore Roosevelt, through the agency of Ambassador White at the Algeciras Conference on Morocco, aids the International Bankers in giving Morocco (which Spain had lost following the “Hispanic” War) to France, in return for her joining an alliance with Britain against Germany.

1906 The Hellman family, owners of Wells Fargo Bank, and the Lilienthals, owners of the Anglo-California Bank, help finance the reconstruction of San Francisco after the Great Earthquake.

1907 Dr. Harry F. Ward (a Gentile) organizes the Methodist Foundation of Social Services with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. The Reverend Ward will later serve as head of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) -- from 1920 to 1940 -- and as co-founder of the American League Against War and Fascism, which later changes its name to Communist Party of the United States.

1907 Cyrus Scofield completes his Bible Concordance and presents his work to the Lotus Club for approval.

1908 The United States (still under President Theodore Roosevelt) enters into reciprocal trade agreements with every nation in Europe except Germany.

1908 The Methodist Foundation of Social Services changes its name to Federal Council of Churches.

1909 William Howard Taft is elected president. Theodore Roosevelt travels to England where he assures the Rothschilds that Taft will continue his trade and foreign policies, then he heads off on an African Safari with his “friends”.

1909 A group of New York entrepreneurs, under license of the Edison Company, form the Motion Picture Patents Company.

1909 Laemmle Film Service is now one of the largest distributors of motion pictures.

1909 Adolph Zukor produces Passion Play, a three-reel film based on the Life of Christ. He soon joins with Daniel Frohman to form the Famous Players Film Company.

1909 Cyrus Scofield's Bible Concordance is presented to the public, describing the Hebrew Prophecies as foretelling the coming of Christ's Kingdom and the Book of Esther as a “deliverance” of the Chosen People. It quickly becomes the standard reference work in Christian divinity schools.

1909 Bernard Gimbel opens his flagship department store in New York. Macy's (Lazarus Straus & family), Bloomingdale's, Altman's and Abraham Straus stores are already well-established; by this time, retail distribution has become a virtual Jewish monopoly.

1910 Emma Goldman (1869-1940), radical anarchist and writer, lectures in thirty-seven different cities on a six month speaking tour; she is later deported to Russia for her controversial stance on government.

1910 during the two decades spanning the “Mexican Revolution” and its aftermath, nearly 700,000 Mexicans cross the border into the United States – approximately three percent of the entire population of Mexico. They bring the Politics of the Mexican Revolution here with them.

1910 Samuel Zemurray buys a surplus navy frigate, stocks it with weapons and gunmen, and “captures” Honduras capital of Tegucigalpa. President Davilla flees into exile and Bonilla is reinstated. Zemurray's Cuyamel Company flourishes.

1910 Sam Goldfish marries Blanche Lasky. He joins with Cecil B. DeMille and his brother-in-law, Jesse Lasky, to form the Jesse L. Lasky Feature Film Company. Shortly thereafter DeMille moves production to California, renting a barn in the quiet village of Hollywood.

1911 President Taft refuses to annul the 1832 Commerce and Navigation Treaty with Russia to placate Jews offended by the “Jewish Passport” problem -- Russia had refused to honor the American passports of Russian Jews who had emigrated to the U.S., obtained passports, and then returned to Russia and attempted to use these to evade Russian restrictions on Jewish activities. B'nai B'rith is furious and attacks the Treaty anyhow, while Jacob Schiff is heard saying, “This is War.”

1911 Jews in New York found the Urban League to help newly-arrived negro migrants from the rural South. This is the beginning of the welfare magnet.

1912 Financed by Jacob Schiff, Theodore Roosevelt forms the Bull Moose Party, splits the Republican vote, and hands the Presidential Election over to Mandell House's protégé, Woodrow Wilson, who dutifully proclaims his support for “free trade”.

1912 Carl Laemmle's Universal Film Manufacturing Company is providing almost half of the films for all American small towns west of Chicago. Laemmle moves his production to Cuba and then to California, where he builds the Universal City studio complex.

1912 Louis Marshall becomes president of the American Jewish Committee, and leads a successful campaign to abrogate the U.S.-Russian Trade Treaty.

1913 The Federal Reserve Bank is created by a midnight vote of Congress on December 23rd. The capital stock of this corporation, which pays a six percent dividend, is owned by the twelve member Reserve Banks. According to hearsay, these twelve are owned by the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers and other international banking families, but the simple fact is, we can't find out. Congress itself has repeatedly failed in its attempts, and the Federal Reserve has never been audited by any outside body.

1913 Abraham Flexner leaves his position at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching to work for John D. Rockefeller at the General Education Board.

1913 Horace Kallen meets with Louis Brandeis to develop his paradigm of reshaping America according to multicultural and Zionist principles.

1913 B'nai B'rith establishes the Anti-Defamation League.

1913 Jack, Harry, Sam and Albert Warner, who had established the Duquesne Film Exchange in 1907, move their Warner Bros film studios to Burbank, California.

1913 The 16th Amendment (Income Tax) is “ratified”, some say illegally.

1913 The 17th Amendment (Senate Elections) is “ratified”, some say illegally. Henceforth, national lobbies can bypass state legislatures.

1914 Phillip Brothers, an American branch of a Hamburg Jewish metal-trading house, opens its doors in America, later to become Phibro Corporation, one of the shrewdest global commodities traders. Guess who was controlling German war-production at the time?

1914 World War I begins in Europe with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the Habsburg throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

1914 Jacob Schiff (1847-1920) and Felix Warburg (1871-1937) set up the Joint Distribution Committee, organized for the relief of Jewish war sufferers.

1914 Louis B. Mayer organizes a group of New England distributors, all Jews, into the Alco Film Corporation which later becomes the Metro Picture Corporation.

1914 Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University becomes chairman of the NAACP and recruits for its board such Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf and Rabbi Stephen Wise.

1914 There are now 3,500,000 Jews in the United States. Major American centers are New York City with 1,600,000, Chicago with 285,000, and Philadelphia with 240,000, all outstripping the major European Jewish centers of Vienna, Budapest, London, Berlin, Paris, Lodz, Kiev and Warsaw.

1915 Pressure in the Jewish immigrant community is reaching near-hysteria on the subject of establishing an American Jewish Congress. Labor Zionist activist Pinchas Rutenberg arrives from Europe to accelerate the process. Together with Chaim Zhitlovsky, the renowned Diaspora nationalist, he becomes star speaker for the Socialist Agitation Bureau.

1915 William Joseph Simmons, a Freemason and Knight Templar, revives the Ku Klux Klan as a fraternal organization for the preservation and advancement of the white race. Within seven years, the Klan grows to 4,000,000 members. While the Klan has ever since been vilified by the establishment in a relentless campaign of hate and disinformation, hardly anyone seems to have noticed what B'nai B'rith, Columbia University, the “Socialist Agitation Bureau”, the ADL and the Jewish Congress were all about. Or the Urban League and the NAACP.

1915 William Fox, another Jewish exhibitor, forms the Fox Film Corporation.

1915 Birth of a Nation, a landmark silent film, based on the novel The Klansman.

1915 Brothers Albert and Charles Boni begin publishing the “Little Leather Library”.

1915 Alfred A. Knopf leaves Doubleday to open his own publishing company.

1916 Under pressure of blackmail over his illicit affair with Mrs. Peck (a.k.a. Mrs Hulbert), the wife of a Princeton professor, Woodrow Wilson appoints Louis D. Brandeis -- a leader of the Zionist movement -- to the United States Supreme Court. Samuel Untermayer pays off the $40,000 that Mrs. Peck's son had embezzled from a bank. Six months later, under guidance of Brandeis, an agreement is struck to bring America into the War.

1916 Zukor, Lasky and Goldfish merge the Famous Players Company with the Lasky group. With this leverage, and the backing of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., Zukor wins a majority of the Paramount board.

1916 Samuel Bronfman opens a retail liquor outlet in Montreal. Soon afterwards, he purchases the old Canadian firm of Seagram's, and begins to experiment with “blended” (i.e. watered) whiskey.

1916 Woodrow Wilson is elected to a second term as President on the slogan, “He kept us out of war” (World War I). Immigrants and Jews flock to the Democratic Party, and Zionist support plays a crucial role in the election. Even so, 78% of the American population wants the United States to remain neutral.

1917 The Russian Revolution. Virtually all of the Bolshevik leaders are Jews. According to American counter-intelligence, Lenin and the Bolsheviks were receiving donations from Jacob Schiff, Guggenheim, Max Breitung, and Kuhn Loeb &∓ Co.. One of the Russian revolution's most decisive consequences was the support it ensured for United States entrance into World War I. The two events were separated by less than a month.

1917 On April 6, the United States enters World War I to “make the world safe for democracy.” Within a week, British Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann writes to Louis Brandeis, the American Zionist leader, disclosing the status of the proposed Balfour Declaration, committing America and Britain to support of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Communications regarding the Declaration go directly from the British Foreign Office to Louis Brandeis, by-passing both President Wilson and the U.S. State Department. Was this a payoff to the Jews for bringing America into the War?

1917 Bernard Baruch is appointed chairman of the War Industries Board, with far-reaching authority to oversee every aspect of United States industrial production.

1918 At the May 1918 conference of deans of New England colleges, the officials admit concern that their institutions might soon be overrun by Jews.

1918 The Federation of American Zionists is reorganized and renamed the Zionist Association of America. it lists over 120,000 active members, and its affiliated organizations report membership in excess of 175,000.

1918 Samuel Goldfish changes his name to Goldwyn and sells out his interest in the Lasky-Paramount group to form Samuel Goldwyn Productions with New York producers Arcei and Edgar Selwyn. Studio is located in Culver City, California.

1918 In December, as President Wilson prepares to sail for Paris, the American Jewish Congress is called to order at Philadelphia's Lee-Lu temple. In honor of the occasion, the Zionist flag was raised over Philadelphia's Independence Hall. The pro-Zionist and Jewish nationalist formulas are hammered out by the new Congress similarly reflect the thrilling impact of the Balfour Declaration.

1919 The 18th Amendment (Prohibition) is passed empowering the Volstead Act. Some say it, too, was illegal, but who is keeping count anymore? Samuel Bronfman makes such a fortune bootlegging, that Lake Erie becomes known as the “Jewish Lake”. He joins forces with Meyer Lansky and “Waxy” Gordon (Irving Wexler) to become the major liquor distributor in the United States.

1919 Jews make up 13% of the student body at Yale, nearly 25% at the University of Pennsylvania, 20% at Brown, 20% at Harvard, 40% at Columbia, and yet the ADL screams that “anti-semitism” is keeping them out. Yeesh!

1919 Abraham Flexner becomes Secretary (Chief Executive Officer) of the Rockefeller-funded General Education Board. He develops a model corecurriculum for public schools based upon modern theory, eliminating studies in classical Latin and Greek, undermining the secular and historical foundation of our culture.

1919 The U.S. Communist Party is formed with William Z. Foster as first general secretary. Virtually all of its members are Russian-Jewish immigrants, and its power is firmly entrenched within Sidney Hillman's International Ladies' Garment Workers Union (ILGWU).

1919 Radio Corporation of America (RCA) is established as a collaboration of American Marconi and General Electric with David Sarnoff as its commercial manager and de facto chairman. Over the next ten years it acquires more than 2,000 patents, covering all the basic elements of an integrated radio-transmission system.

1919 B.W. Huebsch becomes editor in chief of Viking Press.

1920 Meyer Lansky enters into collaboration with “Big Maxie” Greenberg, a veteran Detroit mobster, and Arnold Rothstein, who owns a chain of New York gambling casinos. Rothstein bankrolls the operation, purchasing “safe” sites in Maine to import liquor from England, while Greenberg goes to St. Louis and “Waxy” Gordon takes over New Jersey.

1920 The Nineteenth Amendment is passed, guaranteeing American women's right to vote; in response, the National American Woman Suffrage Association changes its name to the League of Women Voters, later to achieve Votescam notoriety.

1921 Bernard Baruch and Colonel Edwin House organize the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), sister-organization to the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Rockefeller and the Rhodes foundations.

1921 Otto Kahn, Mrs. Joseph Meyer and Maurice Wertheim become patrons of the Theater Guild and begin a cultural revolution by importing European “realism” to the American Stage. Treating culture like a globally-traded commodity, Jewish impresarios have quickly gained control over the American cultural landscape. Native-born American talent is unable to compete with slick European “imports”, which are increasingly Jewish.

1923 Richard Simon and M. Lincoln Schuster begin publishing their popular pulp-books for mass merchandising.

1923 Arthur Flegenheimer, AKA “Dutch Schultz”, a Polish Jew immigrant, muscles into a chain of Manhattan speakeasies. The Fleisher and Bernstein brothers organize the “Purple Gang” in Detroit. Bootlegging in Cleveland is dominated by the “Woodland Four” -- Louis Rothkopf, Morris Kleinman, “Moe” Dalitz and Samuel Tucker.

1924 The Immigration and Nationalities Act is passed, containing a national origins quota system. This protected the national demography by regulating immigration according to the existing racial-ethnic makeup of the United States, i.e. northwestern European heritage. This was the greatest achievement of the Ku Klux Klan of the period and its affiliates. Jewish migration to the United States drops from 150,000 per year to barely 10,000. The national origins quota system remained in force until the Act was amended in 1965. That's twice we were saved by the Klan, for a while.

1924 Famous Players-Lasky is merged into an enlarged Paramount Pictures Corporation; with the latter's network of 6,000 theaters, this becomes the largest film production-distribution network in the world.

1924 Marcus Loew, who has put together a huge chain of theaters, acquires the Samuel Goldwin Company and Louis B. Mayer's Metro Picture Corporation to create Metro Goldwyn Mayer Corporation. Mayer emerges as executive vice president with a prodigious salary plus 20% of the profits.

1924 Harry Cohn, former executive secretary to Carl Laemmle, establishes Columbia Pictures Corporation.

1924 From Minneapolis, Isadore “Kid Cann” Blumenfeld and his brothers Yiddy and Harry control bootlegging throughout the upper Mississippi region. In Kansas City, Solomon “Cutcher-Head-Off” Weissman is the liquor kingpin. In Newark, Joseph Reinfeld and Abner “Longy” Zwillman organize a syndicate. In Philadelphia, Max “Boo Boo” Hoff and Harry “Nig Rosen” Stromberg run the syndicate. Chicago bosses include Benjamin and Samuel Jacobson, Herschel Miller, Max Eisen and Samuel “Nails” Morton.

1925 Pioneer Women, the women's labor Zionist organization, is founded in the United States.

1925 The All-America Anti-Imperialist League is organized by the Workers (Communist) Party.

1925 The fledgling Warner Bros. Co. purchases the Vitagraph Company with backing of Goldman-Sachs, and acquires rights to a sound recording process developed by an engineer at Western Electric.

1925 Bennett Cerf and Donald Klopfer purchase the Modern Library, later to become known as Random House.

1926 RCA under Sarnoff evades charges of monopoly by establishing special licensing arrangements with other companies. National Broadcasting Company and the Victor Recording Company are created as subsidiaries of RCA.

1928 Alfred Smith runs for president. His closest advisors are Abram Elkus, Joseph Proskauer, and Belle Moskowitz. Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lieutenant Governor Herbert Lehman significantly enlarge on Smith's liberal welfare policies. Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Jesse Straus and Laurence Steinhardt help raise the money and select the delegates who will ensure Roosevelt's victory in 1932.

1929 The brothers Scubert -- Samuel, Jacob and Levi (Lee) -- finance and control over 75% of Broadway productions. New York theater becomes known as “Shubert Alley”.

1929 Meyer Lansky, “Longy” Zwillman and Louis “Lepke” Buchalter host a meeting of gangland bosses -- including Al Capone, Frank Costello, Charlie “Lucky” Luciano and Johnny Torrio -- at Atlantic City's President Hotel to hammer out a “cartelization” of territories for activities that go far beyond bootlegging. This is the beginning of “Crime, Inc.”

1929 RCA hires Vladimir Zworykin, a Russian-Jewish scientist, to develop the kinescope, a cathode ray tube used in the television receiver.

1930 In New York, Jews make up 65% of the city's lawyers, 64% of its dentists, and 55% of its physicians. In Cleveland, Jews are 23% of the city's lawyers, 21% of its dentists, and 17% of the doctors.

1932 Frankfont-size: small;p style=font-size: small;p style=text-indent: 0.5in; margin-bottom: 0in;lin Roosevelt is elected president and begins to assemble his cabinet. Judge Samuel Roseman and Charles W. Taussig create the Brains Trust. Other influential members of the inner circle are Felix Frankfurter, Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau Sr & Jr, Sidney Hillman and Samuel Unterspan style=mayer. In all, 51 of the 72 presidential appointments will be Jews.

1932 Herbert Lehman is elected governor of New York. Lehman is twice reelected until he resigns in 1943 to become the first director of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency.

1933 Abraham Flexner leaves the General Education Board to found the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies, future home of the Manhattan Project and the Philadelphia Experiment, as a refuge for Jewish scholars.

1933 Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) comes to power as chancellor of Germany.

1933 Within a week of his inauguration as President, Franklin D. Roosevelt invokes emergency war powers that effectively suspend the Constitution. Gold is confiscated from private citizens and the new currency is backed by a lien on all property, public and private, in the United States. (remember the land banks?)

1933 The American Jewish Congress, led by Rabbi Stephen Wise and Samuel Untermayer, join the war movement, calling on all Jews to unite in a “Holy War” against Nazism. In a speech given on 11 February 1933, Henry Morgenthau states: “The U.S. has entered the phase of a second war.” Other Jewish leaders join in the chorus. This is six years before the “start” of World War II with the German invasion of Poland (formerly East Prussia), and almost nine years before Pearl Harbor.

1933 Total membership of the Communist Party in America is estimated by Earl Browder at 1,200,000. There are over 600 Jewish radical and Communist newspapers and Jewish periodicals being published in the U.S.

1933 Albert Einstein arrives in America and accepts a position at Abraham Flexner's Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton.

1933 Without consulting Congress, FDR recognizes the Stalin regime. The rest of the world soon follows suit.

1933 Leo Szilard, mastermind of the Jewish atomic project, leaves Germany and goes to Britain. His associate Lise Meitner heads for Sweden. Other Jewish atomic scientists are continuing secret experiments in Germany.

1933 Joseph Schenk and Darryl Zanuck found the Twentieth Century Film Corporation.

1933 At the initiative of Howard Lawson (Levy), prominent screenwriters organize the Screenwriters Guild. The Guild's first president was Lawson himself, its secretary was Joseph Mankiewicz, its treasurer was Ralph Block. Men like Lawson, Maltz, and Samuel Ornitz of the Directors Guild, are actually Communist Party members.

1933 Louise Waterman Wise (d. 1947) organizes and becomes the first president of the Women's Division of the American Jewish Congress.

1933 United Fruit Company, which bought out Zemurray's Cuyamel Company in a stock transaction that made Zemurray its largest shareholder, is now taken over by Zemurray. United Fruit becomes the single largest employer in Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica. It is the single largest privately owned agricultural domain on earth.

1933 Prohibition is repealed. Meyer Lansky, “Bugsy” Siegel, Samuel Tucker, Moe Dalitz, Morris Kleinman and Samuel Rothkopf, all of whom escaped prosecution, build a chain of distilleries across the northern United States, selling millions of gallons of alcohol to liquor manufacturers without troubling to pay excise taxes.

1935 Mary McLeod Bethune (1876-1955) founds the National Council of Negro Women.

1935 Twentieth Century Pictures merge with Fox Film Corporation to form Twentieth Century-Fox.

1936 In order to prevent “Dutch” Schultz from assassinating Thomas E. Dewey, at that time U.S. Attorney for New York, Buchalter and Lansky have Schultz gunned down and his territory divided among the cartel. Dewey then turns his agents loose on Buchalter and Shapiro. The two go into hiding, and set about “eliminating” potential talebearers. Over the next three years more than a hundred gangland figures are purged by “Murder, Inc.”

1937 The Haganah forms the Committee for Illegal Immigration to rescue European Jews.

1938 In Berlin, Otto Kahn and Fritz Strassman, working at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, split heavy uranium with a neutron bombardment. Each sends his results to their colleague Lise Meitner, who is staying in Stockholm. Working with Otto Frisch and Niels Bohr, she correctly surmises that they have achieved atomic fission. The Atomic Bomb is predicted to be operational in six years time! All of the atomic scientists involved are Jews, working under the Nazi's noses. And they wouldn't do it to us.

1938 Having learned of the successful atomic fission experiment, Leo Szilard proceeds to the United States, where he informs Lewis Strauss, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co., (which had secretly financed the Bolsheviks) of the potential for creating a nuclear explosion.

1938 Krystallnacht! The night of broken glass of attacks against the Jews in Nazi Germany.

1938 President Roosevelt divulges to Louis Brandeis his personal plan for settling 100,000 Jewish families in Palestine, at a cost of $3,000 per family, with the British, French and United States governments underwriting the cost in partnership with Jewish philanthropy.

1939 The United States refuses to admit German Jewish refugees aboard the St. Louis. Had the Jews refused his offer for peace?

1939 The British government issues a White Paper limiting Jewish immigration to Palestine to 75. Had they learned that the Jews were planning to build an Atomic Bomb in Russia, too? Russia also has been gearing-up for world war.

1939 At the twenty-first Zionist Congress in Vienna, the Jewish Agency sanctions illegal immigration to Palestine. (“We'll do it anyhow!”)

1939 France joins Britain in issuing their “guarantee” of the Polish Government after receiving promises of American Support. A representative of the Grand Orient meets with the United States Ambassador to France, William C. Bullitt, and they agree that there is to be no international effort to resolve the humanitarian crisis in the Danzig Corridor. A Polish campaign of violent “ethnic cleansing” is underway to drive more than 2 million German people out from their homelands in East Prussia and Pommerania. 200,000 ethnic Germans are slaughtered.

1939 William Bullitt is sent as Ambassador to Poland, supported by Secretary of State Cordell Hull, where he informs the Poles that the United States will support them only if they maintain their hard-line policy against Germany. The promise of Anglo-American support is reiterated by Joseph Kennedy, the U.S. Ambassador to Britain, in a private letter to the Polish Ambassador. [Makes one wonder why Secretary of State Cordell Hull would take a position against Germany, and also why would Joseph Kennedy support such a directive? C.A.E.]

1939 Of this period, Winston Churchill is later to write, “It was the Americans (through the agency of Ambassador Joseph Kennedy) who were pushing Great Britain to war.”

1939 World War II begins in Europe, lasting until 1945.

1939 The Belgian Congo is the world's largest source of uranium. Einstein drafts a letter to the Belgian government, which Szilard and Wigner intend to forward via the U.S. State Department. At the instigation of Lewis Strauss, Alexander Sachs, a member of the Lehman Brothers banking house and also of the White House “Brains Trust”, is chosen to go directly to Franklin Roosevelt. The President is informed of the atomic bomb project on October 11.

1940 Over the next 10 years, Meyer Lansky and Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel successfully launder their bootlegging money through building a chain of hotels and casinos: early projects are Hot Springs, Arkansas, and Florida's Gold Coast. They also payoff the Batista regime and set up shop in Havana.

1941 Meyer Lansky and “Bugsy” Siegel organize the Nevada Projects Corporation and sell shares to other veteran Jewish mobsters to build the City of Las Vegas. The Lansky group becomes the premier organized crime syndicate in the world. It was not until 1972 that the IRS indicts the Lansky group for tax evasion, and they all skipped bail and went to Israel. Lansky later returned to the United States and beat the charges, living out his days peacefully in Florida.

1941 On June 3rd, 83% of the American population is against entering World War II. Six months later, Roosevelt asks Congress to declare war.

1942 Within a month of the United States entering the War, the Manhattan Project receives orders to proceed full-speed-ahead.

1942 Six hundred delegates attend the Zionist Emergency Council at the Biltmore Hotel in New York. The eight-point resolution calls for a Jewish military force under its own flag in Palestine, and control of immigration and access to uncultivated lands to be vested exclusively in the Jewish Agency.

1942 600,000 Jews who have fled the Nazi invasion of Russia are secretly resettled in Todja and Uzbekistan, where they begin working on the Russian atomic program. They are officially listed as “dead”.

1943 The American Jewish Conference is held at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York. Of the 375 local representatives, 240 are members of the Zionist Organization of America, and of the rest, more than 100 are affiliated with other Zionist groups.

1944 With the aid of atomic secrets being smuggled out of the United States by Jewish scientists, the Russian atomic program in Uzbekistan and Todja is now operational, under the direction of Beria Kurchatov (a Jew), Chief of the Soviet Secret Police (“Men in Black”) under Stalin.

1945 The United States successfully detonates its first Atomic device on July 16th.

1949 The Soviet Union successfully detonates its first Atomic device on July 24th.

This Jewish Time-Line ending in 1949 shows this work of Jacob Neusner to be 60 years old, and surely from 1949 until 2011 many important dates and events could be added to this list. To end this topic, we will cite The Story Of The Jews by Rabbi Lee J. Levinger an his wife Elma, and later rewritten by Harry Gersh, chapter 14 “The New World”, page 161:

The first Jews in America: In the first century after the [Columbus] discovery, hundreds of Jews and Marranos came to the New World. Some came seeking the gold of El Dorado; most came seeking freedom. But they did not find it immediately. The ships that planted the Spanish flag from Florida to Peru also carried the cross of the Inquisition. Thirty-six years after the first European stepped foot in the New World, a Jew was burned at the stake in Mexico. The persecutions reached their peak in 1639 when sixty-three Marranos were condemned in Peru in one mass trial.

When the Dutch took Brazil, Jews built substantial colonies at Recife and Surinam. But the respite was short. The Portuguese took back Brazil in 1654 and the Jews scattered northward through the West Indies. The history of the Jews of the United States begins with that scattering. Twenty-four refugees from the Portuguese Inquisition limped into the harbor of New Amsterdam aboard the tiny brig St. Charles.

Peter Stuyvesant Governor of New Amsterdam, was not pleased to see the Jews, some of whom were penniless. He tried to bar them, but the colony belonged to the Dutch West India Company, whose Jewish stockholders made him accept the Jews. The refugees were admitted with one restriction, ‘providing that they shall not become a charge upon the community.’ The Jews gladly accepted this condition. It was to have a profound effect upon the development of the American Jewish community ....”

A map-type chart on the same page shows “MAJOR PERIODS OF JEWISH IMMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES” (Three in all):

1.- “Spanish-Portuguese Jews 1654-1776 2,000

2.- “German speaking Jews 1815-1880 200,000

3.- “East European Jews 1880-1914 1,600,000

It is now time for the serious student to determine the significance of all of this, and how gravely it is effecting the European-Caucasian Race today! One last question: Did the Jews accidentally “limp” into the harbor at New Amsterdam, or did they purposely “force” their way into the harbor, knowing ahead of time they could use their financial leverage against the Dutch?