Unveiling the Fears and the Denials Behind “The Passion of The Christ”

In the recent weeks that led up to the release of the movie produced and directed by Mel Gibson, “The Passion of the Christ”, there has been more exposure of the film’s topic and its director, by both Jewish organizations and Christian ecumenical leaders than ever in world history. It has been said to open an issue that has never truly been confronted for the past 2,000 years, since the crucifixion of the one called Yashua ben Yoseph, Jesus the Christ.

Of the five hour interview that was with Gibson, done by Dianne Sawyer, one hour was aired for public review. It must be noted that every broadcasting service and cable network is either owned or operated by Jewish families or organizations, or at the least under said broadcaster’s control and influence of what will or will not be aired. In fact, every press organization, every newspaper or magazine publication, all advertising, virtually all media, is controlled or restricted by the same Jewish organizations or families since the early 1900’s. Other than this production. It has been totally funded by Gibson’s pocketbook, without outside influence. So what is it that a group as powerful as the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai-Brith, who is comparable to the National Security Counsel of Judaism, be so concerned with regarding this issue of Jesus’ crucifixion or resurrection? The Jews blatantly admit that they created and own Hollywood, so there should be no cause for alarm when someone outside of the ‘loop’ should portray what more than 80% of the western world accepts as historical facts regarding this Jesus, what was prophesied about Him and the world to come. Or should there be cause for alarm?

The Unseen World Within Our World

Many people today have a strange feeling that many things in the world are not right, but they don’t seem to be able to put their finger on just what the problems might be. For them, things simply don’t add up. They wonder why there are so many wars and police actions, and, yet, no one ever seems to win. They continue day-to-day with their nose to the grindstone, but simply cannot get ahead no matter how hard they try. It seems like it’s always one step forward and two steps backward. One gets the feeling one is on a treadmill, going through a lot of motion, but never going anywhere. Do we dare ask the question: is there something out there somewhere we don’t know about?

Yes, there is something out there, and its so cleverly concealed less than one in one thousand can detect it. As a matter of fact, its right under our noses everywhere we turn and we deal with it every day of our lives. Try as we will, we can’t get away from it, and it effects every phase of our lives. So we ask: why can’t we see it then?

The reason we can’t see it is because its one of the oldest tricks in the world. To explain it, let’s think of it this way: Suppose we were to play a game of football and both teams wore the same style and color of uniform. What kind of a football game are we going to have? Suppose we were in a war and everyone wore the same style uniform. What kind of a war would we have? If it were a football game, everyone would be tackling their own players. If it were a war, everyone would be shooting their own men.