Special Notice to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, #14

The fact that we are in a WAR should again be emphasized. This WAR started in Genesis 3:15 and has continued now for over 7000 years. This WAR is between two “hate groups”; a good hate group and a bad hate group. Some may reply that all “hate” is unchristian, and that simply is not true. On the one side are the literal “children of Satan”; on the other side are the true “children of YHWH.” Among the fleshly “children of YHWH” is the Messiah Himself. Therefore, our Redeemer is a member of the good “hate group.” Once more, He is not ashamed to be counted as a member, Hebrews 2:11. Hate is only bad when it is focused in the wrong direction. However, if our hate would be properly manifested, it will not affect the innocent. Should we direct our hate where it is needed, some of our problems with our common enemy could be solved. The one seedliners (anti-seedliners) vent their hatred toward the flesh; the Two Seedliners vent their hatred toward the literal, walking, talking, breathing genetic children of Satan. If our “flesh” is the problem, we had better get our “flesh” out of today’s satanic banking system! Maybe one should cut off his “fleshly” fingers to avoid paying the IRS any illegal income tax, which in turn supports the murderous abortion of White children making one an accessory after the fact. According to the anti-seedliners (who teach that the flesh is the problem), we should look at those fingers and “hate” them rather than identify the real enemy. Mother of all absurdities!

While speaking of absurdities, I must relate another situation that happened while researching the subject of Two Seedline. About five years ago I was writing several small articles on this subject having become aware that there were several distracting critics speaking in opposition to it. Because of the seriousness of the matter, I put these several small papers together entitling them Research Papers Proving Two Seedline Seduction Of Eve. At that time I had purchased a laptop computer, which I took to work with me and worked on this project in-between customers. Because I was continually being interrupted by phone calls and my usual duties, I made several typos. Sometimes, after tending to business for a couple of hours, it was difficult to find the place where I had left off and then continue running references, making notes and typing again. No sooner would I get organized than I was interrupted again. It was not unusual for me to be interrupted this way 35 to 45 times in a ten hour day. Nevertheless, I managed to put these small documents together with some semblance of order. Later, Ted R. Weiland obtained a copy of these writings and attempted to make a fool of me. I will now relate one of those instances, and you can evaluate the situation for yourself and determine who is really imprudently ill-advised on this topic.

Special Notice to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, #13

We need to understand again that we are at the very zenith of a 7,000 plus year-old WAR. Because of a misinterpretation of Genesis 3:15, many wrongly apply this passage to a war between the “spirit” against the “flesh.” While it is true there is a personal struggle between the spirit (carnal mind) and the flesh, this Scripture does not refer to that type of conflict. The WAR in Genesis 3:15 is a “hate” WAR. It is totally preposterous, therefore, to try to apply Genesis 3:15 to Ephesians 2:15 or Romans 8. The “enmity” in Ephesians refers to something quite different! Actually, Genesis 3:15 speaks about two “hate groups” (a good “hate” group and a bad “hate” group). You probably have been told that only bad people “hate”, and that simply is not true. These two “hate groups” are at WAR with each other, and this WAR is not going to be over until one or the other is totally crushed, and you can mark that one down for posterity; our posterity.



This is a very serious charge, yet it is true, as you will shortly see. Maybe it would be well if the term “one seedline” were defined. It also might be called “non-seedline” or “anti-seedline” depending to what extreme it might be taken. If it is taken to the extreme of reducing the “two seeds” of Genesis 3:15 to be the “flesh” and “spirit”, as Ted R. Weiland did, then it would have to be defined as “anti-seedline.” When this extreme position is taken, then even the “seed” of the Messiah is denied! Truthfully, this stance would have to be defined as “anti-seedline”, making their position not only “anti-seedline”, but also “antichrist.” I will now demonstrate why this is so.

When I first started researching Two Seedline, and realizing how serious were the ramifications — also observing those who rejected this teaching — it did not occur to me that such a teaching might be “antichrist.” By delving into the position of the “one seedliners”, the thought that it could be “antichrist” gradually dawned on me, along with the realization that the subject of the two “seeds” of Genesis 3:15 is even more serious than I formerly considered. Let me put it this way: There are certain basic, fundamental tenets to our “Christian” faith. These beliefs are as follows: We believe that YHWH created all things, visible and invisible; that He became flesh and dwelt among us, and that He was of one substance being both man and YHWH when He took on that flesh; that He suffered and died in the flesh at the hands of unholy men; that He rose again in the flesh (John 2:19-21); that He ascended into Heaven in the flesh; that from thence He will return in the flesh to judge both the living and the dead. Every one of these tenets is essential and indispensable to the Christian Faith. Consequently, anyone denying these fleshly manifestations of YHWH is “antichrist”, 1 John 4:3:

Special Notice to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, #12

As I have stated previously, “We are at WAR”, and I am not referring to our present so-called war on “terrorism.” While the current war concerning “terrorism” is taking on large proportions, it’s only a mere skirmish in comparison to the great 7,000 year WAR of the “children of darkness” against the “children of light” foretold in Genesis 3:15. Every night White women are going to bed and waking up in the morning pregnant by a member of another race. In this greater war, we are taking tens of thousands of casualties nightly. While this large-scale War is going on, the Church sits idly by claiming its Christian in nature, and they assert everything is all right as long as the other person has been “saved.” And, in the face of this great peril, the anti-seedliners refuse to point out the true enemy. They insist it’s all a problem with the “flesh” or something “spiritual”! Oh, they will recognize that Genesis 3:15 speaks of One “seed” in the form of the Messiah, but stubbornly deny the “serpent” has “seed” also. I will repeat again: If there was no “seed” of the serpent to bruise the heel of Messiah, then we have no Redemption! Now, I would say that’s a very dangerous and irresponsible position! One person wrote me a letter and said: “it’s 99.9% religion, not race.” That also is a most risky position. I wrote him back and told him he could point his sword at religion, but I would point mine at a walking, talking breathing, genetic enemy. I don’t know how he gets religion out of “seed”, (zera). Furthermore, he also had much training at a seminary. Well, the subject of “seminary” is what we are going to deal with in this paper. One thing I have noticed in the Anglo-Israel message is that many who have been trained in seminaries are the very ones who take a position against Two Seedline.

I believe the reason for this is because in the various church seminaries the students are taught a religious system called “hermeneutics.” We’ll take a look at that system in this article. I think you will find it doesn’t have a very commendable background. The greatest problem with people coming into Identity is that they tend to bring with them their former church’s dogmas. With the Identity message, one must wipe the slate entirely clean and reconsider all things from a new perspective. It seems like everything is just 180° from what we were always taught. Our Savior instructed us that we must become as a “little child” or we are not fit for the Kingdom, Matthew 18:3. A child has a clean mind without any preconceived ideas. Even Paul had to go to Arabia for three years to get rid of his Phariseeism, Galatians 1:17-18. The problem in Identity is: a lot of people haven’t been to the desert yet, especially former seminary students who keep patching over Scripture attempting to put new wine (teachings) in old bottles, Luke 5:36-39. In getting into this topic about “hermeneutics”, I will start first by quoting the Encyclopedia Britannica, Ninth Edition, 1894, volume 11, page 671, the topic being “Hermes”:

Special Notice to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, #11

Again, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to understand the formidable enemy with whom we have to contend! In order to fathom our present world problems, it is imperative we grasp two things: (1) That the White Europeans and their kin worldwide are the true racial Israelites of the Bible, and (2) Who Israel’s real enemies are. To know one without the other is insufficient. To improperly identify Biblical Israel’s enemy is a criminal offense, for it can mean the difference between life and death to our people. Death is not always so obvious to the eye. When a white marries a member of another race, it brings on death of the Spirit which was breathed into our forefather Adam. If you are ever invited to attend a wedding of a White and a nonwhite, you are not attending a wedding, but a funeral. When the 23 chromosomes of the male sperm of a nonwhite unites with the 23 chromosomes of the egg of a White, it brings death to the 23 chromosomes of the egg of the White (and the other way around)! This process is now happening in White countries every few minutes. In the Bible it is called a “plague”, Numbers 25:1-9 (especially verse 9). In that chapter, having intercourse with non-Israelites was considered the same as “death.” If you think the bombing of the Twin Trade Towers in New York was terrible, consider the death being brought about by miscegenation. This should give you some idea of what kind of WAR we are in, and who the players are. Now the key to understanding this WAR is found in Genesis 3:15. The anti-seedliners, by denying the truth of that passage, are aiding and abetting Israel’s worst enemy. Actually, the anti-seedliners are doing more damage than the “Jews” themselves. They call us Two Seedliners “seedliners”, so the only thing we can dub them is “anti-seedliners.”


“MY FATHER” vs. “your father”


John 8:38 is one of the main supporting passages for Genesis 3:15:

“I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.”

You will first notice, as properly applied by the translators, the one “father” is capitalized and the other one isn’t. From this, it should be quite evident that the Father of the Messiah was not the same father as that of those so-called “Jews.” Therefore, Scripture is talking about two separate genetic family trees! You might argue, “this is speaking in a ‘spiritual’ sense.” Yet, take a look at the next verse where it says: “Abraham is our father.” That hardly sounds “spiritual”, does it? It is not “spiritual” here, nor is it “spiritual” in John 8:44 where Messiah tells certain Judeans, later called “Jews”, who their father really was and is.

Special Notice to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, #10

I have now completed nine Special Notices to all anti-seedliners that we are in a WAR. This is #10. At the present time, the enemy in this WAR has an agenda of convincing every White to jump in bed with a member of another race (mostly women). While all this is going on, the anti-seedliners proclaim: there isn’t any enemy. They may deny they are making such a claim, but, by contradicting the Two Seedline truth, they are, in essence, making such an assertion. Therefore, all the blood of these White victims of “Jewish” propaganda is on their hands. They are actually aiding and abetting the enemy in their vicious ploy to destroy the White, Israel Race. When you next observe the product of a mixed marriage, thank the anti-seedliners for their part in assisting the enemy in their diabolical plot. Also, those who are in support of the anti- seedliners become accessories after the fact. If you are not sure how your pastor stands on this issue, maybe you should ask him. Write and tell him that you would like to support him, but you can’t as long as he doesn’t teach Two Seedline! After all, it’s your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren who might race-mix as a direct or indirect result of the anti-seedliner’s message. WAKE UP, WE ARE AT WAR!!!

I really can’t see a lot of difference between Ted R. Weiland and John Hagee, for they both teach the “Jews” are “God’s chosen people.” John Hagee said this: “Let me tell you this: Genesis 12:1 and 3 says: ‘I will bless those that bless you, and I will curse those who curse you.’ If something within you resents the Jewish people, that something is a demon spirit. The Jewish people, according to the Word of God, are the apple of God’s eye. The nation of Israel is the object of God’s affection. For David said: ‘He that keepeth Israel (and the phrase ‘keep’ was a military term), he that defends Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.’ Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and Jesus Christ were all Jews.” Ted R. Weiland in his booklet Eve, Did She Or Didn’t She?, pages 68 & 94 make parallel statements to Hagee: “Seedliners claim that because the Pharisees and their progenitors were charged with the murders of all the righteous from Abel to Zacharias, they cannot be Israelites but instead must be Cainites of the seed of Satan. The truth is that because the Pharisees and their forefathers were indicted for the murder of the righteous martyrs, they cannot be Cainites but instead must be Israelite ... The seedliners teach that the Pharisees were Cainites of the seed line of Satan, whereas Matthew 3:7-8, 27:6-10, John 7:19, 8:28-37, Acts 4:5-10, 24-35 and 7:2-52 declare that the Pharisees were Judahites of the seed line of Jacob/ Israel.”

Special Notice to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, # 9

This matter of Two Seedline is of the utmost importance in our day, for we are beginning to see the culmination of this age-old “enmity” coming to a head. While it has been lying festering just below the surface for several thousands of years, today it is reaching its peak. It’s like a giant abscess getting ready to erupt and spill out all its foul, infectious, corrupt, putrefying poison. And, while these great evil underground forces are at work, churchianity sits idly on the sidelines pretending all is well. In fact, the infection from this giant abscess is seeping into their midst, and they consider it “Christian.” As if this were not bad enough, the anti-seedliners disavow the cause of the infection. To the anti-seedliners, it’s just a theological game of words. They simply haven’t done their homework on the subject. To show you this, I will now quote excerpts from Dr. Lightfoot in his A Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Hebraica, volume 2, pages 367-369 concerning Matthew 27:38-46:

“Among the monsters of the Jewish routs, preceding the destruction of the city, the multitude of robbers, and the horrible slaughters committed by them, deservedly claim the first consideration; which, next to the just vengeance of God against that most wicked nation, you may justly ascribe to divers originals. 1. It is no wonder, if that nation abounded beyond measure with a vagabond, dissolute, and lewd sort of young men; since, by means of polygamy, and the divorces of their wives at pleasure, and the nation’s unspeakable addictedness to lasciviousness and whoredoms, there could not but continually spring up bastards, and an offspring born only to beggary or rapine, as wanting both sustenance and ingenuous education. 2. The foolish and sinful indulgence of the council could not but nurse up all kind of broods of wicked men, while they scarce ever put any one to death, though never so wicked, as being an Israelite [Jew]; who must not by any means be touched ... All the rout indeed and force of hell was let loose at that time against Christ, without either bridle or chain: he calls it himself ... the power of darkness, Luke 22:53. God who had foretold of old, that the serpent should bruise the heel of the promised seed, and now that time is come, had slackened the devil’s chain, which, in regard of men, the Divine Providence used to hold in his hand; so that all the power and all the rancour of hell might, freely and without restraint, assault Christ; and that all that malice that was in the devil against the whole elect of God, [would be] summed up and gathered together into one head, might at one stroke and onset be brandished against Christ without measure.”

Special Notice to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, # 8

This is a continuation in a series of papers proclaiming that: “We have an enemy.” It’s unpleasant enough that we must live under the political, religious and monetary system of the enemy, but it is intolerable, while all this is happening, to have distracting, booing, detractors on the sidelines proclaiming there is no enemy; that somehow they, the “Jews”, (Rev. 2:9 & 3:9) are simply ordinary people who happened to go bad. I don’t know how those gainsaying disputants discount the fact that they and their continued lineage, remain corrupt generation after generation, for thousands of years. It is quite obvious that the “Jews” have retained an inbred, genetic trait which is built into their very being, clearly inherited from their ancestors. Thus, there are two genetic peoples at WAR with each other, according to the declaration of Genesis 3:15, and this WAR will not terminate until one side or the other is completely destroyed. At the moment, our side is speedily going down to defeat.

Evidently, the anti-seedliners have never read Josephus, Wars 2:8:2. Josephus makes it quite clear that the Pharisees and Sadducees were essentially non-Israelites by birth. Let’s now read this passage:

“For there are three philosophical sects among the Judeans. The followers of the first of whom are the Pharisees; of the second the Sadducees; and the third sect, who pretends to a severer discipline, are called Essenes. These last are Judah by birth, and seem to have a greater affection for one another than the other sects have.”

Special Notice to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, # 7

This is the seventh in a series of Special Notices to all anti-seedliners who are opposed to the proposition that there are a literal walking, talking, breathing, genetic Satanic seedline people among us in this world. To proclaim otherwise is a declaration that we have no enemy, and neutralizes and undermines our defenses against them. To concede such a position is beyond all responsible comprehension, and only those who assume the obligation of pointing out and identifying the enemy are Israel’s true watchmen. To brazenly obstruct the message of the true watchmen’s warnings is the height of treason. The judgment for interfering with the true watchman in his appointed duty is not a very pretty one. But, sad to say, this is what many are doing. Again, I would warn you, we are at WAR. This WAR has been going on now for over 7,000 years. It is a WAR between YHWH and His children and Satan and his children. It is a battle to the death for one or the other.

In the last Special Notice To All Who Deny Two Seedline #6, we were looking into the writings of Lt. Col. Jack Mohr. As Mohr refuses to identify the enemy, he is actually giving them aid and comfort in a time of WAR, and there is no greater act of sedition against YHWH’s Kingdom. In Special Notice #6, I used two illustrations of how Mohr shot himself in the foot with his thesis Seed of Satan, Literal or Figurative? In his booklet of 27 pages, he misapplied the word “enmity” in Genesis 3:15 and “beguiled” in 2 Corinthians 11:3. With this Special Notice we will scrutinize more of his suppositions. In analyzing Mohr’s writings on his anti-seedline argument, one can make some interesting observations. I notice that Mohr is working with a limited source of information. It is obvious he has a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of The Bible along with some unnamed Bible dictionary. It also appears he is quoting entirely from the King James Version. Equipped with this limited source of data, he desires to dictate to everyone else his own unqualified views which are based on his personal reasoning. From what I can observe so far, if he doesn’t like what he reads in Strong’s he will switch to his unnamed Bible dictionary in order to pick and choose that which best suits “his” likes. It is conspicuously obvious he did this with the meaning of Seth’s name on page 11. If you want to understand what has been cited so far concerning Mohr’s writings, you might want to get a copy of that Special Notice. We will now continue where we left off with Special Notice #6.

Special Notice to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, # 6

This is the sixth in a series of Special Notices to all anti-seedliners who are opposed to the proposition that there is a literal walking, talking, genetic Satanic seedline people in this world. Some have condemned me for coming out and naming names concerning the controversy over this issue. They advise me that I should go personally to them and work out our differences in private. I would point out to anyone who is of that opinion that the anti-seedliners were the first to make an issue of this teaching. Stephen E. Jones, in his 1978 book The Babylonian Connection, was the first, to my knowledge, to take issue with the Two Seedliners. (Jeffrey A. Weakley wrote his The Satanic Seedline, Its Doctrine and History in 1994.) It wasn’t until Ted R. Weiland came out with a ten-tape audiocassette series Eve, Did She Or Didn’t She? that I began to counter what they were promoting. I had written an article in 1995, entitled The Problem With Genesis 4:1 which I did not distribute very widely. I had put that short article together because I had heard of a young man who was hung-up on Genesis 4:1. At that time, I had no idea the anti-seedliners had a campaign going to discredit the Two Seedline doctrine. Jeffrey A. Weakley, a year before I wrote my small article, was the first one to really start naming names and pointing his finger at some of the leading Two Seedline teachers like Swift, Comparet and Gale. As these three great pillars of men are now dead, I have taken it upon myself to defend them.

You may well ask, then, what is the purpose for my writing these Special Notices anyway? The answer to this question is: I am duty bound by Yahweh’s Law to witness to the truth to the best of my ability as I understand it. In other words, if I know a crime has been committed, in the process of being committed or there is a danger of a crime about to be committed, if I do not witness to what I know, I am as guilty as the person committing the crime. In this case, we are not talking about a single individual crime, we are talking about tens of thousands of crimes. The news of these crimes has been withheld from the public by the usual news media and writers of the past. The law concerning the witness of a crime is found in Leviticus 5:1 which reads: “And if a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, and is a witness, whether he hath seen or known of it; if he do not utter it, then he shall bear his iniquity.”

Special Notice to All Who Deny Two-Seedline, # 5

Again, I would remind everyone who is not aware of it, we are in a WAR. This WAR has been going on now for about 7,000 years. This WAR is between the GENETIC children of Yahweh and the GENETIC children of Satan; this WAR is between the White children of Adam and Eve and the offspring of Satan through Cain whom we know today as “Jews.” Yes, the “Jews” are the literal progeny of Satan walking about today in shoe-leather. The “Jews” of today and the scribes and Pharisees of Messiah’s time should not be confused with the true Tribe of Judah. John Lightfoot understood this when he wrote in his A Commentary on the New Testament From the Talmud and Hebraica, volume 3, page 334 in reference to John 8:37:

“From this whole period it is manifest that the whole tendency of our Savior’s discourse is to shew the Jews that they are the seed of that serpent that was to bruise the heel of the Messiah: else what could that mean, ver. 44. ‘Ye are of your father the devil’, but this, viz. ‘Ye are the seed of the serpent?’”

Let’s now take a look at John 8:38. While we do, let’s remember that in verse 41 the “Jews” were very defensive of the implication of being “born of fornication.” Being born of fornication implies being born of an impure racial union, Greek #4202. Dr. Spiros Zodhiates in his New Testament Word Study Dictionary, page 1201: “In John 8:41, ‘We be not born of fornication’ means, ‘We are not spurious children, born of a concubine, but are the true descendants of Abraham’.” Sure, the Arabs can claim Abraham as their father. We know, also, that the “Jews” of Messiah’s day had absorbed Edomite blood, and therefore could claim both Abraham and Isaac as their fathers. The Shelanite-Judahites could even claim an affinity with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Judah, but that doesn’t make them of the true Tribe of Judah. Now let’s read that passage with that in mind:

“They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Yahshua saith unto them, If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham.”