Diverse Seeds Defile Families Downline Forever & Is Incurable!

We are about to address the Bible’s most serious offense. Everywhere in the Old Testament the Hebrew word for “seed”, “sperm” or “descendant” (i.e., “offspring”) is Strong’s #2233 “zera”, except Lev. 19:19 and Deut. 22:9, where the Strong’s #3610 is used for “seeds”, “diverse kind”, “mingled seed” and “mingled”; (once for “seeds” at Deut. 22:9, and three times as “diverse kind”, “mingled seed” and “mingled” at Lev. 19:19) in the KJV.

Some Little-Known Biblical Facts Concerning Christmas!

There are many who, when they attend a church func- tion or other stage-play featuring the manger scene, with the three wise men, along with their visit to consult Herod to determine the location of the then recently born Christ Child, fail to fully comprehend all of the events taking place in the surrounding history which are seldom revealed. This will be an effort to divulge some of the missing data.

How Edom Infiltrated & Overthrew Judaea in the 1st Century B.C.!

This is a very serious Biblical story seldom, if ever, addressed anywhere in the various sects of churchianity! I attended church for about 35 years, and I never heard this subject mentioned one single time, so I doubt very much whether any of my readers have heard it either. For evi- dence on this matter, I will cite Eusebius’ The History of the Church, translated by G.A. Williamson, published by Pen- guin Books. pp.

Holy Writ Mandates Racial Segregation for White-Adam-Man!

Both the Old and New Testaments, plus most of the Apocrypha, highly condemn the unforgivable sin of race- mixing (i.e., miscegenation). “Kind after kind” is repeated numerously in Genesis chapter 1; v.12, “... herb yielding seed after his kind ... tree yielding fruit, whose seed ... after his kind”, v. 21, “... created great whales ... creatures that moveth ... after their kind ... every winged fowl after his kind ...”, v. 24 “beast of the earth after his kind”, v. 25 “... beast after his kind ...

Billy Graham Claimed Christ was Swarthy rather than Ruddy!

An Associated Press Release from Victoria Falls, Rhodesia, dated February 18, 1960, reads in part as follows:

“... However, [Billy] Graham declared, ‘I don’t see how the South African approach (of rigid segregation) can possibly work’ ... ‘Christ was not a European,’ he said, ‘He wasn’t fair skinned. I should say He was swarthy ...’.”[Destiny, June 1962]