Stealth Invasion - Red Chinese Operations in North America

[Note: This article, authored and circulated by Richard A. Delgaudio and Dr. Roger Canfield, 10560 Main St., Suite 217, Fairfax, VA 22030 (no telephone number given) is being scanned and reformatted in preparation for the Internet for three very good reasons: (1) This article overlaps in content an article I had written in 1995 entitled The Problems With Ezekiel 38 And 39; The Prophetic Attack Of Russia On The United States. In that article, I included China along with Russia, and I had no knowledge, nor did I personally know that Richard A. Delgaudio and Dr. Roger Canfield existed. Nor, evidently did they have any knowledge of me or what I had written on the subject. (2) Because their and my essays are so closely intertwined, I saw the need to do a critical review (that is, constructive critical review) to give the serious researcher a clearer picture of the subject material. Richard A. Delgaudio and Dr. Roger Canfield addressed the subject from a patriotic perspective, while I address the subject from a Biblical perspective. It should be pointed out that they and I were doing our researches at approximately at the same time. Therefore, I would recommend the serious student read and compare both their and my essays. (3) Because both their and my themes were written about 15 years ago, I would recommend the serious researcher critique their and my essays, and then search the Internet (or other written or voice data) and bring the subject up-to-date. Key words and phrases are supplied at the end of this paper. One other thing that I have done, is to edit in the full designations of the abbreviations for the convenience of the reader, and other minor changes. C.A.E.]


I first met Dr. Roger Canfield as the author of a comprehensive study of Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden, leaders of the New Left and cheerleaders of America’s enemies in Viet Nam. Since then Dr. Canfield and I have worked together on many conservative causes. Dr. Canfield is uncompromising on his principles and the truth. His research is always relentless and thorough. His writing clear and forceful.

In the last two years, Dr. Canfield has meticulously researched and written three eye-opening monographs on the subject of Red China’s war against the West: one the groundbreaking What Red China Got for Its Money (Why Did the People’s Republic of China Invest in the 1996 Reelection Campaign of President Bill Clinton?), China Traders (Assessing the Legacy of Clinton-Gore’s Appeasement Policy: U.S. National Security at Risk), and this publication. In addition, he co-authored with me the widely distributed book, China Doll: CIinton, Gore and the Selling of the U.S. Presidency (more than 700,000 in print).