This Column Contains Plagiarism E-mail: The Parable of Ruth July 16, 2011 From: Eli James Willie Martin on Tamar [including typos]: Was Tamar a “Canaanite?” Let’s just study the falsity of calling Tamar a “Canaanite,” or a “Canaanite whore,” as many of the Judeo-Christian clergy like to claim; for Tamar WAS NEITHER A “CANAANITE” NOR A “WHORE.” There is more to studying than pointing to a geographic area on a map and saying that all the people in that area are Canaanites. That is what Judeo-Christian clergy do, and this is whyat may unqualified teacherslike him do.As you know, people are portable, and one simply cannot pin them down to a point on the map. This is how many people pretending to be qualified Bible teachers make the mistake of claiming that Ruth was a Moabit. We will also be going into this thing aoub Ruth being an alleged Moabite later. It is therefore necessary to realize theat people migrate from area to area because of weather changes or they are displaced by wars and many other reasons. (It is only the White Race that migrates from place to place, just to be moving and exploring. The other races could really care less until the White Man has opened the way and they they quickly follow him) You can see, then, it is necessary to take time frames and migration into account. This is something which Judeo-Christian clergy and others like them do not do. This is an example of how we are getting so many false teachings in Israel Identity today. This is an example of some of the same reasoning we are getting from some of the more famous teachers in Identity. At this time, let’s check the Scriptures and determine Tamar’s origin once and for all.It is found in the Book of Jasher, chapter 45, vers 23 and it reads: (The above is Willie Martin’s plagiarism) (Column 2: Emahiser’s Original Text ) How many other authors Martin plagiarized God only knows!!!
| This Column Contains Original Text Excerpt From Watchman’s Teaching Letter #3 for July 1998 (Original Document Composition Date: 3-7-1998): With this issue, I would like to present a study in connection with Tamar: “What’s In A Name?”, (meaning Tamar’s name). WHAT’S IN A NAME? At this time, let’s go into the falsity of calling Tamar a “Canaanite”, let alone a “Canaanite whore”, for she was neither a “Canaanite” nor a “whore.” There is more to studying than pointing to a geographic area on a map and saying that all the people in that area are Canaanites. This is what Scott Vaught did, and this is what many unqualified teachers like him do. As you know, people are portable, and you simply cannot pin them down to a point on the map. This is how many people pretending to be qualified Bible teachers make the mistake of claiming that Ruth was a Moabite. We will also be going into this thing about Ruth being an alleged Moabite later. It is therefore necessary to realize that people migrate from area to area because of weather changes or they are displaced by wars and many other reasons. You can see, then, it is necessary to take time frames and migration into account. This is something which Scott Vaught and others like him do not do. This is an example of how we are getting so many false teachings in Israel Identity today. This is an example of some of the same kind of reasoning we are getting from people like Ted R. Weiland, Stephen E. Jones, James W. Bruggeman, Charles Weisman etc. At this time, let’s check the Scriptures and determine Tamar’s origin once and for all. It is found in the Book of Jasher, chapter 45, verse 23 and it reads thus: (From my original manuscript) [Note: Alias Eli called me a few years ago, and told me that he thought Willie had been plagiarizing my work, so he should have checked this excerpt before using it! Since Alias Eli has circulated his E-mail world- wide, he needs to make a correction world- wide! But don’t hold your breath!] |