A Brief History of the Edomite-Satanic-Devil, Herod the Great!
From the 1894, 9th edition of The Encyclopædia Britannica, vol. 11 of 25, pp. 674-675, under the subtitle “Herod”, we read (edited to improve understanding):
“HEROD was the name of a family of Idumæan origin, which displaced the Asmoneans [or Levitical Hasmoneans] as the rulers of Judæa. The founder of the dynasty, and its most notable representative in every way was Herod the Great, who was king of the Jews [sic citizens of Judaea] for about thirty-seven years, from 40 to 4 B.C.
[Critical note by Clifton A. Emahiser: CONFUSED DATING OF WISE MEN: Most Biblical commentaries have Herod the Great’s death at 4 B.C. which conflicts with Luke 2:1-23. However, Insight On The Scriptures, volume 1 of 2, p. 1093, under subtitle “Date of His Death“ says in part: “A problem arises with regard to the time of Herod’s death. Some chronologers hold that he died in year 5 or 4 B.C. Their chronology is based to a large extent on Josephus’ history. In dating the time that Herod was appointed king by Rome, Josephus uses a ‘consular dating,’ that is, he locates the event as occurring during the rule of certain Roman consuls ... This might indicate that the date of his death was 2 or perhaps 1 B.C.” This agrees with a 3 B.C. date for the birth of Christ. It is quite clear that the wise men visited Christ at Galilee about two years after the manger scene at Bethlehem. Christmas, as celebrated today, does not separate these as two different events. It would seem, if we are going to celebrate Christ’s birth, we would keep these two events in their proper order!] – Back to The Encyclopædia Britannica:
“Herod’s father [and Grandfather] were named Antipater [whom the latter], during the troubles which broke out in the family of Alexander Jannæus, attached himself to Hyrcanus, the weak-minded son of Alexander. In this way Antipater, though an Idumæan, soon became the most powerful man in Judæa, and in the Alexandrian war gave such effectual help to Julius Cæsar that the dictator made him procurator of Judæa, Hyrcanus being high priest (47?) B.C.). The same year, at the age of twenty-five, Herod was appointed governor of Galilee by his father. He soon gave proof of the remarkable energy of his character in rooting out the banditti who infested his province; but his summary measures gave a handle to the enemies of his house at Jerusalem, and he was summoned before the sanhedrin. There he appeared, not in the garb of an accused person, but gorgeously attired, and attended by a guard of soldiers. He found it expedient, however, to withdraw from Jerusalem without awaiting the sentence. He retired to Syria, where he was met with a gracious reception from Sextus Cæsar, who appointed him governor of Coele Syria. Herod now marched with an army against Jerusalem, but at the persuasion of his father and brother was induced to depart without exacting vengeance on his enemies. After the death of Cæsar, the fortunes of Herod were affected by all the changes which befell the Roman state. When Cassius took the command in the East, and began to gather his strength for the final struggle which was decided at Philippi, Herod managed to win his favor by the readiness with which he raised his share of the heavy exactions imposed upon the East. About the same time his father was poisoned, and to Herod fell the task of avenging his death, as well as of supporting the interests of his house in Palestine. After Philippi he gained Antony over by large presents of money. He and his brother Phasael were appointed tetrarchs of Judæa. In 40[?] B.C., the Parthians appeared upon the scene, overran the whole of Syria, and placed on the throne of Judæa Antigonus, son of Aristobulus, and representative of the rival branch of the Asmonean [or Levitical Hasmonean] house. Herod was completely overpowered; and, after placing his relatives in safety, so far as he could, he hastened to Rome to lay his case before Antony and Octavianus. He succeeded beyond his expectation, for, while he meant only to advocate the claims of Hyrcanus the Asmonean [or Levitical Hasmonean], the two heads of the state made him king of Judæa. Herod returned home without delay, and set about the task of winning the kingdom allotted to him. Owing chiefly to the slackness of the Roman generals who should have helped him, it was three years before he succeeded in taking Jerusalem (37? B.C.). Before that event he had married the beautiful Mariamne, a[n Israelite] princess of the Asmonean house, a grand-daughter both of Aristobulus and Hyrcanus.”
[Critical note by Clifton A. Emahiser: Please take notice of the underlined excerpt above, as it is evidence that Herod the Great had married a pure White Israelite lady, for pure White Israelites are ruddy and fair, while Herod the Great, being an Edomite, would have been “swarthy” like an arab!] – Back to The Encyclopædia Britannica:
“Herod’s early measures were cruel; he put to death all the members of the sanhedrin except two, and spared no one that was likely to stand in his way. Aristobulus, the youthful brother of Mariamne [another pure White Israelite], whom he had appointed high priest, he caused to be treacherously drowned because he was too popular with the patriotic party. On this occasion Alexandra, mother of Aristobulus, induced Cleopatra to take her part, and Herod had to appear before Antony to answer the charge of murdering the prince. Again Herod knew how to gain the Roman, and he returned home with confirmed power. During the war of Actium, Herod had the good fortune to be engaged in a war with the king of Arabia on Antony’s behalf, and so escaped the risk of fighting against Octavianus. Yet he recognized the danger of his position as the friend of Antony, and faced it with his usual courage and foresight. Hastening to Rhodes (30?) B.C.), he appeared in the presence of the conqueror, and avowing his loyalty to his friend Antony, proffered the same faithful service to Octavianus. Octavianus was gracious, and remained the constant friend and patron of Herod to the end. This was the last crisis of Herod’s life; he was henceforward undisputed king of Judæa, and next to Agrippa the most trusted friend of Augustus. But while the friend of the great, and prosperous in all external relations, Nemesis pursued him in his family. When summoned to answer for himself before Antony, and again on his journey to Rhodes, he left the beautiful and beloved Mariamne in charge of one of his friends, but with the cruel injunction that she should be put to death should anything serious befall himself. On both occasions Mariamne discovered the secret, and, instead of regarding the command as a proof of his jealous love, abhorred it as another instance of the cruelty which had not spared so many of her nearest relatives. A horrible tragedy ensued: Mariamne openly expressed her disgust; and Herod, furious (Page #1 of 2) with rage, jealousy, and rejected love,ordered her death. The violence of his feelings threw him into a dangerous malady, and even drove him to the verge of insanity. His mind never recovered its healthy tone, and in later years the avenger again overtook him. In the mean time his government was marked by the greatest magnificence and apparent success. His turbulent subjects were kept tolerably quiet in spite of heavy taxes. He managed to gratify his love for Greek and Roman life; and yet he avoided wounding too deeply the susceptibilities of the Jews [sic citizens of Judaea]. The magnificent buildings which he raised were the most brilliant products of his reign. He rebuilt Samaria, calling it Sebaste, from the Greek name for Augustus. He converted the small town of Strato’s Tower into a magnificent seaport with an artificial harbor, under the name of Caesarea. These and other towns which he built were furnished with temples, theatres, aqueducts, and all the other ornamental and useful appliances of Greek and Roman life. In the city of Jerusalem he even built a theatre, and an amphitheatre outside of it. A more patriotic work was the rebuilding of the temple (begun 20(?) B.C.), which had suffered greatly during the late troubles; it was on a very magnificent scale, and lasted nine years and a half, even then being unfinished. Equally necessary and equally significant of his relation to his subjects was the construction of strong fortresses in various parts of the country. The last years of Herod’s life were darkened by the return of those family troubles which had previously overcast it. His two sons by Mariamne had been educated at Rome, and returned, 17(?) B.C., to Judæa. Their Asmonean descent, their youth, beauty, and accomplishments, and their too interesting history gained them the most enthusiastic popularity among the Jews [sic citizens of Judaea]. Their father himself was proud of them. But Pheroras and Salome, brother and sister of Herod, did all they could to sow jealousy and suspicion. Herod’s mind was too painfully open to dark insinuations, and he recalled his eldest son Antipater to counter-balance the influence of the Asmonean princes. After the arrival of Antipater, who was a most unscrupulous plotter, there was no more peace or security at the court of Herod; things went from bad to worse, till after many years of the darkest intrigue and the bitterest domestic contention, the two sons of Mariamne were strangled at Sebaste. Soon after the clearest proof was discovered of a conspiracy which Antipater had formed with Pheroras against the life of Herod himself. The order for the death of Antipater was given by Herod from his death-bed. His health had long been failing; after the cruelest torments of both mind and body, he died 4 B.C[?].The birth of Christ took place in the same year as Herod’s death, but this, as is well known, occurred four years before the date fixed as the beginning of the Christian era.”
[Critical note by Clifton A. Emahiser: Here, again Josephus’ “consular dating,” of events is causing confusion!]– Back to The Encyclopædia Britannica:
“The massacre of the little children at Bethlehem is not mentioned by Josephus among the horrors of Herod’s last days. He was buried with great magnificence. His will, by which the greater part of his dominions was bequeathed to his sons by Malthace, a Samaritan, was confirmed by Augustus.
“Herod’s name is doubtless one of the most repulsive in history. He was a man of wonderful energy and sagacity. He saw clearly that Rome was the hinge on which everything turned, and that no policy could be successful which did not depend upon her leading men. His skill in understanding these men, in conciliating them, and making himself useful to them, was very great. Thus he made the successive masters of the world his willing friends, and out of all the crises of his fate emerged victorious. But his hands were red with the blood of his own household; when his position or his interests were touched no scruple could arrest him. All that can be said in his favor is that many of his cruel measures cost him unspeakable agony of mind, and that he was simply more expert than his rivals at the weapons which were in common use in the political life of the time.” – End of The Encyclopædia Britannica article on “Herod the Great”.
Truly, The Herod Dynasty Is A Tribe Of Edomite-Satanic- Devils, Sired By Esau. And once married into such a family, one’s offspring becomes a bastard-devil! See Revelation 12:4-5 for explanation. Note that Herod the Great had a father and a grand-father by the name of “Antipater”.
In the 1881 Library of Universal Knowledge, vol, #1 of 15, p. 531, it states in part:
“ANTIPATER: Of the many persons who bore this name in antiquity, the most celebrated was one of the generals and confidential friends of king Philip of Macedon. When Alexander led his troops into Asia, he left Antipater – who, along with Parmenion, had endeavored to dissuade him from the expedition – as governor of Macedonia....”, [wrong Antipater]. The others of this name were: (2). Antipater’s second son of Cassander, king of Macedonia, who lived in the 3rd century. B,C, [again, wrong Antipater]. (3) Antipater the father of Herod the Great. He flourished in the days of Pompey and Julius Caesar, was a firm friend of the Romans, and about the year 47 B.C. was appointed procurator of Judea. He was poisoned in 43 B.C. by one whose life he had twice saved. (4) Antipater, grandson of the former, and son of Herod the Great by his first wife Doris, a worthless prince, who was perpetually conspiring against the life of his brothers, until his trial and condemnation at Jerusalem before Quintilus Varus the Roman governor of Syria. He was executed in prison five days before Herod died, and in the same year with the massacre of the innocents at Bethlehem. Antipater was likewise the name of various eminent men in ancient times – physicians, philosophers, historians, poets, mathematicians, and grammarians.”
From The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, vol. E-J, p. 585, it is very clear that Herod the Great had both a father and a grandfather by the name of Antipater:
“The grandfather of Herod had also borne the name Antipater; Herod’s father was known also by the shorter name Antipas. The first Antipater had been designated by Janneus and Alexandra as ‘general’ of Idumea, of which land Antipater was a native. It seems clear from Josephus that the grandfather was already dead at the time of the controversy between Hyrcanus II and Aristobulus ... Josephus calls the second Antipater an ‘old and bitterly hated foe’ of Aristobulus, but abstains from justifying the epithet. He pauses in his War merely to mention Antipater’s Idumean background, and in Antiq. 14:1:3 briefly to discuss it ....”
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By: Clifton A. Emahiser’s Non-Universal Teaching Ministries;
1012 N. Vine St.; Fostoria, OH 44830