Both Jews & Arabs are Serpent Seed, #1

The Arab Jew, or Jewish ArabThis will be a sequel to my brochure entitled Arabs, Friend Or Foe? I put that flyer together with the help of William Finck with his letter to me August 6, 2006 where Bill stated: “So that you know, this is what I’ve been writing concerning the situation in Palestine, which of course reflects my full position on the subject.” If you want to know the entirety of that paper, you will need to obtain a copy. In that essay pertaining to the arabs, it was clearly demonstrated that the arabs were as satanic as the jews. This is the subject that I will address in this pamphlet.

A friend of mine ran a search on the Internet, checking out what he could find concerning the genetics of the arabs in relation to the jews. His E-mail read: “I pulled together a few sources that hopefully can aid you in your discussion of the Arabs. Some of these sources of information in discussing the similarity between Kenite (‘Jewish’) DNA and that of the Palestinian (Arab) are very interesting! You can find more sources by searching at a search engine such as for such combined keywords as ‘genetic’, ‘genes’, ‘jews’, ‘arabs’, ‘dna’.”

This party sent me the addresses of three websites to check out, and while the scientific evidence is very damning to both jew and arab, some of the nonscientific postulations, conjecture and abuse of terms made by these sources do not correspond entirely with history or Scripture. Therefore this paper will be written as a critical review. But as to the DNA evidence presented by these sources, we can hardly question their veracity. I will quote the following as presented, and you, the reader will have to judge for yourself just what to accept or reject. At the end, I will make some of my own critical observations. Like so many good sources, these are not entirely without error.

 At the website

I found: 

Semitic Genetics: With a new technique based on the male or Y chromosome, biologists have traced the diaspora of Jewish populations from the dispersals that began in 586 B.C. to the modern communities of Europe and the Middle East. [“Semitic Genetics” is an abuse of the term Semitic.]

“The analysis provides genetic witness that these communities have, to a remarkable extent, retained their biological identity separate from their host populations, evidence of relatively little intermarriage or conversion into Judaism over the centuries. Jews, Palestinians, and Syrians share a genetic link. [comments in brackets are mine]

“Another finding, paradoxical but unsurprising, is that by the yardstick of the Y chromosome, the world’s Jewish communities closely resemble not only each other but also Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese, suggesting that all are descended from a common ancestral population that inhabited the Middle East some four thousand years ago.

“Dr. Lawrence H. Schiffman, chairman of the department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies at New York University, said the study fit with historical evidence that Jews originated in the Near East and with biblical evidence suggesting that there were a variety of families and types in the original population. He said the finding would cause ‘a lot of discussion of the relationship of scientific evidence to the manner in which we evaluate long-held academic and personal religious positions,’ like the question of who is a Jew.

“The study, reported in today’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, was conducted by Dr. Michael F. Hammer of the University of Arizona with colleagues in the United States, Italy, Israel, England and South Africa. The results accord with Jewish history and tradition and refute theories like those holding that Jewish communities consist mostly of converts from other faiths, or that they are descended from the Khazars, a medieval Turkish tribe that adopted Judaism.

“The analysis by Dr. Hammer and colleagues is based on the Y chromosome, which is passed unchanged from father to son. Early in human evolution, all but one of the Y chromosomes were lost as their owners had no children or only daughters, so that all Y chromosomes today are descended from that of a single genetic Adam who is estimated to have lived about 140,000 years ago [?].

“In principle, all men should therefore carry the identical sequence of DNA letters on their Y chromosomes, but in fact occasional misspellings have occurred, and because each misspelling is then repeated in subsequent generations, the branching lineages of errors form a family tree rooted in the original Adam.

“These variant spellings are in DNA that is not involved in the genes and therefore has no effect on the body. But the type and abundance of the lineages in each population serve as genetic signature by which to compare different populations.

“Based on these variations, Dr. Hammer identified 19 variations in the Y chromosome family tree. The ancestral Middle East population from which both Arabs and Jews are descended was a mixture of men from eight of these lineages.

“Among major contributors to the ancestral Arab-Jewish population were men who carried what Dr. Hammer calls the ‘Med’ lineage. This Y chromosome is found all round the Mediterranean and in Europe and may have been spread by the Neolithic inventors of agriculture or perhaps by the voyages of sea-going people like the Phoenicians. [Note: Rather by arabs & slaves brought into Europe.]

“Another lineage common in the ancestral Arab-Jewish gene pool is found among today’s Ethiopians and may have reached the Middle East by men who traveled down the Nile. But present-day Ethiopian Jews lack some of the other lineages found in Jewish communities, and overall are more like non-Jewish Ethiopians than other Jewish populations, at least in terms of their Y chromosome lineage pattern. [Elephantine bad-fig-jews spread into Ethiopia?]

“The ancestral pattern of lineages is recognizable in today’s Arab and Jewish populations, but is distinct from that of European populations and both groups differ widely from sub-Saharan Africans.

“Each Arab and Jewish community has its own flavor of the ancestral pattern, reflecting their different genetic histories. Roman Jews have a pattern quite similar to that of Ashkenazis, the Jewish community of Eastern Europe. Dr. Hammer said the finding accorded with the hypothesis that Roman Jews were the ancestors of the Ashkenazis. Despite the Ashkenazi Jews’ long residence in Europe, their Y signature has remained distinct from that of non-Jewish Europeans.

“On the assumption that there have been 80 generations since the founding of the Ashkenazi population, Dr. Hammer and colleagues calculate that the rate of genetic admixture with Europeans has been less than half a percent per generation.

“Jewish law tracing back almost 2,000 years states that Jewish affiliation is determined by maternal ancestry, so the Y chromosome study addresses the question of how much non-Jewish men may have contributed to Jewish genetic diversity.

“Dr. Hammer was surprised to find how little that contribution was: ‘It could be that wherever Jews were, they were very much isolated,’ he said. The close genetic affinity between Jews and Arabs, at least by the Y chromosome yardstick, is reflected in the Genesis account of how Abraham fathered Ishmael by his wife’s maid Hagar and, when Sarah was then able to conceive, Isaac. Although Muslims have a different version of the story, they regard Abraham and Ishmael, or Ismail, as patriarchs just as Jews do Abraham and Isaac. - Nicholas Wade, New York Times, May, 2000.”

Nicholas Wade said: “This Y chromosome is found all round the Mediterranean and in Europe and may have been spread by the Neolithic inventors of agriculture or perhaps by the voyages of sea-going people like the Phoenicians.” This is pure speculation on Wade’s part, as neither the jew nor the arab were agriculturists nor sea-going.

Wade further stated: “... Roman Jews have a pattern quite similar to that of Ashkenazis, the Jewish community of Eastern Europe. Dr. Hammer said the finding accorded with the hypothesis that Roman Jews were the ancestors of the Ashkenazis. Despite the Ashkenazi Jews’ long residence in Europe, their Y signature has remained distinct from that of non-Jewish Europeans.”

It depends here just what Dr. Hammer considers “Roman Jews”. Surely he is not referring to the jews of the earlier Roman Empire of the west. If he is referring to the eastern Roman Empire, yes, that could be linked to the decline of Rome up until the fall of Constantinople in 1453 when it fell to the turks and arabs, at which time the jews followed behind them into the city.

Dr. Hammer also observes: “Jewish law tracing back almost 2,000 years states that Jewish affiliation is determined by maternal ancestry, so the Y chromosome study addresses the question of how much non-Jewish men may have contributed to Jewish genetic diversity.”

This statement by Dr. Hammer is right on target. All jews trace their lineage through their mother’s side back throughout infinite generations. All true Israelites trace their lineage back through their father’s side throughout infinite generations! This should wave a red flag to all who proclaim the false concept that the jews are Israelites!

Then Dr. Hammer makes this comment postulation: “The close genetic affinity between Jews and Arabs, at least by the Y chromosome yardstick, is reflected in the Genesis account of how Abraham fathered Ishmael by his wife’s maid Hagar and, when Sarah was then able to conceive, Isaac.”

It would be more surprising if the jews and arabs didn’t have some genetic characteristics of Abraham, but that doesn’t account for their close genetic affinity with Syrians, Palestinians, Lebanese, Khazars, Ethiopians and turks. Further, it wouldn’t account for why the jews and arabs have no genetic chromosomes of the White European people who are true Israelites and legitimate full-blooded descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!


From the website,

01-23-2006, 10: 04 AM we read the following:


“Abstract: High-resolution Y chromosome haplotype analysis was performed in 143 paternally unrelated Israeli and Palestinian Moslem Arabs (I&P Arabs) by screening for 11 binary polymorphisms and six microsatellite loci. Two frequent haplotypes were found among the 83 detected: the modal haplotype of the I&P Arabs (~14%) was spread throughout the region, while its one-step microsatellite neighbor, the modal haplotype of the Galilee sample (~8%), was mainly restricted to the north. Geographic substructuring within the Arabs was observed in the highlands of Samaria and Judea. Y chromosome variation in the I&P Arabs was compared to that of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, and to that of North Welsh individuals.

“Abstrakt [sic]: At the haplogroup level, defined by the binary polymorphisms only, the Y chromosome distribution in Arabs and Jews was similar but not identical. At the haplotype level, determined by both binary and micro satellite markers, a more detailed pattern was observed. Single-step microsatellite networks of Arab and Jewish haplotypes revealed a common pool for a large portion of Y chromosomes, suggesting a relatively recent common ancestry. The two modal haplotypes in the I&P Arabs were closely related to the most frequent haplotype of Jews (the Cohen modal haplotype). However, the I&P Arab clade that includes the two Arab modal haplotypes (and makes up 32% of Arab chromosomes) is found at only very low frequency among Jews, reflecting divergence and/or admixture from other populations.”

From:, “Palestinians, however, differ from other Arabs in some ways. As the web site for Harper’s Magazine reported, one study showed that Jews and Palestinians have common ancestry that is so recent that it is highly likely that at least some of the Palestinian blood actually descends from Jews. [3] Another study by New York University confirmed a remarkable similarity between Jewish and Palestinian genes ...

“According to several other studies, Palestinians and Jews are genetically closer to each other than either is to the Arabs of Arabia or to Europeans [5]. A study of congenital deafness identified an allele limited to Palestinian and Jews of Ashkenazi origin (those who lived in Europe in recent centuries), suggesting a common origin. Furthermore, Y-chromosome polymorphism is very similar among Palestinians and Sephardic Jews. [6]. While current studies show a lot of similarities and genetic closeness may be used to confirm claims of both sides to Israel/Palesitne [sic] ...

“... Several studies have shown that Palestinians have a larger than usual (among Arabs) European blood. This may be explained by the Crusades and the establishment of a Crusader Kingdom in medieval times. It is highly likely that at least some percentage of the Palestinian population mixed with Europeans, either through intermarriage or rape of Arab women by Europeans, as well as European women by Arabs. Additionally, cities with significant Palestinian populations, including Bethlehem, Nazareth and Jerusalem, are sites of many Christian holy landmarks, which draw a large number of European tourists. This, too, may have played a role in the disproportionate amount of European genes found among Palestinians.”

Source: New York University Medical Center And School Of Medicine; Date: May 9, 2000: “Jews Are The Genetic Brothers Of Palestinians, Syrians, And Lebanese. If a common heritage conferred peace, then perhaps the long history of conflict in the Middle East would have been resolved years ago. For, according to a new scientific study, Jews are the genetic brothers of Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese, and they all share a common genetic lineage that stretches back thousands of years. ....

“The researchers analyzed the Y chromosome, which is usually passed unchanged from father to son, of more than 1,000 men worldwide. <Throughout human history, alterations have occurred in the sequence of chemical bases that make up the DNA in this so-called male chromosome, leaving variations that can be pinpointed with modern genetic techniques.> Related populations carry the same specific variations. In this way, scientists can track descendants of large populations and determine their common ancestors. [between < >, I consider conjecture]

“Specific regions of the Y chromosome were analyzed in 1,371 men from 29 worldwide populations, including Jews and non-Jews from the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, and Europe.

“The study, published in the May 9 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found that Jewish men shared a common set of genetic signatures with non-Jews from the Middle East, including Palestinians, Syrians, and Lebanese, and these signatures diverged significantly from non-Jewish men outside of this region. Consequently, Jews and Arabs share a common ancestor and are more closely related to one another than to non-Jews from other areas of the world ...

“The authors of this study are: Dr. Ostrer from NYU School of Medicine; Michael F. Hammer, Alan J. Redd, Elizabeth T. Wood, M. Roxane Bonner, Hamdi Jarjanazil, and Tanya Karafet from the University of Arizona, Tucson; Silvana Santachlara-Benerecetti, University of Pavia, Italy; Ariella Oppenheim, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; Mark A. Jobling, University of Leicester, England; Trefor Jenkins, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa; and Batsheva Bonne-Tamar, Tel Aviv University, Israel.” [Historical slips not fully addressed]

One cannot fully comprehend the racial makeup of the arabs and jews unless he understands the history of Egypt from A.D. 639 until the time of Napoleon I in 1798. The history of Egypt during this period is essentially the history of the entire Middle East. Genghis Khan in his exploits left a mongol genetic flavor to the population wherever he conquered new territory. Egypt, during this period found herself under various ruler-ships. In A.D. 639 the arabs invaded Egypt and came to power. Next were the Fatimids in A.D. 909. After this came the Ayyubids in 1174. Then in 1517 A.D. came the Mamelukes, followed by the Ottomans when Egypt was governed from Istanbul. If you don’t understand the history of the Middle East during this period, don’t pretend you know all about the arabs and jews today!

In the 1200’s, Genghis Khan sold a company of slaves to the Sultan of Egypt made up of turks and Circassians (people who inhabited the Caucasus, not to be confused with the white Caucasians) to become the Sultan’s body guards, and were also trained as soldiers. Soon the Mamelukes overthrew the Egyptian Sultan and put their own sultan in power. The Mameluke sultans then overran Asia Minor, Syria, and the island of Cyprus. In the wake of all these arab and turk exploits, the population was left with a multiracial flavor.

A commentator added this to the DNA evidence: “From 1301 on, the discriminatory laws increased, the communities dwindled and at the end of the 15th century less than 500 Jews remained in Egypt. The Jews who were expelled from Spain began to arrive in 1492 and organized themselves in separate communities from the Mustarabs, the local Jews. In the course of time, the two communities merged together.”