Covenant Theology vs. Replacement Theology

Covenant Theology vs. Replacement Theology

The following is a reply letter from me to one of my cousins, who is a churchianity judeotard, wanting to bring all the nonwhite, unclean, race-mixed bipeds (not created by the Almighty) into our Kingdom of Heaven and violate the Covenant given exclusively to Abraham, Isaac, and the twelve tribes of Israel and their descendants! I have tried very vigorously (evidently to no avail), sending pertinent material to him in favor of Covenant Theology, and against Replacement Theology!

July 18, 2017

Dear Merrill (Samuel) …. ,

Received your letter of 7-12-17 a few days ago, along with a miniature 2½" x 2" booklet with 16 pages, published by Amazing Grace Mission; P.O. Box 289; Dayton, TN 37321, and distributed by the First Baptist Church; P.O. Box 87; Bettsville, Ohio 44815.

When Will All of Israel be Awakened to Their Identity?

This is a very important question which I was asked by an astute lady, whom I will not name. Of course, when we make mention of this subject, we are talking about how the twelve tribes of Israel were “blinded” to who they were because they had been unfaithful to their Husband, Yahweh. Because Israel had been disloyal on many occasions, and repeatedly chastened for that disloyalty, eventually it became evident to Yahweh, her Husband, that He had no other alternative but to give her a writ of divorce.

The Insane Doctrine of Personal Salvation vs. Covenant Theology, #2

The doctrine of “personal salvation”, as promoted by nominal churchianity, is founded on the false premise that somehow Christ came to sacrifice Himself on the cross to give the whole world, no matter what race, an opportunity to decide whether or not they want to accept Him and enjoy the benefits of His Covenant. Such an assumption immediately makes Yahweh a 2nd class god! Poor old God, can’t do anything right!

The Insane Doctrine of Personal Salvation vs. Covenant Theology, #1

It is simply amazing how nominal churchianity attempts to tell us that John 3:16 is the “golden text of the Bible”. While John 3:16 is truly in the Scripture, it is best rendered by William Finck in his The Christogenea New Testament:

For Yahweh so loved the Society, that He gave the most-beloved Son, in order that each who believes in Him would not be lost but would have eternal life.”

Adam's Commission, #2

This is the second in a series on this topic, and how many papers will be necessary to adequately cover all the implications and ramifications is hard to determine at this point. I should point out that if you haven’t read Adam’s Commission, #1, you may not fully comprehend entirely what will be presented in this second issue. Previously, it was pointed out that Adam’s commission is to be found at Genesis 1, verses 26 & 28, with the creation of Adam sandwiched in-between at verse 27.

Adam's Commission, #1

With this paper, we’ll take up the subject of Adam’s commission found at Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 1:28 which reads as follows: “26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth ....

Nine Covenants With Adam-Man

Recorded in Scripture are nine major Covenants between Yahweh and Adam-man. They are as follows: (1) Edenic, (2) Adamic, (3) Noahic, (4) Abrahamic, (5) Mosaic, (6) Palestinian, (7) Davidic, (8) Solomonic, and (9) The New Covenant. This does not include the Covenant made separately with Sarah. With these various Covenants, there are several elements. All of these Covenants are made exclusively and only with the descendants of Adam. Contrary to modern tradition, Adam was the father of the White race only. 



Genesis 1:28-29: “And [Yahweh-singular] Elohim blessed them, and Elohim said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”

The Edenic Covenant made Adam, being created in Yahweh’s own image, responsible to multiply, populate and subdue the earth. Adam was, therefore, given the office of priest-kingship and became Yahweh’s vice-regent, being accountable to Him in all his realm. Adam not only became king, but also high priest; making him Yahweh’s representative on earth to rule over all things therein. Thus, he found himself in charge of the whole visible creation before him, to contemplate and to make himself comfortable therewith. He was different from all men that had been before, inasmuch as he was both flesh and Spirit. The new element in the creation of Adam was being “in the image” and after the “likeness” of Yahweh Himself. In this context, it showed his ability to have communion with Yahweh; and later made the Incarnation of the Word possible. In being fruitful, Adam became responsible for bringing forth a race after his own likeness. Contrary to today’s pseudo-science, considering all the varieties found among men, they are not all of the same family or species.

The Clergy Claims God Committed Fraud

This is a very serious charge to make against anyone, let alone the Almighty. I believe, though, once the evidence is weighed, there will be no alternative but to bring this very grave charge against Him, and penalize Him accordingly. After all, if He has committed such an appalling crime, why should He be treated differently from anyone else? The charge for this crime of fraud has already been alleged by a multitude of people, so it’s about time that charges are written up, and a summons be given Him to appear in court to face these allegations.

Before this charge of fraud is laid, let’s see just what the term “fraud” means. For this, we will use The World Book Encyclopedia, 1971, volume 7, page 421:

“Fraud is an intentional untruth or a dishonest scheme used to take deliberate and unfair advantage of another person or group of persons. Actual fraud includes cases of misrepresentation designed specifically to cheat others ... Actual fraud includes something said, done, or omitted by a person with the design of continuing what he knows to be a cheat or a deception. Constructive fraud includes acts or words that tend to mislead others ... Ordinarily, a person wronged by another’s fraud may sue the wrongdoer and recover the amount of damages caused by the fraud or deceit. But the person wronged must be able to prove damages ...”

Born Under Contract

Imagine yourself being born, and when you took your first breath, you found yourself under a binding legal obligation emanating from your ancestors which you cannot, in any way, annul. As a matter of fact, if you are a member of a certain group of people, you have several contracts by which you must abide which will affect every major phase and all the decisions of your life. There is only one group of people in the entire world who are born with this obligation on their physical, mental and spiritual beings.